01. The Cashier

Love Comes in Bunches

    Jongin loaded up his truck with the last of his boxes before closing up the trunk. “Are you sure you have everything sweetie?” His mother asked worriedly.


“Yes mom, I’m sure. This is like the fifth time you’ve asked me.” Jongin pulled out his phone from his pocket to check the text he just received. “It’s Sehun. He said he’s at the apartment with the rest of the stuff.


I gotta get going if I wanna make it there before midnight.” His mother nodded and pulled him into her arms for a big hug. When she pulled away, he could see the tears in her eyes even though she was smiling at him.


“Mom I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” He chuckled, pulling her in for another hug. She sniffled and wiped away her tears as she hugs him back. “I know, I know. I’m just going to miss you.”


His dad laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. “He’s only going to be 4 hours away. We can visit him anytime,” his dad said, “now get going before your mom changes her mind and makes you stay.” Jongin smiled and nodded before giving them both a hug and got in his truck to leave for Seoul.








“Hey I’m here,” he said as he walked up the dark walkway of the apartment complex, “where are you? I thought you were gonna be here to help me unpack.”


“Sorry I forgot I had a date so I left the key under the mat. I’ll come by tomorrow morning to help you, though!”


Jongin groaned as he lifted up the welcome mat in front of his door to get the key. “You chose a date over me?? Your best friend? Since middle school? Thanks a lot Oh Sehun.”


Jongin opened the door to the dark apartment and walked in, hands searching the wall for the light switch. “Whatever stop being so dramatic. I promise I’ll come tomorrow! You know I’ve been trying to get a date with Yixing for weeks! I couldn’t pass it up.”


Jongin rolled his eyes but nodded because he did know how much Sehun liked this guy. He told his bestfriend good bye and hung up the phone, scanning the apartment.


There were still a lot of unopened boxes scattered around the apartment, but Sehun had already neatly arranged the furniture earlier that day when he came to get the rest of Jongin's thing from the movers.


He sighed and checked the time on his phone, 11:25pm. His stomach growled and he remembered he had eaten all of the food his mom packed him on the long drive there.


He recalled seeing a grocery store a block away on his way to his apartment. He locked the door before going to his truck, he hoped the store was still open.





Jongin walked through the automatic sliding doors and looked around the brightly lit store. There were only a couple people walking around through the aisles, which made sense since it was almost midnight.

He wondered what time they closed. He looked around the cash registers for a cashier so he could ask and he saw a boy with brown hair looking in the other direction. “Excuse me…” The cashier turned around and greeted him with a warm smile.

Jongin’s words get caught in his throat as he locked gazes with the other male, who's eyes formed little crescents when he smiled. He felt his heartbeat speed up as he stared at the boy.

His smile was the cutest thing he had ever seen and his brown hair looked fluffy and soft; like a little puppy that he just wanted to squeeze in his arms. “Uh sir?” The cashier looked at Jongin curiously, tilting his head sideways, adorably.

“Uh- yeah sorry,” Jongin quickly snapped out of his daze and answered the boy, “what time do you guys close?” The boy smiled again before replying cheerfully, “At midnight! So in like 30 minutes. 27 minutes to be exact.”

Jongin smiled and thanked him and quickly walked off to get a basket. He sped walked through the aisles and filled his basket with instant ramen, chips, and water bottles.

After getting everything he needed, he walked back to the cash register and put his items on the conveyer belt. The boy watched Jongin with a smile, waiting for him to be done unloading his basket.

“I like these chips too!” The boy chirped. Jongin chuckled at how the other seemed so excited about a bag of chips. He began to check out the items and Jongin began to check out the boy.

He noticed that the boy was a few inches shorter than him and that his lips pursed cutely when he was concentrated on working the cash register. Jongin subconsciously his lips as he watched him.

“Your total will be fifteen dollars and twenty cents, sir.” He reached into his pocket to get his wallet and handed the cashier a twenty dollar bill.

The shorter gave him his change and told him to have a good night while smiling at him. Jongin flashed him a smile back before heading home.




The next morning Jongin is rudely awaken by the sound of knocking on his front door. He groaned as he checked the time on his phone, squinting at the bright light that blinded him in his dark room.

His phone read 7:00am. He sighed and dragged his exhausted body to the door; occasionally bumping into furniture and walls since he was still half asleep.

He looked through the peephole to Sehun standing there with a bag of McDonalds. Jongin sighed once more before clumsily opening the door.

“Morning sunshine.” Sehun said as he let himself in. “What the are you doing here so early?” Jongin groaned.

“I thought I had a class at 8:30 but then I remembered today was Saturday so I decided to come and bring you breakfast. Plus I was excited to tell you about my date last night,” Sehun winked at him, “It went pretty well. And now I have more time to help you unpack; we’ll be done earlier.”

Jongin rolled his eyes and left to go brush his teeth. “When did you dye your hair blonde?” he asked Sehun.

Sehun took the food out from the paper bag and set them on the kitchen table. “Uh last month I think? I’m not sure, pretty recent though.” He shrugged. Jongin spit out the toothpaste and rinsed out his mouth.

“I’m a better blonde.” He teased. Sehun rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Whatever, you’re not even blonde anymore!” Jongin laughed and stuffed his mouth with a hashbrown.

“I still looked better than you blonde.” Sehun glared and threw a ketchup packet at him. “Don’t talk with your mouth full. You’re so disgusting.”

Jongin laughed and ripped open the ketchup, squirted some onto his hashbrown. “So tell me about your date.”




After taking an hour to eat their breakfast, the boys began to unpack the boxes that filled the living room. “Yixing sounds like a pretty a cool guy. I’m glad you had fun last night.”


Sehun smiled and nodded. “What about you?” he asked as he took out Jongin’s clothes from the box, “Have you been seeing anyone since you broke up with Junmyeon?”


Jongin shook his head and his mind went to the cashier he saw last night. “I saw a really cute cashier at the grocery store last night though.”


He smiled thinking about his eye smile. “Really? That one store a block away from here? What’s his name?” The blonde asked curiously. “Uh I don’t know actually…”


“You thought he was cute and you didn’t even think to look at his nametag.” Sehun deadpanned. “I don’t know, I just wasn’t thinking!” Jongin retorted, “I’ll probably see him again and I’ll check next time. He was really cute though.”


The other chuckled and smiled at him. He was happy Jongin had finally found someone he liked. Ever since his ex, Junmyeon, dumped him last year for some Chinese exchange student from Canada he kept saying he wasn't ready for a relationship.


Sehun could tell it really broke him even though Jongin insisted that he was okay. He didn't leave his house for a couple of weeks and Sehun had to practically drag him out of bed.


Now that he had found someone he likes it meant he could finally and completely move on from him.


“It’s been a while though, I bet you lost all your game.” He smirked.


Jongin scowled at him. “Did not.”



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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL