Lets Talk

I wish this was a dream
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"You're finally getting released! Mr Lee, how are you feeling?" Johnny shoved his hand in the younger boys face as if it was really a microphone, he was putting on his best 'reporters' voice. He continued his 'report' on the boy until someone pushed him away. "No more, my son wants to live peacefully and quietly without your ugly face around" Yuta claimed, putting his hands up dramatically as if he was really defending the boy from cameras.

"Hyung, why are they even here? They're your friends, not mine". Mark whined, trying his hardest to scowl at the other boys but failing as he was almost laughing at their act. Yuta fell to floor, terrible impressions of fake sobs filling the room, Johnny patting his back in a 'comforting' way from behind. "How could you make your dad cry like this Mark Lee? This is not how we raised you!" Yuta wailed as he rolled around on the floor, only to get kicked by Taeil who had walked in on the scene.  

"We? Who's the other parent?" Johnny asked, looking down at Yuta who was cursing at Taeil from the floor. "Hmmm...Ji Hansol is the mother of course, as I am his dad" Yuta declared proudly, Taeyong scoffed from where he was sitting on the bed.

"Who's his dad? If you were his dad I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have lasted even two years growing up with you" Taeil walked carelessly over the now flailing body of Yuta. "Moon Taeil, you snake! Just wait until I tell Hansol about this" Yuta huffed, as he moved over to the bed, trying to snuggle up to Mark. "Well since I'm such a snake I have another question. Why are you the dad when you bottom to Hansol? Shouldn't you be the mom, not him?" Yuta blushed harshly at the statement, stuttering several times before hiding behind Mark, wondering if he should just die right there from embarrassment (quickly deciding he shouldn't because he needed to kill Taeil first).

"Anyway, Mark of course we are your friends, I mean we've know you since you were this small. " Johnny pinched his fingers so they were only slightly apart, Mark rolled his eyes at the exaggeration. "You're an idiot, how could he have been only that small?" Yuta said from his space next to the youngest boy. "You're just jealous that you weren't there, you shouldn't have been in Japan if you really wanted to see him grow up". Yuta pounced at Johnny "Yah I was born in Japan, and how high even are you? You came to Korea the same year that I did, you stupid Chicago brat!" The two continued to bicker.

Taeyong ignored all his friends. "Sorry Mark-ah, the youngest boys are all at school and these idiots insisted on coming to pick you up with me" Taeyong moved to sit on the other side of his younger brother, ignoring the loud denials from Johnny and Yuta. Mark nodded before looking into his brother's eyes. "Can I go and see Donghyuck today? He hasn't visited since the day I came in.." he looked down, eyebrows furrowed at the thought of his younger friend, the tanned boy had avoided visiting everyday. He had asked Jeno and Jaemin several times, but each time they had told him new excuses for the boy.

His was taken from his thought as he felt a large hand pat his head. "Cheer up, Donghyuck was just overwhelmed, he wasn't avoiding you". Hearing the conversation Yuta gave him a hard pat on the back, sending the boys body forward a little bit. "For once Johnny is actually right" Johnny made an indignant noise but didn't interrupt. "Donghyuck's been asking about you everyday, he just didn't know how to ask in person so...he didn't?"

Taeil hit Yuta on the back of the "Don't say it like that, you'll confuse him" he turned towards Mark with a warm smile on his face. "But Hyung when I think about it I also don't understand..." Yuta tried to explain but was silenced by Taeil who glared at him before turning back towards Mark. "Donghyuck feels sorry that he wasn't able to help you that night, he just needs some time to try and sought out his feelings and thoughts, that's all". Taeyong nodded at his boyfriend "Taeil's right, we can go visit Donghyuck later tonight, that way you two can talk about it. Mark nodded, smiling at the older boys in appreciation. "Thanks".

"That reminds me, Taeyong, where's your dad, I hardly ever see him visit". The American boy asked looking around the room as if to prove his point. Taeyong frowned "He has work, like always" he tried to keep the anger out of his tone, looking next to him he saw Mark now had an unhappy expression on his face once again. "Anyway lets talk about something else, Yuta how's Hansol?" Yuta pouted, clearly not happy with the conversation topic "Well that jerk is too busy for me right now, I get he has work to do but he never has time for me" Yuta complained, his tone whiny. Taeil rolled his eyes at the Japanese boy.

"He takes you out pretty much everyday, what nonsense are you speaking?"

"Yeah, but he...he...wait you're right" his face brightened up as soon as he realised, his head filling with happy thoughts about his boyfriend.

"Anyway...Mark when are you going back to school?" The younger boy groaned, Taeyong answering for him "In a few weeks, he'll be moving down a grade, possibly two depending on how much he needs to catch up with". Johnny laughed as he heard the youngest member in the room complain even louder at the words.

"Oh I have some news that could cheer you up". Mark perked up, immediately listening to the American boy. "Sicheng and Kun finally managed to get enough time to come back to Korea, they said they could only visit for the weekend but they're making plans to move back here in a few months". Taeyong smiled as he saw his brothers eyes brighten at the news.

"Really? What day?"

"Friday, they'll be leaving again on Sunday. They're trying to convince Ten to come to, I don't know how they doing with that but it means Ten might be coming as well".

"In that case we should all get together for the whole weekend, it's been a long time since we've all been together so we might as well enjoy it" Yuta said, excited at seeing every one again, Mark agreed happily.

The light hearted chatter continue until a nurse came into the room, a loud cough letting her presence be known. Taeyong left to finish the paper work his father had not bothered to come and do, collecting the other boys from the room after he had finished.

They walked down the white halls loudly, earning disapproving looks from staff members. As they reached the entrance, Johnny easily walked ahead of them, turning around to face the rest of the boys as he reached the doors. "Mark Lee will now be exiting the building, on this fine day in October a historical day marks the calendar, the day that Mr Lee Minhyung leaves this stuffy hospital so he can travel the long journey back home". The other boys tried to pretend that they didn't know the other, but as soon as they left the building they were surprised by the flashing of real cameras, and the loud questions from stupid reporters. The older boy immediately stood around the youngest to try and protect

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Hey Guys! I am currently writing the final chapter, I know it is long overdue but it has been a hard year. I apologise for the delay but I hope to finish the chapter by the end of tomorrow as a gift to start the new year! :)


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syxminxcy #1
The story is great! Thanks for writing such an amazing fanfic authornim ? but I am still curious abt the connection between Mark's father and the demon tho..and the demon itself. How did the owner of the park became a demon with yellow eyes?
Naighy #2
Chapter 8: i mean, i wasn’t wrong, im kinda reading this instead of learning even tho it’s half past twelve ??
Naighy #3
Chapter 1: this is gonna be good, i can feel it
Chapter 12: Oh my god when I read the title for this chapter I shed tears I was like "NOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST KILL SOMEONE OFF LIKE THATTTTTT"
Chapter 12: I just read through the whole story. OMG! This fic was AMAZING! Very well done, great writing skills. The message in this story for me was the power of friendship is an unbreakable bond. I kind of hope for a Epilogue simply because I want to read about the aftermath and how they are all dealing. I'm selfish in wanting more Mark & Donghyuck moments.
zadinhabbad #6
Chapter 11: Waw nice, I really anticipate hyuck part, the best for the end
Chapter 11: If somebody dies then I cry really hard. I dare u