Tender Love {Ending 1}

Love Comes in Bunches

Helllooooo my lovely readers~ I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time...I've started feeling better though. But yeah thank you guys for being so patient and thank you to everyone that commented, you guys are so sweet and supportive <3 Anyway sorry to those that didn't want two different endings but i just couldn't pick between the two, I love them both too much T^T  but nonetheless I hope you guys like this chapter! It's the first ending and I'm not sure when I'll be able to update next but I already have ideas for the next ending so yeah thank you for sticking it out with me through my first non chaptered fanfic !! lmao( ᐛ )و



Jongin went to sleep Sunday night feeling like absolute . He spent the entire night sulking in his bed, images of Jungkook and Baekhyun making out on Baekhyun’s couch flooded his mind.


He knew, or at least he was somewhat sure, the elder didn’t like Jungkook but he couldn’t stop the thoughts of the younger somehow seducing Baek out of his head.


He had vented to Luhan for a couple hours last night and he assured him that nothing was going on, but it still wasn’t enough for Jongin.


The next day, Luhan showed up at his door, knocking insistently until Jongin let him.


After letting Luhan in, the younger returned to the living room where he resumed lying face first into his couch cushion.


“Dude, you need to calm down,” Luhan said as he toed his shoes off.


“I doubt anything happened! You said Baek doesn’t even like him.”


The elder threw his jacket onto the kitchen counter before walking over to couch and sat on top of Jongin's sprawled out legs.


“But what if something happened?” Jongin asked in a muffled voice.


Luhan the television and the room was instantly filled with the loud cheering of soccer fans.


“Come on man...Nothing happened! I can’t watch this anymore,” Luhan groaned.


“I’ll help you okay? Just stop acting so pathetic.”


Jongin twisted his head awkwardly to look at his friend who was too engrossed in the match to see him staring.


“What do you mean?”


Luhan let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes. “I mean, I’ll help you with Baek. I’ll be your wingman! You obviously can’t do by yourself...Let’s face it, you need my professional help.”


“Professional?” Jongin scoffed.


Yes. That’s what you need, professional help,” Luhan turned to smirk at Jongin.


Pushing Luhan off his legs, Jongin sat up squinted his eyes at the other.


“Why do you wanna help me? What about Sehun?”


Luhan shrugged, “I think you and Baek are cuter. Plus Sehun broke my iPod that one time at Kris’s house.”


Jongin raised an eyebrow at the other.


“That was Tao,” he said, amused.


Just as the home team scored a goal, Luhan let out a loud  “I KNEW IT!” before proceeding to call Tao a “ ing liar”.






Jongin’s truck pulled into the driveway of the white house. Baekhyun quickly hopped out of the passenger seat and looked at the unfamiliar home.


“So Tao lives here with Luhan?” the elder asked.


Jongin hummed in acknowledgement of Baek's question and before they could reach the front door, it swung open to reveal a very happy Luhan.


“Heeeyyy guys! Glad you could make it to our soirée.”


Baekhyun giggled as he stepped into the house, thanking Lu Han for inviting him as he took in his surroundings.


It wasn't a very big gathering; there were a few people scattered throughout the living room and a couple making out on the staircase.


Over the music he could hear people laughing and cheering from what he assumed was the kitchen area.


Tao was sitting on the couch with a girl on his lap, his face in the crook of her neck.


Despite it only being an hour into the party, the house already reeked of alcohol.


Jongin was quickly whisked away by Luhan into the kitchen against his will, leaving an awkward Baekhyun behind in the living room.


The elder scanned the room looking for a familiar face, he really wished Sehun was here but the younger was out of town for his older brother’s wedding.


Baekhyun looked for a corner to hide in since his search for someone he knew was unsuccessful, but his ears perked when he heard someone yell his name.


He turned to the front door where he saw Jongdae and Kris waving at him as they walked over.


“Jongdae!” Baekhyun said, “I thought you weren’t coming.”


“I wasn’t going to, but Kris is a big baby and didn’t want to go without me,” Jongdae chuckled.


Kris playfully elbowed his arm.“I am not. Is it a crime to want to spend time with my boyfriend?”


“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Are you sure it’s not just ‘cause you need someone to drive you after you get drunk?”


“Of course not, I wanted you to come with me,” Kris said as he wrapped his arms around the other’s waist, resting his chin on Jongdae’s shoulder.


Baekhyun made a loud scoffing sound and eyed the couple in disgust. “God will you guys please get a room. Please stop flirting in front of me, my eyes can’t take it!” he joked, dramatically covering his eyes causing Jongdae to roll his eyes.


“Speaking of flirting, where’s Jongin?” Baekhyun cocked his head to the side and gave Jongdae a confused look.


“What’s that suppose to mean?”


Jongdae waved his hand as if dismissing the thought.


“It's nothing, cutie. Where his he?”


Baekhyun scoffed at the nickname.“Luhan dragged him somewhere into the kitchen”.


“I can't believe you dragged me into another one of your plans.”


After Luhan brought Jongin into the kitchen, the other rambled on about how he had a genius plan to get him and Baekhyun together.


Jongin tried to talk him out of it, though that's always useless because once Luhan had a plan, there was no stopping him.


Luhan beemed up at Jongin before turning down the music and loudly declaring that it was game time.


Everyone  gathered in the living room room, and Jongin reluctantly followed Lu Han out of the kitchen then joined Baekhyun, Kris, and Jongdae on the couch.


“Alright so since it’s my house, I get to pick the game. And tonight I feel like playing...seven minutes in heaven,” Luhan said with a mischievous glint in his eye.


After someone fetched some paper and pens, everyone wrote their names down on and dropped their slip into Luhan's hat.


The first two people Luhan drew was a girl Baekhyun recognized the girl from one of Kris’s parties, Tiffany or something, and a guy he had never seen before.


Luhan started the timer and giggling was heard from inside the closet.  


The girl’s friends were all whistling and laughing because according to one of them, Tiffany had been crushing on the guy for awhile now. The timer rang loudly and Tiffany and the stranger emerged from the closet with red faces and disheveled clothes.


The next two people picked were Jongdae and a guy named Jeup.


“Uhm yeah I don’t think so,” Kris said and before Luhan could object, he immediately stood up and grabbed his boyfriend’s hand, pulling him towards the closet.


“I really don’t give a about your rules, Luhan. No one’s kissing my boyfriend except me.”


Luhan pouted  but started the timer as soon as the door was shut.


Jongin and Baekhyun both looked at each other and laughed.


Luhan really should’ve seen that coming.


Seven minutes later, the couple comes out, Kris with a smirk on his face and Jongdae with his hair all messed up and lips red and slightly swollen.  


“You two are so gross,” Luhan scoffed. “Anyway, next is Baekhyun and...Jongin!”



Baekhyun eyes widened, a bit surprised he got partnered up with Jongin but then smiled sweetly at the younger.


Jongin swore he felt his heart do somersaults.


They made their way to the closet, Luhan winked at Jongin, giving him a thumbs up before closing the door.


The two stood close together in the tiny, dark room, all the jackets and shoe boxes not giving them much personal space.


“This brings back memories huh?” Jongin teased, referring to the time they were hiding from his fangirl in the janitor’s closet.


The elder chuckled and playfully hit his arm, Jongin couldn’t see but he knew the elder’s cheeks were probably that pretty shade of pink he loves.


“So uhm, how was your date with Jungkook after we left the restaurant? Did-uh Did anything happen?” the younger asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.


“I told you it wasn’t a date!” Baekhyun sighed, “And uhm, yeah he told me he- he liked me.”


Jongin felt his heart drop, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know what happened after that.


“Oh. So what did you say? Do, uh, you  like him back?” Jongin asked.


His stomach was churning and he suddenly found it hard to breathe in the confined space.


“Of course I don’t! He’s like my little brother. I told him I was sorry and that I didn’t think of him that way.”


The younger let out a breath he was holding in, “Oh, that’s a relief.”


“Why? Were you jealous?” Baekhyun teased.


Jongin swallowed before replying, “Yeah, I was.”


The elder inhaled sharply, taken aback by the younger’s response. “W-What?”


Jongin took a step forward, lessening the already small space between him and the elder, causing Baekhyun to back up against the door.


“I admit I was jealous, I didn’t want you to go out with him. I couldn't even sleep that night after I got home from the restaurant because I couldn’t stop thinking about what you two were doing.”


Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak but he couldn’t form any words.


He felt paralyzed under the younger’s stare, his heart was beating so hard in his chest he hoped the other couldn’t hear.


He was just glad it was dark in there because he was sure his face was as red as a tomato right now.


He broke eye contact, looking down at their shoes, almost choking on his own saliva when he suddenly felt a warm hand cupping his left cheek.


“The thought of him kissing you pisses me off,” Jongin said in a low voice.


Baekhyun felt the younger’s hot breath on his neck, he suddenly felt very hot.


Jongin's hand slide to his nape and he moved his face closer to elder’s until their lips were an inch away from touching.


“I’m gonna kiss you now okay?” the younger said quietly.


The elder nodded, the words getting stuck in his throat. Jongin tilted his head, darting his tongue out to wet his lip before closing the space between them.


Baekhyun never felt his heart beat so fast before in his life.


The younger moved his lips slowly against his, he let out a cute little squeak when Jongin nibbled on his lower lip.


Jongin couldn’t help but smile against the elder’s lips when he opened his mouth to give him access to his tongue.


The kiss quickly got heated as Jongin moved his mouth roughly against Baekhyun’s, he wrapped his free arm around the elder’s waist, pulling him in closer flush against his body.


The elder whimpered, not being able to keep up with Jongin’s fast and rough pace, he felt so hot, everywhere Jongin touched made him feel like he was on fire.


The younger broke the kiss to trail kisses down the elder's neck, stopping along the way to on the soft skin, leaving light hickies.


J-Jongin,” the elder whimpered.


, you drive me crazy,” Jongin panted in the crook of Baekhyun’s neck.  


They both froze when they heard Luhan’s voice from the other side of the door, informing them that their time was up.


“Sorry I didn’t mean to be so rough I just-uh yeah,” Jongin chuckled, his lips.


“I-It’s okay,” Baekhyun said, trying to compose himself.


He turned around to open the door but then stopped, turning around to face the younger.


“By the way, I l-like you too,” he blurted before quickly opening the door and running out. Jongin didn’t even try to hide his smile as he

walked out the closet, trying to ignore Luhan’s and Jongdae’s whistling.


“I told you my plan would work!” Luhan excitedly grinned.


“Oh shut up,” Jongin said before smiling at Baekhyun, sliding his hand into the elder’s smaller one.


Baekhyun smiled down at their intertwined hands before casting a confused look at Luhan.


“Plan? What plan?”


Instead of answering Luhan erupted into a fit of laughter.


Later that night, Jongin had let Baekhyun crash at his place because he drank too much during truth or dare and wasn't sober enough to take care of himself if Jongin dropped him home.


Baekhyun was now sleeping in Jongin's bed in one of his favorite sweatshirts as Jongin watched late night cartoons in the living room in order to distract him from his less than pure thoughts.


He was halfway asleep when he felt his asleep when he felt his phone vibrate and flipped it over to see it was Sehun calling.


“Hello? What's up, it's almost two in the morning is everything alright?”


“I just got back from home from the wedding and I found an interesting voice mail from Luhan...”


That ing bastard” Jongin said to himself. Trying to sound as casual as possible, Jongin asked about the contents of the voice mail.


“Well first off he was drunk, and second, I could barely make out the words, but apparently you and Baekhyun are a thing now?”


Jongin could hear his heartbeat in his ears but he answered with a low “yes” and waited for Sehun to end their friendship.


After a moment of silence, Sehun's tired sounding laughter came through the phone.


“I should have seen it coming, you are irresistible. Congrats man, you won. I'm happy for you.”


“You're not gonna chop off my balls?” Jongin asked, stunned at his best friend’s reaction.


“Ha! No, I'll admit that I'm a little sad it isn't me but, you can't manipulate feelings right? I bet you he fell for you after you kept coming back for more bananas than was humanly necessary. I really am happy for you dude. You deserve to be happy.”


Jongin let out a relieved chuckle.


“Thanks man."


"What are you thanking me for you goof," Sehun chuckled.


"No really, thanks Sehun. For being such a good friend."


"Don't you mean best friend?"


"Yeah yeah yeah," Jongin laughed, "so, you wanna come over tomorrow after you rest up for dinner so I can formally introduce you to my boyfriend? You're over at your sister’s right now, right?”


“Count me in. You better make it worth my time, the wedding food was terrible and I need a proper makeup meal. ”


Both friends laughed and said goodnight and as Jongin put down his phone, he heard footsteps padding towards him and turned to see Baekhyun rubbing his eyes like a child as he emerged from the bedroom.


“Jongin? Are you coming to bed? I wanna sleep with you.”


Before Jongin could get up, Baekhyun plopped down on top of him, smelling like Jongin's body wash. Jongin chuckled and kissed the top of Baekhyun's head.


“You don't want to go back to my bed?”


Baekhyun gave Jongin a weak shake of his head.


“Too tired… to move… just squeeze in tight with me,” he giggled.  


Without further objection, Jongin wrapped his arms around Baekhyun, careful not to lift the giant tee shirt.


“Night Baek. Sleep well.”


“Night, banana brains,” the elder tiredly chuckled.


Jongin tried to sit up to get a look at Baekhyun's face, but a soft snore informed him that his boyfriend was now fast asleep.


He'll have to get him back in the morning.

I hope you guys liked it~ :D And a HUUUGE thanks to Megan (@ThatWeirdChick) for helping me write like the last few of paragraphs bc i had no idea how to wrap it up after the closet scene lmao but yeah and I hope you guys like the new story cover! I worked pretty hard on it and i think its my favorite one that i made so far lmao but yeah tell me what you guys think of everything ~
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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL