Games People Play

The Reincarnation of Lee Donghae


The driver stepped out of the limousine, bowing to Aiden. He was met with a pleasant surprise when the actor handed him an enviable tip.

“I’ve seen you around a lot,” he smiled. “Save it well, okay?”

The driver nodded and skipped to his seat. Aiden slipped next to Top, who raised an eyebrow at him.

“Quite a Samaritan, aren’t you Aiden?”

“Oh you have no idea Top,” he replied. “If it was upto me, I would be saving lives for all of eternity.”

“Well,” Top said, pouring some wine into a second glass. “Sometimes, fate has other plans. You can’t go against that, can you?”

Aiden smiled, clinking his glass of wine with the old man’s. “Nope, not against fate.”

“So what is this surprise you have for me Aiden?” Top shifted to face the young star, who had not even bothered to finish the contents of the glass. “I’ve heard the pre-production information has been quite unreachable to many.”

“It should be Top,” replied Aiden. “It’s a big venture and this time, I am not taking any risks. The other productions were alright… but this? This is different. Safe to say, its quite close to my heart. This whole story of reincarnation that you spun in the old version seems to interest the new generation a lot.”

“Oh really?” Top snorted. “That was just for commercial reasons. Never thought that some idiots could bother believing in crap like that.”

“Crap? So you don’t believe in rebirth?”

“Of course not!” Top slammed his glass on the table, while Aiden made a mental note of the man’s tolerance level. “Its ridiculous, the transfer of one soul across years to complete some unfinished task. You know Aiden, I was doing some research on the topic while writing the story. And there’s some rubbish I came across!”

“Like what?”

“Well,” Top sighed, a smirk on his lips. “There was this one theory that flashbacks only occur when the cause of death is replayed to the person. Like who will remember that? And there’s another theory, a more ridiculous one! Apparently, if one is not given a proper burial in the previous lifetime, then its soul makes the next body go through terrible predicaments. Crazy right? Just another excuse for all those retards. ‘Oh you see I wasn’t cremated in my last life.’ Hah!”

Aiden clenched his teeth, using all his strength to force a smile. “Rubbish alright.” He looked out of the window and restrained his excitement as the car slowed down. Beside him, he could feel Top fidgeting.

“Aiden? Where is this—”

“Your big surprise Top,” Aiden smiled. “Same story, same production…” He pointed at the half burnt buildings and shrugged. “Same location? Why not?”

Top swallowed his saliva, while Aiden cleaned off the wine glass as a mini celebration. He revelled at the fury and fear that battled each other, the casualties showing clearly on the shocked man’s face.

“Surprised? That’s what I needed Top! What goes around, comes around! The movie began here, so we’ll finish it off here too!”

“This better not be a joke Aiden,” Top hissed. Aiden shook his index finger, chuckling. “Why would I do that Top? Its me, Aiden Lee! The last thing I want is one of my most precious projects to be played around with. This project is my life now, and no one can play with Aiden Lee’s life.”

(Listen to(Keep Your Head Down) by TVXQ! :

Top stepped out of the car, visibly shaken. Aiden winked at Hyuk Jae who threw a thumbs up and ran off behind what used to be the studio’s canteen. He waved at an actress, who seemed to have caught Top’s attention despite his astonishment.

“You must be Krystal, right?” When the young girl nodded, Aiden clenched his fists as Top s his arm around her waist, seemingly attracted to the deep pendant around her neck.

Sick bastard, thought Aiden and returned to all the media persons who were constantly taking pictures of him.

“Thank you for coming at such short notice!” Aiden announced. Top turned around, apologized to Krystal and stood next to the star. “You see, my friend Top here just returned from LA and we’ve had to delay a few production meetings. But its all sorted out now! Today is the inauguration of the film’s studio, that will most definitely be blessed by Mr. Choi Seung Hyun—oh sorry—TOP’s hands! Shall we cut the ribbon?”

While Top answered a few questions, Aiden quickly fished out his cell phone. “Where’s mom?” he asked Hyuk Jae.

“She’s ready Aiden, but tell her not to over-act!”

Aiden sighed, shaking his head. “It runs in the family, Hyuk-ah.”

“Let’s do this Top!” he shouted and walked towards the red ribbon, that stunningly reminded one of a trail of blood.

“1! 2!—”

“SHE’S WAITING!!” Suddenly Aiden’s mother jumped in front of the cameras, throwing Top off balance. Her laugh mimicked that of a hyena’s and her body trembled towards the old man.

“What the—”


Top, though flustered, laughed it off. “Who are you talking about?”

Aiden’s mother smirked and pulled Top’s face close to hers.

“YOONA!!!” She cackled and ran away, while Aiden ordered for people to forget about the ‘momentary disruption’. He glanced at Top, whose face had suddenly lost all colour.

“Hey come on Top! What are you thinking about? Just a retard, isn’t she?”

Top gave a hurried nod. “Wha.. yeah… Of course….” He gulped and with Aiden’s help, managed to snip off the ribbon.

“Welcome to Big Bang studios!” Aiden announced and saw the rainbow of shades that were teasing each other on his ‘partner’’s face. “This studio has quite a history, but before we get into the dirty details, let’s just make a good start!”

Leaving a space of about half a feet, the media persons and the cast surrounded the boundary of the staircase. Aiden walked up, trying to throw away all the unwanted nostalgia and stood next to a square object covered in red cloth.

“Before we all start off,” he started, faking an over-sympathetic tone, “Let us pay respect to the woman behind all the glory. The woman, who sadly has been forgotten by many. Let us remind everyone the reason behind this movie, the reason why we’re all standing here. The heroine of the original ‘As You Wish, Princess’, Im Yoona!”

The red cloth dropped and everyone clapped as a black and white picture of Yoona smiled at them. Top gave an uncomfortable smile and joined the applause, while Krystal beamed, singing, “I look upto her! This is such an honour!”

“Because we are remaking this classic,” continued Aiden, trying not to get distracted by the picture, “We also need to show everyone the fresh spark with which we will light up the production! Everyone, please put your hands together for my childhood friend, Krystal Jung!”

As Krystal grinned, climbing up the stairs, she whispered to Aiden, “We’re childhood friends?”

“I’ll double the pay,” muttered Aiden through the grin. “Just play along.”

“As a token of respect and a wish to be blessed by Ms. Yoona, Krystal will now light this candle. Krystal, this is all you.”

Up in the control room was Hyuk Jae, being instructed by Jo Kwon, the technician. “The moment you press this button,” the frail looking man mumbled, “The wire behind the picture will start off a spark and set the picture on fire.”

“Good,” whispered Hyuk Jae. He then narrowed his eyes at Jo Kwon. “And if the picture doesn’t go off on fire, then I’ll make sure your hair does, get it?”

Jo Kwon widened his eyes and nodded. “Trust me, I checked the wire a million times!”

“Krystal, this is all you!”

“That’s the signal!” said Hyuk Jae and pushed the button. He looked up at the picture and pressed the button again. He saw Aiden nodding at him, throwing signs. Hyuk Jae continued pushing the button but the picture would not even move. Meanwhile Krystal moved towards the candle, posing for with her ‘idol’.

What happened next caused chaos, both among the audience and the control room as well.

“Its on fire!!”, a cameraman shouted. Krystal turned around and yelped as Im Yoona was suddenly drowned in flames. Satisfied, Aiden jumped away and shouted for everyone to calm down and Seon Jae to douse the fire.

“You know I’m scared of fire!” he shouted at Seon Jae. “Sorry,” he whispered in a low voice.

“I don’t know how this happened!” Seon Jae shouted out his lines with perfect feel. “I’m sorry sir I really—”

“Ah forget it! We’ll skip this bloody inauguration! Come on Top!”

But Top was too busy quivering, as his eyes reflected the familiar image of a burning Yoona, an image that he thought he had removed forever. Aiden smirked, then recollected himself.

“Hey Top! Come on, let’s move it! Don’t want to get burned to death, do you?”

Alarmed at the words, Top hurriedly nodded and ran out of the studio with everyone. Aiden threw a quick thumbs up at Hyuk-Jae who returned it, but exchanged confused looks with Seon Jae. The latter stared at the picture, his eyes blank.

“Something wrong?” Hyuk Jae shouted. Seon Jae gave a reassuring smile and shook his head. Once Hyuk Jae left the building, he went back to gaping at the disconnected wire.

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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 46: omg great story..
but i little can't understand, in the end, is she yoona or eun ah??
anyway, your story make me almost in tears, imagining yoonhae in the fire.. ;(
Chapter 46: congrats! I haven't read in years, great story ^_^
congrats c:
sea0horse #5
Congrats. :)
This storyline is from one of my favorite movies!!