
My Brother's Rival
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JB just woke up from his sleep after the successful operation. He was fine now, until they've found out that he had amnesia.

"uhmm... you are?" JB asked Jihyo once again.

"She's your..." Nayeon tried answering in her behalf.

"I'm your schoolmate and you saved me from the accident." Jihyo said as she look into Nayeon's eyes. It's as if telling her not to tell anything more to JB.

"Oh..." JB then nodded his head. "What's your name then?" 

"It's better that you don't know. Thank you again sunbaenim for saving me." She bowed to him and hurriedly ran off outside.

JB gave Nayeon a puzzled look but Nayeon just gave him a smile trying to hide her emotion.

Once Jihyo was outside the door. She leaned on to it and held her hand on her chest. The pain is just too unbearable that she once again break down in tears. She blamed herself for everything. She also told herself that JB forgetting about her is the best way. She doesn't want to cause him any more hurt or pain.

She was crying too much when her brother arrived. It pains him to see her in that situation.

"Jihyo..." Jinyoung approached her slowly but the girl shoved him away.

"Don't touch me. I really hate you." She ran passed him and went home on her own.

The only thing that Jinyoung could do now is to distance himself and hopefully Jihyo's heart would eventually forgive him.

Days passed and JB is now officially discharged from the hospital. His injury wasn't severe, the only repercussion was him loosing his memory about Jihyo. He was finally getting well and had the chance to go back to school.

The girls immediately swarmed around him when they saw him. Jackson had to push them all away to make room for him to breathe. It's kinda weird for him to see that JB's patience still hasn't run out yet but the annoyance in his face was evident.

Everyone who knew about JB and Jihyo's relationship have been told to keep it a secret. Jihyo asked all of them not to tell JB anything so everyone including Jackson followed and respected her wishes.

Ever since the accident and JB loosing his memory made Jihyo gloomy. She wasn't the same bubbly girl that they all knew. She never laugh nor smile again. And even as to this day, she still hasn't spoken to her brother yet. Her friends stayed by her side everytime but she is just like a zombie walking around lifeless.

There wasn't a single night that she would cry herself to sleep. She hates herself just as much as she misses him. She told herself she will get over the hurt but as the days passed, she wasn't getting any better. In fact, she's getting worse. Her friends can't help but to get worried about her.

There were often times that she would see JB and the guy would glance back at her but she would just avoid his gaze and looked down instead.

Its like they were playing a silent game. She always caught him staring at her and then she would look away. The guy on the other hand, would also caught her glances but he can't make himself to approach her because he can sense that she was somewhat scared and hurt for some reason he doesn't know.

And then one time while she was walking in the corridor with her friends, she suddenly got bumped and fell down.

"Arggh" she groaned from the impact.

"Watched where you're going!" The guy said. "Oh it's you". He somehow remembered her from the hospital.

She slowly looked up and saw that it was JB. Her eyes widened and just immediately looked away when their eyes met.

"Let me help you." He lend out a hand but Jihyo ignored it. Instead she stood up on her own.

"I'm fine." She fixed herself up.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter." She said.

"Aren't you the girl from the hospital before? You said I saved your life. You could atleast say your name." 

"It's better that you don't know." She said and started walking away when she felt his hand on her arm.

"Wait!" He tried to stopped her. But the moment when he looked into her eyes, he saw the tears that are on the verge of falling so he let go.

Jihyo quickly run away and her friends run to to follow her.

JB just heaved a heavy sigh. 'What's wrong with her?' He thought. Though he can't remember her, he seemed to be bothered by her so much.

Jihyo asked her friends to give her sometime alone and they did. So she went to her favorite place. The place where she and JB made a lot of memories with.

She climed the stairs and went straight to the corner of the rooftop. The sun just started to set and the view made her feel warm. The wind was blowing onto her face as the cool breeze surrounds the place. She can't help but to let the tears to flow again. What happened earlier is like the same time on how they have met. The memories flashed before her eyes as new set of tears are now flowing. 

She was so engrossed in her own world that she didn't realize that someone was already beside her. She only noticed it when the guy handed her his handkerchief.

"Here, you might need it." JB said.

She wiped her tears with her hand and didn't take the guy's offer.

"What are you doing here?" She said.

"My feet just dragged me here and I happened to see you." He explained. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I'll be going now." She said and she started walking away when JB once again stopped her.

"Wait! I don't know you but I always find myself drown to you. Why does it seem that you are scared of me? Did I do something wrong?" 

"No-no... you did not." She said looking down.

"Then why are avoiding me?!"

"I'm not avoiding you!"

"You are! Just now, you are about to go. You said I saved your life. Do you feel guilty about it that's why you always looked away? Tell me." He said grabbing on to her arms.

"You are my brother's rival that's why I should avoid you. That's right, I am the president's sister. I was told to move away from you! Just let go of me now"

"No! You're eyes says otherwise. I can see that you are hurt. I don't care if you are Jinyoung's sister. I am asking for your name."

"Will you leave me alone if I tell you?!"

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Wooh~ this is already reaching 200 subs :D
I might make a one shot sequel if it reached 200 subs or 10 upvotes. Thank you for reading :)))


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Chapter 12: the way you use "haist" omg are you a filipino? hayst HAHAHAHAHAH
junssoeun #2
zphyr00wolf #3
Chapter 30: Thank you author-nim :)
That was so sweet
sunmaniac #4
Chapter 29: I really love this story.please keep writing authornim
junssoeun #5
I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T____T