First Love {Ending 2}

Love Comes in Bunches

Aaaahhh I finally finished ~ I've been working on this chapter for a while, I had a lot of ideas but I didn't have one I wanted to commit to but yeah I finally decided on one so I hope you guys like it. I'm kind of sad to be ending it already cause it feels like I just started it not too long ago but I'm also happy because I finished my first chaptered story!!! Thank you to guys for following me through this lmao like seriously I'm always so so so excited whenever I see I got a new subscriber/comment so thank you guys for always making my day<3 I hope you guys like this ending even though most of you guys like kaibaek more lmao and hope you guys enjoyed the story <3<3 ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 





Students poured out from the classroom doors after the professor concluded his lecture.


Baekhyun yawned as he dragged himself out of the room, lugging his backpack with one hand, and a half empty cup of coffee in the other hand.


It was finals week, which meant Baekhyun was spending most of his days in a crowded library with other students also studying their asses off.


He was beyond exhausted given he had only been getting a few hours of sleep every night with all the studying on top of work.


He hadn’t seen Sehun or Jongin in a couple weeks, he figured they were busy studying with finals too; still, he really missed seeing them drop by the store every week.


He pulled out his phone from his back pocket to check the time, but sighed upon seeing that there were still a couple hours before he had to go to work.


“I guess I can go to the library ‘til then,” he muttered to himself.


He started walking down the call when his vision was suddenly blocked by a pair of large hands.


“What the-” The brunette immediately spun around to see who it was.


“Hey, hyung.”


“Sehun!” Baekhyun chirped, jumping into the younger’s arms.


The younger laughed lightly, “Missed me?”


“Of course I did idiot, I haven’t seen you in weeks. Where’s Jongin? And how did you even know what class I have right now, stalker.”


He continued to walk, the younger followed after him while holding out his hand to offer to carry the elder’s backpack.


Baekhyun declined, but Sehun grabbed the backpack anyway, slinging it over his shoulder as Baekhyun tried to hide his smile.


“First of all, I am not a stalker. Jongdae told me where you were. Second, Jongin’s stuck at home writing a paper that’s due in like an hour, that idiot just started it today.”


“Of course he did,” Baekhyun chuckled. “You should’ve made him start it earlier! What kind of best friend are you?”


“Don’t you think I tried?! I am a very good best friend for your information,” Sehun pouted.


They walked through the building side by side, their hands occasionally brushing against each other.


Sehun had a strong urge to entwine his fingers with the elder’s pretty ones but decided against it.


The two laughed together as they walked when Baekhyun suddenly stopped in his tracks.


“Oh god,” Baekhyun hissed, stepping behind the younger.


“What? What’s wrong? Who are you hiding from?”


“That guy walking this way, he asked me out last week and I told him no but he won’t leave me alone,” he whispered, ducking behind the taller.


“What the ? Hyung, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner? Do you want me to say something to him?” Sehun asked as he took a step forward, anger evident his in voice.


Baekhyun’s eyes widened as he quickly grabbed the younger’s shirt, pulling him back. “No! I didn’t tell you because it isn’t a big deal, I can handle it myself. I don’t want you doing something stupid and get in trouble.”


“Not a big deal? If he’s not leaving you alone then-”


“Sshh! He’s coming, what should we do? Should we hide somewhere or-”


His rambling was cut short when he found himself being pushed against the wall, a pair of soft lips were suddenly against his.


The voice in the distance faded and all that Baekhyun would focus on were the two large hands on either sides of his face.


Sehun delicately cupped the elders cheeks, but moved roughly against Baekhyun's lips.


The momentary bliss passed and Baekhyun widened his eyes and felt blood rush to his face.


After a moment, Sehun slowly pulled away, staring into Baekhyun’s eyes as he his lips.


Baekhyun couldn’t do anything but stare as he tried to digest what just happened.


“Oh- Uhm hey Baek.”


The elder turned around, almost forgetting about the voice that had been calling out for him earlier.


“O-Oh, h-hey Taemin,” he stuttered.


“I uh didn’t realize you-”


“Had a boyfriend? Yeah so I’d appreciate it if you left him alone.”


Sehun possessively wrapped an arm around the elder’s waist. He stared down the other with a dark, menacing glint in his eyes.


“Right, I’ll uh see you in class Baek.”


“Y-Yeah, see you,” the elder awkwardly smiled.


They silently watched as Taemin walked away, Sehun’s arm still wrapped around the elder’s waist.


A light shade of pink was still on Baekhyun's face as he shifted in place, Sehun quickly, yet reluctantly, let go of him.




“I-It’s okay, uh thanks for- you know, yeah,” Baekhyun nervously chuckled.


“Yeah, no problem.” Sehun cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head.


“Well,I’ll see you later. I gotta uh go to work,” the elder quickly blurted out before running off before the other could even say anything.




When Baekhyun showed up two hours early for work, he received a questioning look from his coworker but when Baekhyun offered to cover the rest of his shift, his coworker gladly accepted and quickly dashed into the staff break room.


It was a busy day in the store today, which Baekhyun was somewhat glad about since staying busy kept his mind off of the kiss with Sehun.


He didn’t know why his heart beat so fast every time he thought about it, Sehun only did it to get rid of Taemin for him.


He’s never even thought of Sehun as more than a friend.


He had always thought him as his childhood friend, the little kid from next door, but now that he thought about it, Sehun wasn’t a kid anymore.


He was taller than him now, his shoulders were broader and he had a certain way of making Baekhyun feel funny inside whenever he caught the younger looking at him.


He didn't realize that he had been brooding over Sehun for hours until the last customer in line walked up to the register, and Baekhyun released a sigh when the store was finally devoid of customers.


He checked the time on his phone, a bit disappointed that Sehun didn’t even try to text or call to talk about what had happened, and saw that it was to close up the store.


The brunette shut off all the lights and locked up the front doors and he gathered his things before stepping out the back door and locking it.


The parking lot was empty, except for one black car parked right in front of the entrance.


Baekhyun spotted a head of blonde hair from the other side of the car, he felt his heartbeat quicken.


Sehun was leaning on the driver’s side door, his hands stuck into the pockets of his black hoodie.


The younger whipped his head around after hearing footsteps, his face softened at the sight of the elder.


“Hey, hyung.”


“H-Hey Sehun.”


They were silent for a minute after that, both staring down at their feet.


“So...what are you doing here?”


“I uh- wanted to talk...about today,” Sehun said, nervously his lips as he waited for the other to say something.


Baekhyun simply nodded, not able to bring himself to make eye contact with the younger.


“Hyung, I...I didn’t just kiss you to make Taemin leave you alone.”


Baekhyun looked up from the ground and found himself frozen in place as the younger walked toward him, he suddenly found it slightly difficult to breathe.


“Look hyung,” the younger sighed, “I know you probably think of me as like your little brother or something. I’m not that little kid that lives next door to you, I’m only a year younger than you. And I’ve grown up.”


Baekhyun felt paralyzed under the younger’s gaze, he slowly nodded. “I get that.”


“Do you? Because what I’m trying to say is that I think I’m- I think I’m in love with you.” Sehun stared deep into the other’s eyes.  


Baekhyun in a breath, “W-What?”


“At first I just thought it was a crush, but every day that passes, I can’t stop thinking about you. I think I’m in love you and I think I’ve been in love with you with since were kids but I just never realized it and I know I sound like I’m being dramatic, but every time I see you I can’t even explain how happy I feel inside. Everytime you smile or laugh, I get this feeling in my chest like I can’t breathe and all I want to do is hug and kiss you. I couldn’t standing seeing you with Jungkook- or Chanyeol. When you guys kissed at Kris’s party, I wanted to punch his teeth in and after I kissed you today, I couldn’t stop thinking about how soft your lips were and how I just wanted to you kiss again.”


Sehun stopped talking, he realized he was almost of breath from the rambling and that he had the elder backed up against this car.


Baekhyun couldn’t do anything but stare back into the younger’s dark eyes, his heart beating so hard in his chest it felt like it was going to jump out from his throat.


His face felt hot even though it was extremely cold outside and he could see Sehun’s breath as the younger breathed heavily after his confession.


Sehun’s arms were on either sides of his body, caging him in against the car.


The younger leaned down until his lips were almost touching the other’s.


“You’re so ing cute and I can barely hold myself back when I’m around you,” Sehun almost whispered.


Baekhyun felt his hot breath against his lips before they were covered by the same pair of soft lips from earlier that day.


Their lips molded together as the younger took charge and moved against the other’s lips.


Baekhyun hands were pressed up against Sehun’s chest as he grabbed onto the younger’s hoodie, Sehun’s lips moving hungrily against his own.


He let out a small whimper when the younger gently on his bottom lip as he slowly pulled away.


Sehun looked down to see a flushed Baekhyun, his eyes hooded,his lips wet and swollen from abuse, and his chest heaving as he panted.


He leaned down to press to a hot kiss on the base of the elder’s neck.


A choked moan escaped Baekhyun’s lips when the younger on the sensitive skin.


“,” Sehun breathed.  


They stayed there for a few minutes in silence, their foreheads resting against each other as they composed themselves.


“I-I think...I love you too,” Baekhyun broke the silence.




“Oh hey, what are you doing here so late? Why didn’t you text me I would’ve ordered pizza or something,” Jongin said, opening the door for his best friend.


“No it’s okay I’m not hungry...I needed to talk to you.”







“I never actually thought he’d like me back. Jongin, I’m sorry,” the blonde sighed.


“What are you sorry for, idiot. Falling in love?” Jongin lightly chuckled.


“I just- I never really thought this would happen you know? I’m mad at myself for liking him because I knew how much you liked him. I don’t know, I think I’ve liked him since we were kids and just never really realized you know? Are you mad at me?”


Jongin sighed as he leaned back on the couch and stared up at the ceiling.


“Of course I’m not. I mean yeah I’m a little sad but you’re my best friend, I want you to be happy. And dude you guys found each other after like ten years, that’s gotta mean something.” Jongin turned to give his friend a soft smile.


“You’re a really good best friend you know that?”


“I think you mean I’m the best best friend.”


Sehun rolled his eyes and they both broke out in laughter.




One year later.


“What if your parents don’t like me?” The elder nervously fidgeted in passenger seat of the car.


“Hyung, they’ve known you since you were a kid. They love you,” Sehun chuckled.


“It’s been over ten years! What if they don’t remember me? What if they hate me? What if they have to force themselves to be nice to me? Maybe we should reschedule,” Baekhyun rambled.


“A bit dramatic, hyung,” Sehun chuckled. “Trust me, it’ll be fine. I love you and so will they.” He gave the elder’s hand a reassuring squeeze.  


“Fine,” the elder mumbled, a light pink dusting his cheeks.





The blonde peaked into the kitchen, looking for his mother.


“You’re finally here!” Sehun’s mother excitedly exclaimed. She quickly untied her dirtied apron and threw it on the table to give her son a hug.


“Hey mom,” Sehun chuckled, wrapping his arms around his mom.


“Your dad and I missed you so much! Where’s this new boyfriend of yours? We were waiting all day to meet him. Why didn’t you tell us his name? He isn’t a criminal or anything right? How did you guys meet?”


Sehun laughed, amused at his mom’s rambling. “No mom, I am not dating a criminal. Calm down, I think you’ll be happy to see him...Hyung?”


Baekhyun timidly stepped out from behind the wall.


“Hello ajumma,” he said nervously, “Do you remember me?”


“Baekhyun?! Of course I remember you, oh my gosh. It’s been so long, the last time I saw you you were just a little kid! Now look at you all grown up! And you’re dating Sehunnie? I can’t believe you guys found each other again after so long and you didn’t even tell me, Sehun!” his mother complained as she pulled the brunette in for a big hug.


“It’s about time you guys finally went out, I always knew Sehunnie had a little crush on you and he was so sad when you moved away. Look at you guys now, happy together.”


“Okay okay mom, you’re embarrassing me,” Sehun whined, “I’m gonna show him my room okay?”






“Hey babe do you wanna unpack now or later?” Sehun ped his bag and pulled out the hoodies he packed for the weekend. He turned around when he didn’t get a reply from the elder.


Baekhyun was sitting on his bed looking around the room, Sehun noticed the elder’s cheeks were slightly pink.


“What?” Sehun asked, amused.


“What do you mean?”


The blonde raised a brow as he walked over to the other and sat down next to him.


He lightly laughed when the other avoided eye contact. “You’re blushing.”


Baekhyun’s eyes slightly widened and he immediately slapped his hands over his cheeks. “I am not! I-I’m just not used to you calling me that…”


The blonde chuckled, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s body and pulling him back onto the bed.


They landed on their backs with a soft thump. The blonde got up and hovered over the other.


“You’re cute.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes and playfully hit the younger’s chest. “Shut up.”


They both stared into each other eyes for a moment before Sehun slowly leaned down, capturing the elder’s lips in a kiss.


The elder felt a large hand sneak under his shirt, roughly gripping his hip when the door suddenly slammed open.


“Hey kids dinner’s rea-Oh!”


Baekhyun instantly shoved the younger’s off the bed with a surprised yelp.


Sehun landed on his with a loud thud and a quiet ‘ow!’ and the elder quickly sat up and straightened out his shirt.


“Mom, don’t you knock?” the blonde whined as he rubbed his sore bottom.


“Oops,” she giggled, “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just wanted to tell you guys dinner ready.”


“We’ll be right out,” Sehun said.


The moment she left out of the door Baekhyun slapped his hands over his face in embarrassment, he felt absolutely mortified.


“I hate you.” Sehun heard his muffled voice through his hands.


The younger laughed light as he ruffled the elder’s hair.


“I love you too, hyung.”

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961 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL