Jee Strikes

Angel In The Spotlight


Back at JiEun’s, he couldn’t stop thinking of Eunhyuk. She should have apologized for the behavior that has been laid to Eunhyuk, being that he had nothing to do with the situation. She didn’t have a good sleep that night either, thinking about how she should just leave Jee. She had repeatedly tell her parents about the bad points of Jee but was always supported and sided by her parents.

‘Everybody have their bad points’, said her parents.


That was it! I’m gonna make it clear to him, regardless of my parent’s consent.

It was finally night time, 9PM. JiEun had no mood for to choose her clothes so she just wore a yellow singlet and skinnys. She went over to the café, waiting for Eunhyuk. She had on a serious face which made the entire atmosphere a horrible one. Finally at 10PM, Eunhyuk came in.

Eunhyuk: Hmm, JiEun is early. Maybe she’s feeling extra sad. I should go and talk to her.

He went over to JiEun and felt as though a dark cloud is on her head.

Eunhyuk: JiEunnie, what’s wrong with my girl today?

JiEun: [In her mind] Heehee, he just called me his ‘girl’! Haha~

Giving off a smile, while saying

JiEun: Hyuk, I’m sorry. For what happened last night. Jee was out of his mind and on his behalf, I would like to apologise.

Eunhyuk was shocked! He held up her chin with his hand and said,

Hyuk: It’s not your fault! Nor is it his. Maybe he’s not familiar yet with me.

JiEun: But you DO know I’m sorry too right?

Hyuk: Whatever for?

JiEun: For not defending you enough that time.

Her eye starts to swell and tears began to form. She released his hands and looked down. Her tears slowly fall down from her cheeks. Eunhyuk was frustrated because he doesn’t really mind the punch but JiEun was really upset over the whole matter. Eunhyuk gave JiEun a good hug and said,

Hyuk: JiEunnie, I didn’t know you were that upset over this matter. Please stop crying. Now, let’s go and have a walk.

JiEun wiped off her tears and stop sobbing. She looked up and received a gum smile by Eunhyuk. She was glad that at least there’s someone that understood her feelings.


They have been out for a few weeks and JiEun’s parents got to know about it just a few nights ago through Jee. Jee have been giving reports about Eunhyuk to her parents, negative ones. He has been telling lies but JiEun’s dad didn’t buy those lies, though the reports sounded convincing. That is because he saw them out before and her dad could sense that Eunhyuk is really taking care of his little girl, the way she deserved. Being a teacher, having psychology is really the key. Her mom was gullible per se. She entirely believes Jee and didn’t like Eunhyuk one bit though she had never seen him.

 So one night, his father wanted to confront Eunhyuk to really get to know him so he arranged dinner. JiEun and Eunhyuk were already out, wanted to buy a few gifts for their first meeting. When they were at the corner to JiEun’s house to fetch her parents, Jee came out of the dark and grabbed Eunhyuk by the collar.

Jee: AAARGH! What is wrong with you? Why can’t you leave her alone?

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