밀고 당길 땐 벌써 지났는데


(a/n: i was just thinking that sowon and youngji could've known each other bec sowon was a trainee in dsp for a while since 2010?? and youngji should've been training arnd then and like baby kara so yeap HAHAHA alsooooo I might not be able to update next week because I'll be overseas from today on and will hvae no access to my laptop!!! tho i'll try my best and forgive me if the layout is haywire for next week if i do update)

chapter 10:

"밀고 당길 땐 벌써 지났는데"

"It's past the time to play games"



Jackson strolls down the lane that leads to his home mindlessly, his mind preoccupied with thoughts that he himself cannot understand.

He hasn't seen Eunbi for a week. He hasn't been seeing students around in their uniform on the way to school, so he guesses that it's the summer holidays.

Is Eunbi not around? His mind is constantly having thoughts of her. His heart feels empty after almost a whole month of zero interaction, and he's actually craving to see her- he thinks he's mad because they aren't even close, but he's actually missing her.

He stops when he realises the light coming from a window in beside his bedroom's. He turns to look and sees that it is Eunbi's home. His lips curve into a small smile with the possibility that she is back.

Jackson quickens is footsteps and walks straight up to his front gate. He swiftly unlocks the gate and steps into his front yard. After hastily locking up the gate behind him, he takes a few slow steps and stops.

Jackson looks up at the window, only to see Eunbi's soft brown eyes staring back at his own. His heart beat stops for a second, until Eunbi suddenly disappears from the window.

He stands at his front yard, frozen, his eyes still glued onto the window. He feels his heart squeeze. 

"Jackson! You're back!" he is shaken back to reality when he hears his mother's voice. Reluctantly, Jackson tears away his gaze from the window and decides to enter his house. 

With every footstep he takes his heart feels even heavier, and his mind clouds further with thoughts about Eunbi. Jackson releases a sigh. Part of him just wants to run out, scream her name, and be with her. He fights the urge to do so, very much bewildered by his own feelings. He doesn't understand himself at all, and it pains him. He clenches his hands into tight fists, deeply frustrated.

As he ponders he then recalls Youngji's words: "That's it, you're in love," she has said. Jackson's head drops.

Now he (finally) knows for sure: he's fallen in love with Eunbi.




"Sunbaenim, do you remember me?" Sojung anxiously presses the phone against her face.

"Sojung! Of course I do," Sojung heaves a sigh of relief and flashes a small nervous smile as she hears it.

"Do you wanna meet up for a bit?" Sojung asks.

"Sure," Youngji chuckles, "When and where?"




"Actually, I've actually got something I'd like to ask," Sojung carefully starts.

Youngji looks up and faces her junior. "Yeah?" she asks with a smile.

"Do you know a Jackson?" Sojung asks.

Youngji's eyes widen. "Jackson, yeah I know," she speaks slowly and nods her head, stunned. "You know him?"

Sowon gulps. So it's true, she thinks.

"I've a close friend who knows him," Sojung explains, "they're neighbours."

Sojung observes as Youngji's smile gradually drops. "Oh," Youngji mutters softly.

Sojung stays silent, along with Youngji, panicking on the inside as she puzzles over how she is to react.

"Sorry sunbaenim, I didn't mean to be rude, let's continue with our meal," Sojung looks down at the plate of food before her and continues eating.

Youngji heaves a small sigh and starts to speak in a casual tone. "Truth to be told, I know he's in love with her. And she probably is with him too. And even though I think I like him too, I'm all set to help them be together because he's going to be happy with her," Youngji pauses, "and not me."

Sojung looks up. Her fingers lose grip of the cutlery, and she stares straight at Youngji, taken aback.

"I've only met him for a bit after so many years, and we've only been communicating through phone calls all this while, but I've got butterflies and heartbeat racing and all I know all too well what this means," Youngji continues to explain. "He's been making me happy, and I feel happy thinking about him- I guess this is what it feels like to be in love? So even though it's a short time, I know how I feel."

Sojung slowly opens . "W-Why are you telling me all this?" she stutters, extremely bemused and shocked by Youngji's words.

Youngji does not answer her question but continues speaking, "But anyway like I said, Jackson is all over her and since she probably likes him too they should just be happy together, and I'll be glad for him."

Sojung nods in understanding, but in her mind is a mess of thoughts. She looks down and frowns, feeling that she's being put in an awkward position, with Youngji being a close senior from her middle school days and Eunbi being almost like a sister to her.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she whispers, refusing to look up.

"Don't be," Youngji smiles anyway. "Let's eat, Sojung ah."



Jackson wakes up one morning with the sun rays fiercely shining into his room on his face. His body shoots up from the bed and he looks around for the clock.

He almost screams when he realises the time, and hurries to get ready for dance lesson that is supposed to start an hour early that day due to an upcoming performance.

"I'm going!" he casually hollers as he slips into his shoes and runs out of the house. He continues running and does not stop, all the way to the bus stop.

However, his legs freeze and he halts as he arrives at the bus stop, with the presence of a certain person.

She is seated on the bench at the other side of the bus stop, her eyes on the road. Slowly she turns to face him, and they both stiffen up.

Jackson looks into her eyes without a single word. His breath stops, and so does his heart. 

Eunbi wants to turn away so badly but no matter how hard she tries, her eyes stay longingly on his.

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gfrnd_15 #1
Chapter 1: What an actual
when i wrote this fic i actually haven't experienced much but after having a crush i realised a lot of these feelings are real haha and altho the two didn't interact much in this fic i felt like it was the same for me, i didn't have many chances to talk to him but i just ended up liking him after watching him from afar HAHAHA okay anw i got over him :)
Chapter 12: They are soo cute. I love watching them on Weekly Idol.
Chapter 12: I loved it!
Chapter 13: this was really cute, but i'm still wishing there was more character development & incidents where they talked. the last chapter was really sentimental, great job :-)
oneandonly2233 #6
ahmahs #7
Chapter 12: Hehe an ending that really suits this cute couple:) Thank you for this beautiful work that never fails to make my heart flutter