The First Time

Angel In The Spotlight



He ordered hot green tea and sat at the corner one seater. There was also a small bar beside the counter. Then, there she was. A girl wearing blue jeans and yellow tee. She had a shoulder length straight hair, black slightly brown. Since her face was shun by the orange ceiling light, it shone her face like an angel. The girl felt awkward; like someone watching her differently, aware of her presence.

Girl: [In her mind] That guy with the graffiti hoodie is looking at me suspiciously. Maybe his ex-girlfriend sat at the exact same place, bringing back nostalgic memories. Maybe I should change my place so I wouldn’t be distracting him.

Stood up and sat 2 seats away from where she was.

Hyuk: [In his mind] Umm..? She’s changing seats. I wonder why?

 Having his eyes directly on her. She was having a yellow watch with a shawl tied to the beg strap that end up around her shoulders due to the cold temperature of the café. A few minutes later, Replay by SHINee came out from the speaker. Eunhyuk being Eunhyuk, stood up and dance to the rhythm. Since there was also a small stage, he got up and dance the ‘Noona noumu yeppo..’ part. He made a good impression with his R & B genre plus his attire. Having a yellow cap with graffiti hoodie, he had the entire cafe to himself.

Noona, my MVP..

JiEun got off her seat and danced with Eunhyuk, in a mirror image direction.

Not bad, Eunhyuk thought.

Thinking about you, yeppo.

Then, they finally ended the dance with a smile. Eunhyuk took his cup and went over to JiEun’s place. 

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