Chapter 6

Unexpected Desire


“How was your inter-“

Sojin came to the house with heavy heart and huge stomped.

“I’ll take that as a no.” Growing up with Sojin, Jong Hoon clearly understands she needed some space for a little while. His sister was definitely not in the right mind. Extending the time, Jong Hoon poured a cup of water for Sojin.

Sojin was currently being irrational, and she knows it. Grabbing the cup her brother handed, she tried to calm herself down letting the water smoothen her dry throat.

“You want to talk about it?” Jong Hoon spoke once Sojin calmed herself – albeit she was still furious deep inside.

“Nothing’s wrong, he’s just a sick jerk.” And an , a devil, a stupid – and all the bad things that can be intergrated in a human.

“Who is ‘he’?” Jong Hoon emphasized his last word.

“Kim Jong in.”

“And you supposed I know this ‘Kim Jong in?”

“Everybody in this whole nation knows him, come on!” Despite Sojin never knew his face, Sojin have heard his name couples of times from magazine and TV.

“Kim Jongin – CEO of Kim Corp,” Sojin elaborated more. 

Jong Hoon looked lost, “The one who inherited his father business at the age of twenty-five!”

“Oh him!” His hand made a clap sound, “Why don’t you say that first? Everyone knows that.” She suddenly felt small, how in the world Sojin has the guts to slap and bad-mouth him. Sojin was this close to shed or throw a glass of water near his face one hour ago, she was glad she did not. With his power, she cannot imagine her life would be. She might ended up in jail. 

Sojin's hope was crushed within 20 minutes of her interview because of that ! Did he really have to threaten her with her other jobs? 

“Why is he a ‘sick jerk’?” Jong Hoon said, Sojin was not sure but Jong Hoon eyes went larger than normal, “Did you do something wrong to him? Are you out of you-“

Nice. Even her brother is siding him.

“Didn’t I say nothing?” Sojin assured him but it sounded more harsh than what she expected before continuing, “He just interviewed me and I figured what kind of person he is. The whole nation is truly oblivious.”

“What did he do?” Jong Hoon stopped for a while, “You should also know you do have quite a temper,” His voice was barely audible, but she can make up every word he said. Of course his brother would not believe everything she said. How would she tell him? Oh he kissed me in the club and I ended up slapping him, then I met him today and he threatened me.

‘Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s not talk about this, can we?” Sojin gave him a hummed after her last word. She did not want this situation to bother him as much as it did to her.

“Aish, don’t ever stop in the middle of a story.” Jong Hoon warned me, laughing at the very end. “Oh I almost forgot, I booked the dance studio for today,”

“You did?”

“Yes and you should probably get going now.”

“Oh Jong Hoon!” Sojin’s heart melted, for a second she forgot about Kim Jongin, “Thank you!” She hugged her brother before preparing all she needed – towels, pair of clothes, and her CD player.

After what she went through today, she needed a break.

“Don’t forget your shoes!” Her brother reminded her. Oh how careless she was.

“Thanks!” Sojin ran to her rack and grabbed her old shoe – probably the only pair of shoe she had.

It usually took 20 minutes for Sojin to get into the dance studio. But today was exceptionally different because there was no traffic. At least the city and traffic was siding her for today. 

Sojin entered the booked room and the light. Placing her CD player at the very end of the room, she pressed the button ‘play’ on her CD player. There was nothing better than standing alone in the room, with dim light that speaks the compassionate feeling. The music started to linger in the room and Sojin walked towards the center of the room, face to face with her mirror reflection. She closed her eyes, letting her body moves with the music. She turned gracefully, allowing her body in tune with the music. As the music went fast, Sojin moved faster; and as the music went slow, Sojin moved slower. Everything from her hand, her feet, her heartbeat and the music went in sync.

For a moment, everything went perfect. That was when she decided to let go. She let go her worries, her pain, her panic, her doubts and her life. For now, nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Sojin needed this, although this was just 10 minutes escape from her real world. For once, Sojin forgot about her brother and Kim Jongin who just entered her life.

As the music came to an end, her right arm was stretched above as if Sojin was reaching the endless sky.

Finally, with heavy breathing, Sojin slowly opened her eyes. She could feel her shoulders moving up and down. Sojin, once again, met her own reflection on the mirror in front of her. She was not frowning and she did not look tired, she looked…




Just until, her phone vibrated. She unlocked her screen and received 3 emails at the same time.

She took her word back – she was definitely not revived.

All the other 3 companies she applied just canceled her interview, and there was only one person in her mind.

Kim Jong in.


That bastard.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Is Mr. Kim available now? I would like to meet him.” Sojin talked to the girl receptionist. She needed to see him again. She did not know what she will say to him, but she hoped she will not explode in front of a man who does not worth Sojin's time. 

How dare he!

“What’s your name?”

“Eun Sojin,”

“He has no appointment registered in that name,”

“Ah, I'm actually here without appointment, can I still meet him?”

“Mrs Sojin, he is a very busy man. Sorry.” She sounded so nice and fair, although her face expression said otherwise. Sojin can bet Mr. Kim was still upstairs; it has only been 2 hours since her interview.

“Eun So jin?” Sojin was about to head back when she heard her name being called. She turned around to the source and found a man going towards her way.

“You’re here to see Mr. Kim Jongin?”

“Yes, is he available?”

He nodded, “Follow me,”

Sojin looked at the receptionist who looked at the man and back to me for few more times. Liar.

“I’m Min Joon, the one who called you yesterday.”

“Ah that was why your voice is awfully familiar.” Sojin chuckled. She entered the elevator, followed by Min Joon.

“I thought your interview was this afternoon, do you have any problem?”

“No everything is great," - Great my - "I was just here to talk about my job,"

Once the metal box hit the 12th floor, it opened letting them exposed to the room. Min Joon allowed Sojin to enter first. Knowing where Mr. Kim Jongin room is, Sojin walked there, followed by Min Joon who was now trailing at the back.

“I’ll be going now,” Min Joon headed to another door, leaving Sojin alone. Once she was in front the black door, Sojin knocked – albeit she wanted so badly to storm in. At least, she still has moral and attitude.

She handled the doorknob down and the door opened, but she did not find the one she was looking for and nothing was in her sight – except for the modernized furniture. Sojin knocked the opened door once again.

“You must miss me a lot.” Sojin briskly turned around to where the voice came from and he was there standing in front of her. Jongin was leaning on the door with his arms folded on his chest – the exact gesture except his face was not expressionless compared to the night at the club.

“Why are you there?” Without thinking and still feeling a bit surprised, Sojin asked. She instantly regretted how dumb her question was.

He chuckled. He must think I’m stupid. “Is there anything wrong with going outside this room?”

Sojin did not answer – not because she did not want to but because she did not know how to answer him. Her question was just so dumb to be debated back. Silent went to them and Sojin can feel the tension between them before he started to speak again. She noticed he always start the conversation when it gets awkward between them.

“Is there something wrong?” He took a step forward inside the room and closed the door. Instantly, Sojin can hear the automatic lock sound from the door. “Oh, I forgot. My offer is still open, just so you know”.

Sojin scoffed, loud enough for him to hear. Is there something wrong? The hell there is!

Did he think this was a small and unimportant matter to him? Did he think this was all a joke? Because it was certainly not for Sojin. Her life and her brother depend on this job!

“Just cut the act, Mr Kim!” Sojin raised her voice, she hoped no one would hear her from outside.

“I don't understand”. 

“Care to explain why I received 3 emails of canceled interviews?”

“Ah that,” He walked passed by her presence and sat behind his worktable. Sojin had to turn around to face him again. “I warned you already, didn’t I?” His lips twitched into a smirk, and his eyes grew playful every second passed by. She observed the man across from her; he rested his head on his chin and slightly tilted his head to the right. He looked like he was about to laugh.

Is that all he had to say?

Sojin squinted her eyes; there was so much frustration inside her she tried to restrain herself from blowing up. All what she wanted is to negotiate and talk a normal conversation with Mr. Kim, but seeing what he did, she should have just throw glass of water to him on her interview. She have to take this conversation in a different way.

“Is this all some kind of joke to you?” Sojin’s voice was so determined, so focused and Jongin can sense the anger in her voice. He did not expect for her to be so serious. “Is this funny to you?” She was whispering, but every word directed to himwas so clear for Jongin. He was probably shuddering – he was not sure either. Never in his he had a girl do this to him. This situation was way worse for his own liking.

“Because it’s certainly not to me.” Sojin firmly said. Jongin can feel the energy in her, radiating from her petite body.

He was probably seeing it wrong, but her eyes were slightly teary.




Jongin did not mean this at all! He genuinely thought she would accept his offer when Min Joon told him Sojin was there, afterall who does not want to work in Kim Corp. But once again, probably for the many times already, he thought wrong about this girl.

“My life and my brother’s life depended on it. Who the hell are you to take my freedom away?  And who are you to take my rights away?” Sojin breathed heavily and for a moment he just looked at me, “Ah I forgot,” She rolled her eyes before continuing, “You would not know how it feels like. Your life must be so perfect already.”  

“Many people are striving to make a living, including me, so if your life is so boring, go ing kiss or sleep with another next girl you meet at the club rather than threatening me.”

Jongin faced her and her eyes were so focused on his presence. He took this silence opportunity to call his PA in the telephone on his desk.. “Send the security to take her away.”

“There is no need, Mr Kim. I was about to head back myself. Thank you for the time.” Sojin lastly said. She did not want any of his bodyguard to drag her outside - she has legs for godness sake!

With that Sojin stormed around and Jongin was glued to his sit. He felt stupid and powerless, why didn’t he defend himself?

He was not sure why either.

Before she exited the door, Sojin turned around, facing him. Jongin can see knuckles and palms shuddering. “I hope we don’t cross each other’s path again!” Her voice was so calm and slow – her voice told that she was very fine – until she slammed the door. Her action begs to differ.  

Jongin’s hand naturally found its way through his hair.

“I heard you called me Mr Kim, do you need any help?” The security went inside the room after she leaved, and there was a thick panic tone in the security's voice.

“Get out!” Jongin slammed the table, “And get me wine!”




I planned to focus towards Jongin's point of view for the next chapter! So stay tuned!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it was pretty hard to plan the dialogue so I'm DEEPLY SORRY if it's a big cringy and kind of like not smooth.

I tried.... HAHA

Oh I'm also probably going to edit the dancing part, it's a bit too fast, is it? 




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syayifan #1
Chapter 5: you know what ? All of ur story are super greattttttt please trust me u are one of my fav author i hope ur story will famous and u will be a well known author i will help u to promote all of ur story...just keep it up and move on to ur next story...i will always support u author
Chapter 8: Jongin is hella cute!! just a Little touch from Sojin and he feels the spark! xD
Chapter 7: omg the last part!!! Jongin's really persistent :)
Chapter 6: I freaking love this story!!! I'm so excited for the next chapters. You're doing a great work, author-nim ❤

I feel bad for Sojin :( her hard work worths nothing because of Jongin. I hope he will realize his mistake :(

Btw their couple name can be DoubleIn! Haha
Nana_Kai #5
Chapter 5: Love, love, love!! :)
hogohogo #6
Chapter 3: Nice story !!