07. Unexpected Confession

Love Comes in Bunches

Chapter 7~ hope you guys like this chapter and thank you for all the supportive and nice comments , i'm really surprised you guys like this so much bc it's my first like non- chaptered fic so i wasn't sure if it was going to be good plus my writing still needs a lot of improvement so yeah thank you everyone! (*^▽^)/




It was a Thursday night and three young men were once again in Jongin’s living room doing homework, or at least trying to.


They were constantly getting distracted by each other’s random outbursts and their phones.


“Kris just texted, he said he’s having a ‘small get together’ on Sunday and asked if we’re in.” Sehun said. Jongin looked up from his laptop and quirked an eyebrow.


“Small get together my ...but yeah I guess I’m in. Baek you wanna come?”


The elder put his textbook down and looked at him. “Is Kris gonna be okay with it?”


Both Sehun and Jongin nodded. “Yeah he won’t mind, plus he’s met you already so.” The blonde added.  


“Sure, why not.”





The get together at Kris’ house wasn’t so small as Baekhyun expected but it was definitely smaller than his party he went to last time. He recognized Luhan, Tao, and Chanyeol, but there were a few other people that he didn’t know.


There were five girls and one other guy he didn't recognize, making it a total of fourteen people.


He felt a lot more comfortable since there wasn’t a house full of drunk people he didn’t know, though Kris and Chanyeol still made him a little nervous since they were both so tall and intimidating.


They had gotten to Kris’ house at about ten at night and it was now eleven. The hour was spent socializing and drinking and once they all had a couple drinks, a certain tall young man with large ears suggested that played a game to keep the night interesting.


“Let’s play spin the bottle.” Chanyeol  smirked, glancing Baekhyun who was too distracted talking to Yixing to notice.


Jongin scoffed and rolled his eyes, anger bubbling up inside him. He could tell that Baekhyun was too oblivious and naive to realize that Chanyeol was obviously trying to hook up with him all night.


Chanyeol tried to initiate a conversation with the elder multiple times and since Baekhyun was such a friendly person, he would always fall right into the other’s trap.


Every time Chanyeol was about to try to put an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder or sneak a hand around his waist, Jongin would think of an excuse to try to Baekhyun away from the other.


“Let’s not. What are we, 13?” Jongin frowned, leaning back on the couch.


Sehun agreed with him when he realized that Chanyeol was obviously just trying to get an excuse to kiss Baekhyun. He didn’t want Jongin to get upset and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, something inside him didn’t want Chanyeol to kiss Baekhyun either.


The entire night Chanyeol had been trying to make a move on the elder and it pissed him off. He told himself that it was because he didn’t want an like him to touch his childhood friend and that Baekhyun was Jongin’s.


“Come on guys, it’ll be fun. It’s just a harmless game of spin the bottle.” Yixing tried to convince the two because everyone else seemed to want to play and he didn’t want anyone to feel left out.


Sehun gave in with a sigh when Yixing smiled up at him sweetly. Jongin looked over to Baekhyun to make sure he was feeling comfortable and the other gave him a reassuring smile and nodded.


“Fine.” Jongin crossed his arms, finally giving in, Chanyeol and a few others cheered.


Everyone got into a big circle and Chanyeol set the bottle in the middle. “Who wants to go first?”


Everyone looked around and Kris leaned in to spin the bottle. “I will since it’s my house.” He spun it hard and they watched curiously to see who it would land on.


It slowed down and landed on a girl name named Hwasa who eagerly got up to kiss him. Baekhyun had actually never played this game before, only ever hearing about from others, and was surprised to see that the kiss between the two was not just a peck.


The two moved their mouths against each other’s sloppily for a few seconds before Tao pulled Kris back, telling him to get a room.


Baekhyun felt his face heat up and he suddenly felt a bit nervous at the thought of the bottle landing on him. “Me next!” Luhan excitedly jumped up to grab the bottle before spinning it.


It landed on a girl named Eunji and when she got up to kiss him, Luhan grabbed the back of her neck, smashing their lips together.


Baekhyun’s eyes widened and he looked around to see if anyone else was shocked but it seemed as if everyone was already use to the sight in front of him so he just bit his lip and looked back at the two, unaware of a certain someone watching at him.


Chanyeol had been watching the other the entire game and found it amusing that he kept blushing when he saw how heated the kisses were. He’s always liked the innocent type and he made it his mission to kiss Baekhyun that night.


Two more rounds go by and in those rounds, Yixing had to kiss a boy named Minseok, which Sehun was reluctant to let him do, and Jongin had to kiss a girl named Yuri, much to his disappointment because he was hoping it would land on Baekhyun.  


“My turn.” Chanyeol smirked.


Both Sehun and Jongin straightened up and watched closely as he spun the bottle, clearly trying to make it land on Baekhyun who was sitting across from him.


Jongin clenched his fists when it landed on Baekhyun, the shorter’s eyes widened when he saw that it landed on him. Chanyeol smiled smugly and his lips as he ran his hand through his silver locks.


Baekhyun timidly crawled toward Chanyeol, the taller towering over him even when they’re both on their knees. The shorter gave him a nervous smile trying to avoid eye contact, Chanyeol’s tongue darted out to wet his lips again before leaning down to capture the other’s lips in a kiss.


Baekhyun tried to keep his mouth closed, however Chanyeol had different plans when he gently bit down on the elder’s bottom lip. The other gasped, slightly parting his lips and the taller took advantage of that by slipping his tongue into his mouth.


Jongin was fuming, his knuckles turning white from clenching his fists so hard. He was prepared to go rip Chanyeol off of Baekhyun but his thoughts were interrupted when Luhan clapped his hands and told them that the time was up.


Chanyeol reluctantly pulled away and glared at his friend. “There’s no time limit!” He whined.


“Yeah but we didn’t want to watch you eat the poor boy’s face so sit down.” Luhan scoffed.


Chanyeol sat back down and crossed his arms, muttering something about Luhan ruining the fun. Baekhyun sat back down next to Jongin and wiped his lips with the back of his head, his face flushed.


“Are you okay?” Jongin whispered in his ear. Baekhyun nodded and flashed him a smile.


Sehun glanced at Baekhyun, making sure he was okay. During the two’s kiss Sehun had been clenching his jaw in anger, impatiently tapping his fingers on his leg.  


Yixing noticed his boyfriend’s restlessness and gave him a quick squeeze on the arm to make sure he was okay. Sehun quickly nodded and gave him a smile before shifting his attention back to the two in the middle of the circle.


He didn’t know if he was mad because Jongin was right there watching or if he just didn’t like Chanyeol kissing Baekhyun. Either way, he was definitely not okay with it and was relieved when Luhan had stopped them.


“Okay, let’s stop I’m getting bored. Let’s watch a scary movie or something.” Sehun proposed, not wanting to see Baekhyun or his boyfriend kiss anyone else.


“You’re only mad because you didn’t get to kiss anyone.” Chanyeol smirked.


“Why would I be mad when I have a boyfriend I can kiss anytime, idiot.” Yixing giggled and rested his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulder.


“Yeah let's watch a movie, I’m getting bored too. No horror though, you guys know I can’t handle that stuff!” Tao whined.


Everyone laughed at him and Kris went into his room to find some movies they could watch. The circle was broken up and everybody scattered themselves throughout the living in front of the TV. Baekhyun stayed beside Jongin and Jongin looked down at the other.


“Are you sure you’re okay? Sorry you had to play that, my friends are really dumb and hormonal.”


Baekhyun shook his head and gave him a reassuring smile and a cute thumbs up. “I’m fine,really. I was just surprised that’s all. I’ve never played that before.”


“That uhm- wasn’t your first kiss right?” Jongin asked.


Baekhyun giggled and shook his head, the younger subtly sighed in relief. “You want something to drink before the movie starts?” He asked.


The elder nodded and they both got up to walk to the kitchen, Chanyeol noticed right away and excused himself from the girl he was talking to.


He followed them to the kitchen and overheard Jongin say he was going to the bathroom, Chanyeol saw the chance to finally able to be alone with Baekhyun and entered the room.


“Hey Baek, that was probably your first time playing spin the bottle huh? Did you have fun?” He winked.


“Oh uh y-yeah. How did you know?” The shorter awkwardly laughed.


“I could tell by the way you were reacting while watching everyone kiss. The way you blushed was really cute.” Chanyeol said, his low, deep voice slightly frightening the other.


Baekhyun simply laughed and tried to avoid the taller’s intense stare.


“Maybe we could go out sometime, I’d really like to spend time with you without all these people here…” Chanyeol stepped closer to the boy.


Baekhyun was about to reply when he suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him back into a firm chest. He let out a little gasp as his back made contact with the other’s warm body.


“He’s taken, Park.” Jongin looked at him with a smug smile, anger evident in his eyes.


“Really. You guys? Since when?” Chanyeol scoffed.


“A couple weeks ago, so I’d appreciate if you stopped trying to hit on him. You already got to kiss him and that’s as far as I’m willing to let you go.”


He grabbed Baekhyun by the hand and led him back into the living the room, leaving an annoyed Chanyeol behind.


“Sorry,” Jongin said as he let go the elder’s hand, “You okay?”


“Yeah, thanks. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna say…”


Jongin gave him a comforting smile and they both sat back down on the carpet, getting ready to watch the movie.


Sehun shot Jongin a worried look and mouthed ‘Is everything okay?’ Jongin nodded and they both relaxed as they sat back to watch the movie.





It was now three weeks into November and three weeks since that night at Kris’ house. Sehun had been spending a lot of his free time with Jongin and Baekhyun since Yixing was always busy.


He was doing a fine job of trying to ignore his feelings for his childhood friend but it wasn’t easy especially since he rarely saw his boyfriend. Every time he asked Yixing to go out, the other would always have something to do.


He had told Sehun that he was really busy with school and didn’t have any free time, Sehun figured it was because midterms were coming up so he just brushed it off.


What he didn’t expect was for Yixing to show up at his door one night. “Hey babe.” Sehun smiled cheerfully at his boyfriend, leaning down to give him a kiss.


Yixing nervously smiled and kiss him back, he walked into the apartment and stood in the middle of the living room. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would’ve cleaned up the place.” Sehun said as he started picking up magazines and loose papers from the ground.


When he didn’t receive a reply he stopped what he was doing and looked up at his boyfriend. “Hey, babe are you okay? What’s wrong?”


He walked to the other and turned him around so that they were facing each other. His heart immediately dropped when he looked down into tear filled eyes.


“Hey...What’s wrong?” The blonde pulled Yixing’s head into the crook of his neck as he hugged him close.


Sehun could hear little sniffles coming from the other and felt the tears dampen his t-shirt. He pulled away and  grabbed his hand, trying to pull him over to sit on the couch.


Yixing shook his head and Sehun furrowed his brows.


“S-Sehun, I’m so s-sorry.” He sniffled.


“Ssh babe, for what?”


The taller the back of his head comfortingly. The other continued sniffling, trying to speak but choked on his words.


“I-I’ve been...” Sehun was scared and confused, his heart was beating so fast, he thought it was going to jump out of his chest.


“You’ve been what?”


Yixing took a deep, shaky breath before choking out the words, “I’ve b-been c-cheating on you.”




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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL