10. Miracles in December

Love Comes in Bunches

Ahh chapter 10 is finally here~ i'm really sorry for the wait, I've been so tired after school that when i get home I just do homework and knock out lmao. This chapter is the longest one yet so I hope you guys enjoy~ sorry to all the kaibaek shippers bc there's no kaibaek moments in this chapter...but hope you guys like it anyway! i'll prob update at least once a week, i'll try to update more often than that but yeah at the minimum once a week. thank you for being patient!ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ





Winter was Sehun’s least favorite time of the year, however he decided to reconsider his opinion when he learned that it was Baekhyun’s favorite season.


They had met up last week at Jongin’s house after not seeing each other for three weeks and Baekhyun nearly tackled Sehun when jumping into his arms to hug him.


The younger happily accepted the hug; reluctantly letting go when the elder pulled away to yell at him for ignoring him and Jongin for so long.


They slept over and the night was spent watching movies, Baekhyun was talking excitedly throughout all of them. The elder was sandwiched between the two best friends the entire night and when it was time to go to sleep, they all slept together on the living room floor.


The three of them hadn’t seen other since then; Jongin was visiting his family back in Suncheon for winter break and both Sehun and Baekhyun were busy with their jobs. Sehun was still bitter that his shifts got switched around, because now he worked on the days that Baekhyun was free so they never had time to see each other. The younger would always whine over text, telling the elder to come visit him at work.


It’s was Thursday afternoon in December and Sehun’s feet were sore from standing up all day.


He had been working since ten in the morning and it was now three in the afternoon. People had been coming in and out all day buying coffee and hot chocolate; he didn’t have a chance to sit down the entire time except for his lunch break at noon.


He checked the clock and sighed when he saw that it was only three and he didn’t get off work until six. He had taken on some extra hours in order to make more money to buy Christmas gifts for his friends and family. He was wiping the counter with a rag when he heard the bell on door ring, meaning someone had entered the shop.


“Hello, welco-” His breath hitched when he saw Baekhyun standing there smiling at him.


“H-Hyung? What are you doing here?” Sehun stuttered, still in shock that the elder paid him a surprise visit. His face suddenly felt a lot warmer and it wasn’t because of the heater.


The elder playfully frowned as he sat down on one of the stools at the counter. “Yah is that any way to talk to a customer?! And besides, you’re the one always telling me to come visit you at work!”


“I just wasn’t expecting you, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”


“Cause I wanted to surprise you, silly.” The younger’s attempt at restraining his smile were futile; he felt those butterflies in his stomach he felt every time he saw the elder.


“Soooo,” Baekhyun spun around on his stool, “what’s good here Sehunnie?”


“Hmm...the hot chocolate’s been pretty popular, but I can’t tell if it’s just because of the cold weather or what.”


“I’ll take a hot chocolate then.” Sehun nodded and went off to the kitchen to personally make the drink, being extra careful not to mess anything up.


After he finished the drink, he brought it to Baekhyun, who excitedly accepted the drink and almost spilled it on himself. Baekhyun blew on it before taking a small sip and dramatically exhaling in content.


“Ah so warm! Don’t you just love winter?” His glasses were fogging up from the steam of the hot beverage; Sehun noticed the frames were brown today.


“Not really. I like spring and summer more, the snow is just so inconvenient and I hate being cold.”


“What! How can you not like winter! That’s ridiculous! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The snow is so pretty and the holiday season is just so happy. I can’t believe you!” Baekhyun exclaimed, cutely banging his fists on the table.


Sehun laughed, he had always thought the elder’s dramatic outbursts were adorable. “Let’s go buy a Christmas tree after you get off from work.”


“A Christmas tree? For what?” The younger quirking a brow. “For Christmas, obviously. I want one for my apartment and you’re going to help me!”


“Who said I’d wanna help?” Sehun teased.


“I’m your special hyung, of course you’d wanna help.”


“You are pretty special.” The younger muttered under his breath.


“What was that?” Baekhyun tilted his head sideways, looking like a puppy.


“Nothing. Fine, I guess I’ll help you...You have to get me a present though.” He crossed his arms as he leaned back on the counter and looked at the other.


“I was already planning on getting you a present anyway.” Baekhyun shrugged.


Sehun felt his heart skip a beat, he wasn’t expecting that reply. “Really?”


“Of course, why wouldn’t I get my childhood best friend a Christmas present?”


Sehun was at a lost for words at the other’s warm smile.





“So, which one do you want?” Sehun asked, wandering through the lot of trees.


“Sehun-ah, look at how pretty all the trees look with the snow on them!” The elder stared in awe down the rows of green.  


Sehun chuckled to himself and walked over to the join the other. “Which one do you want, hyung?” He repeated himself, reaching over to adjust the beanie on Baekhyun’s head.


“Hmmm, I want...that one!” He pointed to a rather tall pine tree, the other frowned, doubting whether or not it would even fit in the elder’s apartment.


“Is that gonna fit in your apartment?”


Baekhyun inspected it, looking up and down with both of his hands on his hips. He leaned his head back and rested it on Sehun's face. The younger resisted the urge to wrap his arms around Baekhyun's waist and pull him for a kiss.


“I think so.” And with that, he walked off to find an employee to help him.





The task of strapping down the tree onto the roof of Sehun’s car was a struggle. After fifteen minutes of fumbling around with rope and hooks, the two finally got it securely strapped onto the car, with the help of an employee of course because they had no idea what they were doing.


“I hope you live on the first floor because this is gonna be a to carry.” Sehun tiredly sighed as he got into his car and buckled in his seat belt.


“I do actually, so it won’t be that hard. We just need to get it through the entrance.”


Once they arrived at the apartment complex, the two clumsily removed the tree from the roof of the car and lugged it to entrance of the building.


Going up the steps was the hardest part and Sehun was regretting letting Baekhyun choose such a large tree. They both collapsed to the ground once they finally got it into the apartment, sweat was dripping down their forehead despite the cold weather.


“You just had to pick the biggest tree in the lot didn’t you, hyung. Why couldn’t you have just gotten those fake ones that you can assemble like everyone else.” Sehun sighed, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.


“It was not the biggest tree! Real trees are so much prettier and smell nice! And besides, go big or go home.”


“Well it’s too late to go home now.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky I don’t live on the top floor. The elevators aren’t working so we would’ve had to taken the stairs.”


“If we had to take the stairs I probably would’ve ditched you.” The younger said, earning him a slap on the arm.


“Yah! You brat, you’re so rude.”


Sehun laughed, trying to dodge the other’s attack but failed miserably. I like you too much to ditch you, idiot, he thought to himself as he watched the elder pouted.


They both got up and cut off the rope tied around the tree, letting all the branches fly out. Sehun pushed it upright, making sure it was in the pot right and that it wasn’t going to fall over.


Baekhyun left to fetch the box of ornaments and lights he had recently purchased a week ago, happy to see how beautiful the tree looked now that it was up when he returned.


“Waaah it looks so pretty!”


“Hyung we haven’t even decorated it yet.” Sehun scoffed, yet he smiled at how happy the other looked. After half an hour of arguing over which ornaments to put where, Baekhyun got his way every time since Sehun just couldn’t resist him, they finally finished putting up all the lights and decorations.


All that was left was to put the star on top. Sehun volunteered to do so saying how he was taller so it would be easier, however the elder opposed and insisted that he would do it.


Baekhyun tried his best to reach the top, standing on his tippy toes but he still couldn’t reach it. He exhaled in frustration and the younger smiled smugly saying how he could’ve done it with no problem.


Baekhyun glared at him and stomped off to find something to stand on. He returned with a small step stool, setting it down beside the tree and stepped onto to it.


He set the star perfectly on top of the tree and turned around to stick his tongue out at the younger. Sehun sighed in defeated, playfully rolling his eyes.


Baekhyun smirked and started to step off of the stool. His foot suddenly slipped off of the edge and he fell forward with a squeal. The younger’s eyes widened and quickly reached out to grab him before he could hit the ground.  


They both fell onto the ground with a loud thud, both of them groaning in pain. Sehun ended up landing on top of Baekhyun even though he was trying to break the other’s fall.


One of his hands was under Baekhyun’s head, making sure it didn’t hit the floor, and the other was around the elder’s waist, on the small of his back.


Baekhyun’s muffled groan alerted the younger and he quickly lifted himself off the other’s smaller frame. Sehun was hovering over the other, worriedly examining his face and body to make sure he wasn’t hurt anywhere.


“Are you okay, hyung?” He asked, obviously panicking because he had just fallen on top of him.


“Yeah I’m fine, my back just hurts…” Sehun sighed in relief, they both made eye contact and all the younger could think about was how close their faces were and that if he leaned down just a few inches they would be kissing.


And he really wanted to kiss Baekhyun.


“Uhm am I interrupting something?” A voice suddenly snapped Sehun out of his thoughts and he realized what position they were in. Baekhyun was lying on the ground between Sehun’s thighs and Sehun was hovering over him with his hands supporting himself up, positioned on either side of the elder’s head.  


“Oh hey, Jongdae.” Baekhyun chirped, unphased by the situation.


“Uh- Hey.” The younger awkwardly greeted as he hastily got up.


“Hello to you too…” Jongdae snickered, raising a brow at the younger.


Sehun cleared his throat and averted his eyes.


“What are you doing here? And how did you even get in, you creep.” Baekhyun said.


“I texted you and told you I was gonna come by to pick up my textbook, but I guess you were a little... preoccupied,” he smirked at Sehun, “And you’re the one that left your door wide open, .”


“Oh, yeah I guess we forgot to close it earlier. Look at my new tree! Doesn’t it look nice?” He gestured toward the decorated Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.


Sehun felt like melting at the sight of a happy Baekhyun. He was now glad that they went through the hard work of getting that tree and making it look nice because after seeing the elder’s beaming smile, he felt like it was worth all the aggravation.


“It looks great, now can I have my textbook?” “Wow please try to contain your enthusiasm, Jongdae.” Baekhyun deadpanned before walking into his room to retrieve his friend’s book.


“Sooo…,What were you guys doing?” Jongdae asked, clearly amused at how flustered the younger was.


“We were uhm- decorating the tree.” Sehun awkwardly blurted. He mentally facepalmed himself, decorating the tree?


Jongdae raised his brows. “On the ground?” He snickered.


“Well uhm- Baekhyun was standing on the stool and he uh fell so I was trying to catch him and yeah.”


Jongdae bit back a laugh and rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say man.”





On Christmas eve Sehun spent the night at his parents’ house; his mother constantly nagged him about focusing on his studies and his father asked him where Jongin was.


Jongin was planning to spend Christmas with them this year but his mother missed him too much so he decided to back home for winter break.


His mother asked if he was seeing anyone and Baekhyun immediately popped up in his head, but he told her he wasn’t seeing anyone and she told him to stop having such a scary face all the time or else he would never find anyone.


He had told her that he got it from his father and argued saying that she still fell in love him despite his 'scary face.'


On Christmas day he drove over to Baekhyun’s house, his present for the elder was in the passenger seat and he kept glancing at it as if it would run away.


He knew he shouldn’t be so nervous because it really wasn’t that big of a deal, but he couldn’t help being worried about whether Baekhyun would like his present or not.


He had been texting Jongin all week asking him for advice on what to get the other, but even Jongin was unsure about what to get the boy.


They were both horrible at gift giving, always giving each other gag gifts or straight out asking each other what they wanted when it came to birthdays or Christmas.


When he knocked on Baekhyun’s door it flung open almost immediately, revealing the elder still dressed in his pyjamas and a Santa hat on his head.


“Sehunnie! Finally, I was waiting for you to come. You’re not wearing your PJs!” The elder exclaimed.


“I didn’t know I was suppose to.” Sehun lightly chuckled, taking off his coat and setting it onto the couch.


“It’s always more fun to open presents in your jammies!” They both sat on the carpeted floor next to the tree, both of them with wrapped up gifts on their laps.


“I wish was Jongin was here...It would’ve been more fun with the three of us all together. He texted me this morning to say Merry Christmas and I asked him if he wanted us to wait for him to open our presents but he just said to go ahead and open them today.”


Sehun nodded, also disappointed Jongin couldn’t be there with them. Even though it was nice to have alone time with Baekhyun, Jongin was his best friend and it would’ve been nice to spend Christmas together.


“Okay well then, do you wanna open yours first?” Baekhyun excitedly held out a small box. Sehun thanked him before taking the box and opening it.


He was surprised to see a picture of the elder inside and looked up at him confusedly.


“Take me, Sehun-ah!” He snuggled up into the crook of Sehun’s neck.


The younger froze, his heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to burst. Baekhyun bursted into laughter and Sehun wasn’t sure what was going on.


“I’m just kidding, here's your real present.” He pulled out a bigger gift from underneath the tree and handed it to Sehun.


The younger awkwardly laughed, trying to calm down his heart before proceeding to unwrap the present; the wrapping paper had cute little gingerbread men all over them and Sehun thought it matched Baekhyun’s personality very well.


When he finished unwrapping it, he saw that it was a black crewneck sweater, neatly folded up. When he unfolded it and held up to see the front, he saw there was a big patch sewn onto it.


It was a basketball hoop and a basketball with a smiley face on it, the words “May all your swishes come true” was below it.


“Jongin told me you were on the basketball team in high school. He said you really liked it too. I saw that on a kid’s shirt the other day and thought it was cute, so I cut it out and sewed it onto a sweater. I hope you like it.” Baekhyun smiled sweetly at him.


Sehun’s heart was beating wildly and he didn’t know if it was because they were near the heater or what but he suddenly felt very warm, inside and out, and all he wanted to do was hold the other in his arms.


He had never had anyone do anything like that for him before, nothing that personalized and thoughtful.


It made him feel loved and warm inside, he wanted to wear it and never take it off.


“I love it, thanks hyung.” He smiled. “Really? You don’t have to lie if you don’t actually like it, you know. I won’t be mad.”


The younger shook his head. “I really, really do love it.”


Baekhyun smiled from ear to ear, delighted that Sehun liked his present.


“Your turn,” he handed him the gift, “I hope you like it...I wasn’t really sure what to get you.”


Baekhyun carefully unwrapped the paper, not wanting to rip any of it. Sehun was amused and asked him why he didn’t just rip it, to which Baekhyun responded saying that he liked to save wrapping paper and hang it up on his wall. Sehun knew that Baekhyun had always been the sentimental type.


He pulled back the wrapping paper to reveal a fleece blanket, one side was purple and the other side was black. On the edges of the blanket were knots, Baekhyun realized that it was two fabrics tied together by little knots.


“You always complained about cold you were in bed so I made you a blanket. Well, kind of, I didn’t know to sew or knit or anything so I just looked up no sew blankets online and there was a thing about no sew blanket knot tying and yeah. It took really a long time to tie all of those and I messed up a couple times…” Sehun nervously scratched the back of his head, trying to read Baekhyun’s face.


The elder broke out into a huge grin, his droopy eyes forming those crescents Sehun loves.


“I love it! Thanks Sehunnie. This is so cool, I’ve never gotten anything like this. I can’t believe you actually did all this...I feel so special.”


“It wasn’t that hard.” Sehun chuckled.  


“No, really. I love it...a lot. It must’ve taken forever to tie all of these...No one’s ever done anything like this for me before, thanks Sehun-ah.” Baekhyun leaned forward to hug Sehun, surprising the other.


Sehun pulled him close and Baekhyun nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, the younger hoped he didn’t feel or hear his heartbeating since their chests were flush against each other.


Sehun decided that maybe he didn’t hate winter that much after all.

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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL