08. Realization

Love Comes in Bunches

chapter 8!!!! hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's shorter compared to last couple of chapters but it explains things so yeahh && I prob won't be able to write as often bc i just started school again today but i'm gonna try to update as much as possible!! thanks again for the comments they really keep me motivated ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ





"Y-You're joking right?" Sehun asked, trying to wrap his head around what he just heard. Yixing broke down even more as he shook his



You must be joking, you'd never do that to me. I know you Yixing, you'd never do that.” "I-I'm so s-sorry Sehun." Yixing cried , trying to reach for the other only to him back away from his touch.


Sehun felt like throwing up, the room felt like it was spinning, his head was pounding and he couldn't breathe. "Who is it?" He asked, his fists clenching tightly.


When he didn't receive an answer, he repeated himself raising his voice this time. Yixing flinched and softly said, "M-Minseok."


It was barely audible but the other heard him. Sehun closed his eyes, trying to keep in the tears that were threatening to fall.


"For how long?" He asked with his teeth gritted.


"S-Since the day after the night at Kris’s house..." Yixing said, his head hanging low in shame.


"That's why you kept blowing me off right? It wasn't because of school." He chuckled darkly, the mocking hostility evident in his voice. Yixing nodded, his sobs slowly decreasing.


"Why?" Sehun’s voice was low and unforgiving, his head hanging low as he stared at his fists.  


"W-Why?" Yixing repeated, confused.


"Why did you do it?" Sehun asked. He looked up to look at the other in the eyes, Yixing felt a wave of guilt smash over him as he saw the hurt in Sehun’s eyes.


"I know how you feel about B-Baekhyun. I see how happy you look when you're texting him and I saw the way looked at him that night at Kris' house when he was kissing Chanyeol." Sehun tried to speak but the words were caught in his throat, he blinked back the tears as he listened to the other.


"I-I was just really upset and hurt and when I ran into Minseok the next day, w-we went back to his house and...it j-just happened."


Sehun felt as someone punched him in the chest, it was getting hard for him to breathe, all he wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep for months.


He felt so hurt, all this time he was trying to push away his feelings because he didn’t want to hurt Yixing, because he was important to him, and the whole time Yixing had been off sleeping with another guy.


He had heard how much it hurts to have someone cheat on you, but experiencing it firsthand was a different story, the pain was something he’d never want to feel again.


"Nothing's going on with me Baekhyun I had some feelings for him, but I pushed them away because of you! Because I care about you! I would never do anything to hurt you. But I guess you didn’t feel the same about me." Tears continued to stream down Yixing’s face as he listened to Sehun, each word piercing through his heart like knives.


"I-I know Sehun,I'm sorry. It was suppose to be a one time thing but he kept calling me and I was too scared to see you and-" Sehun shook his head and looked away from Yixing, not be able to look at his face any longer.


"Stop, I don't want to hear it anymore. Just leave, please."  Sehun sighed tiredly, opening the door for the other. Yixing sadly nodded, slowly walking out the door, he stopped in the doorway and turned around to face the taller.


"I'm really sorry, Sehun." Yixing whispered.


A tear rolled down Sehun’s cheek, he took a deep breath before looking Yixing in the eyes.


"I know." Sehun said, closing the door.







Sehun had been hiding out in his apartment for a week. He didn't leave for his classes, instead getting the notes and assignments from classmates.


Somehow word had spread about the breakup and Baekhyun and Jongin had been trying to get ahold of him constantly. He just wasn’t ready to talk to anyone yet.


When Sehun didn't answer any of their calls or texts, they tried going to his apartment and banged on the door but he never opened it.


He felt bad for ignoring them, especially Jongin, he was his best friend and Sehun knew Jongin was worried about him but he just couldn’t bring himself to talk about it.


Through the duration of the week, all Sehun did was sleep, eat, and think about what Yixing had said. After days of reflection, he realized that Yixing wasn’t the only at fault.


Sehun admitted that he had been a little distant after he reunited with Baekhyun. No matter how hard he tried to deny it, he liked Baekhyun, a lot.


He came to realize that he liked him the entire time, ever since they were kids and ever since the party. From when they were kids and it was just an innocent crush, to now when it was more than just puppy love.


He really liked Yixing, but he didn’t love him, if he did then he probably wouldn’t have fallen for Baekhyun so quickly.


He was still hurt that Yixing had hurt him like that, because he really did care about him, even if it wasn’t love yet.


Even though he was still hurt, he was somewhat glad that this helped him realize his feelings for his childhood friend, however even if one obstacle was now out of the way, another one was still there.


The fact that his best friend liked the same guy he did.




Jongin was beyond worried about his best friend. Sehun had never isolated himself like this from him before. The other wouldn’t reply to any of his texts or open the door when he came to see him.

Jongin asked all of Sehun’s friends and classmates if anyone had heard from him and one guy said that he had been sending him notes through text and that he come back to school a week ago.


Jongin was relieved to hear that at least Sehun was alive but he was confused and upset at why Sehun was avoiding him.

Jongin knew the other’s schedule and that night, he waited outside his door knowing he was going to come back from his part-time job at the coffee shop across the street from the library they always go to.

About fifteen minutes laters, Sehun finally came home and froze when he saw the other sitting outside his apartment. He swallowed hard when they made eye contact, the other obviously looking upset, and made his way to the door.

“Hey.” The blonde said, walking past his friend to unlock the door.

“Hey? You’ve been ignoring and avoiding me for two weeks and that’s you can say?” Jongin angrily asked as he got up from the ground and followed Sehun into the apartment.

The room was silent until Jongin slammed the door closed. “Do you know how worried I’ve been? I get that you needed space but one of your friends said you came back a ing week ago. Why didn’t you call me?  At least text me and tell me you’re alive and okay. You never even texted or called once!”

Sehun sighed, rubbing his temples with his hand. “I know, I know. I’m really sorry. I just- I just wasn’t ready to talk about it. I really am sorry, Jongin.”  

Jongin sighed and closed his eyes, his rage slowly leaving his body, he could never stay mad at his best friend.

“Whatever, just- just don’t do that again. You know I’ll always understand whatever’s going on so if you’re not ready to talk then just tell me, I just need to know you’re alive. I was really worried and so was Baekhyun. How are you feeling?” Jongin asked, sitting next to the blonde on the couch.

“Better. A lot better than two weeks ago.”

“What happened? I heard rumors but I didn’t want to believe anything until I heard it from you.”

Sehun drearily chuckled, “He was cheating on me with Minseok for like three weeks.”

Jongin felt anger rise up inside him, he couldn’t believe Yixing would do something like this to Sehun. He also felt crying because it hurt him to see Sehun like this, he knew how much the other liked Yixing and if anyone deserves happiness it was Sehun.

“Sehun, I’m so sorry. You seriously don’t deserve any of this, he didn’t deserve you.” He patted the blonde on the back and Sehun gave him a small smile.

“It’s okay, I’ve been feeling a lot better lately.” “Why didn’t you text me or Baekhyun when you came back a week ago? I kept waiting for you in class but you never showed up, I figured you just weren’t showing up to school but then that guy said you were going to your other classes.” Jongin asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve just been busy, I guess.” Sehun shrugged.

Jongin raised his eyebrows at him.  “Dude you’re a horrible liar, I’ve known you since middle school remember? Why have you been avoiding us? Come on Sehun I know you, what’s going on?”

Sehun got up and walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. He opened the fridge and leaned down to look inside. “Do you want anything to drink?”

Jongin walked to the fridge and closed the door, leaning on it with his arms crossed. “No, what I want is for you to tell me what’s going on.” He said.

“Nothing, really.” Sehun simply shrugged.

“Dude, we’re best friends. You’re like my brother, you know I won’t judge you or anything.”

“I know, I just- I don’t want you to be mad and ruin our friendship.” The blonde sighed, running his hand through his hair.

“Okaay... now you’re scaring me. You know that could never happen, whatever it is I’ll understand.”

“Fine. I- I don’t even know how to say this,” he groaned, facepalming himself, “Before you freak, just know that I would never do anything to hurt you and that I was never planning to do anything.”

Jongin furrowed his brows, not knowing what the other was talking about. “What do you mean?”

Sehun sighed before nervously replying.

“I- I think I like Baekhyun.”



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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL