05. Conflicted

Love Comes in Bunches

Chapter 5~~ I literally love that gif of sebaek so much omfg ^^ the way sehun looked at him....i actually want to cry like forrreal. anyway lmao , hope you like this chapter! 



After the party, Jongin gave Baekhyun more frequent rides home from his job, claiming that he was on his way home from somewhere so he wanted to drop by, but Jongin still doesn't have the guts to ask him out or spend time with him outside their interactions in the store and rides home but he was trying to change that.


When Jongin finally baked the cookies he had promised to Baekhyun, the other cheered and excitedly ripped the bag open and shoved one in his mouth.


His eyes brightly lit up and broke into a big smile, his cheeks filled with cookie looking like an adorable chipmunk. “Waaahhh! They’re so good! I love chocolate chip cookies…”


Jongin laughed at the other’s dramatic reaction. “Really? I forgot to taste them and I wasn’t sure if they’d be good...I haven’t baked anything in while.”


The shorter nodded eagerly. “Mhm hmm! They’re super good, thank you very much Jongin.”


Jongin ruffled Baekhyun’s hair and told him it was no trouble, even though he had to buy all the ingredients and now he has no use for them, he figured he would just save them for when Baekhyun wanted more cookies.


“So...you wanna come over on Thursday and hang out? I know you and Sehun have wanted to hang out and catch up ever since the party but you’ve both been busy for the past couple of weeks and he's free Thursday. I thought we could all hang out.”


“Hmmm okay, but only because you baked me cookies.” Jongin narrowed his eyes at him and Baekhyun laughed.


“Just kidding, of course I would wanna hang out with you guys.”


Baekhyun told him he would stop by after his afternoon class and Jongin told him he couldn’t wait, and he felt genuinely excited to see the other later.






“When’s Baekhyun coming?” Sehun asked, kicking his feet up onto Jongin’s coffee table and popping a handful of popcorn into his mouth.


“He just texted me, he should be here in like five minutes. , I forgot to shower and I just got back from the gym, I’m gonna go take one really quick. Open the door for him yeah?”


The blonde hummed and continued to watch the zombie show while stuffing his face. The doorbell suddenly rang and he got up to open the door, his eyes still glued to the TV trying not to miss anything even though he had already seen this episode.


He opened the door to reveal a red nosed Baekhyun looking up at him through a pair of glasses, his chin was tucked into the scarf that was wrapped around his neck.


His cheeks were flushed and he was wearing a beige oversized sweater, Sehun figured that it was cold outside since it was pretty late at night.


The younger immediately softened when he made eye contact with those puppy dog eyes, his heart started beating fast like the first time he saw him at the party and he felt weird again.


“Hi Sehunnie,” Baekhyun greeted, pushing his glasses up, “aren’t you gonna let me in?” Sehun snapped out of his daze and moved aside to let him in.


“Oh uh- Hey hyung, yeah sorry come in.” The elder smiled and walked through the door, looking all around the apartment,taking in his surroundings.


“It’s so nice here, I like the colors of the walls. Where’s Jongin?” He asked.


“He’s taking a shower. Do you want anything to drink? Maybe coffee or something? You look cold.” He walked the kitchen and opened the cabinet to grab a mug.


“Coffee would nice. And yeah it was warm during the day but I heard it was gonna get cooler at night so I brought a sweater and scarf just in case since I knew I’d have to wait for the bus and whatnot.” He said as he scanned his surroundings.


Baekhyun walked around the room and scrunched his nose when he saw the mess Sehun had made with the popcorn on the couch. “You’re so messy.”


“Oh, I didn’t even noticed. I was too distracted watching TV I guess.”


“You watch The Walking Dead too?! I love this show, Jongin told me about it.” Sehun laughed and handed the other a mug of hot coffee, Baekhyun muttered a quiet ‘thank you’ before taking a little sip.


“I’m the one that told him about it.”  They both sat down beside each other on the couch and watched the show in silence.


Sehun stole glances at the elder and watched as he sipped on his coffee and his lips after every sip. The younger caught himself his own lips as he watched him.


He swallowed hard and forced himself to look away. What are you doing...He thought to himself as he shook his head and massaged his temples with one hand.


“So, did you hear about that one guy?” Baekhyun broke the silence. Sehun looked at him curiously.


“What guy?” The other simply shrugged. “I don’t know, I was just trying to make conversation.”


They both stared at each other with straight faces until they simultaneously threw their head back in laughter.


“You’re so weird.” Sehun said as he wiped away a tear, trying to calm down.


Baekhyun just shrugged again, “Prove it.”


The younger asked Baekhyun about school and how he was doing, he was surprised to learn that he went to same school as him and Jongin at the party.


Baekhyun told him that he was doing fine and that he was working on a group project in his mechanical engineering class and that he had busy tutoring other students after school on his days off from work.


He asked the younger if he was doing fine in school and that he’d better not be getting into trouble or else.


Sehun told him that he was doing fine and that he and Jongin went to study groups every Wednesday night.


Baekhyun said that they should hang out sometime when they’re both free to do some childhood friend bonding and Sehun nonchalantly agreed, even though on the inside he felt a fluttering feeling in his chest.


They exchanged numbers and Baekhyun rambled on about what they could do, something about ice skating and how they should race.


“How’s Yixing by the way? He’s so nice, I like him! I can’t believe little Sehunnie has a boyfriend and I don’t…”


Sehun tried his best to laugh normally but he couldn’t help feeling a pang of guilt when the other mentioned Yixing.


He felt so conflicted, why was he feeling so nervous around his friend he’s known since he was four years old? Why couldn’t he stop staring at the other’s pink lips when he talked or why did he find his  smile so ing adorable?


He felt like he was wronging his boyfriend in someway, even if he wasn’t actually doing anything. He also felt like he was wronging his best friend, had knew how much Jongin liked Baekhyun.


Sehun was really happy for him, but there was a feeling inside his chest he just couldn’t shake off, all he knew was that he couldn’t act upon it and betray his friend or his boyfriend.


He tried to convince himself that he was just really happy to be reunited with his childhood friend after so long, after all Sehun had looked up to Baekhyun like an older brother when they were kids, he always following the older around. He was a really shy and quiet kid and it was hard for him to make friends.


All the other kids always said that he looked mean and never wanted to play with him but Baekhyun was the first to come up to him one day while he was playing alone on the front lawn of his house.


“Do you wanna join my marching band?” Baekhyun asked. Sehun was sitting on the grass, playing with his toy cars when a boy with a wide smile walked up to him, holding a plastic recorder in one hand and the handle of a red wagon in the other hand.


The younger looked up at the boy standing in front of him, blocking him from the sun. He looked at his and then at the wagon, which contained a toy drum and two little drum sticks. “Okay.”


Sehun got up, noticing that he was a couple inches shorter than the other.


“Here you can play the drum. I’m Baekhyun! Mommy told me you were younger than me so call me hyung okay?”


Sehun nodded and carefully took the toy drum from Baekhyun’s hand. “Your name is Sehun right?” Sehun nodded.


“I’m gonna call you... Sehunnie! And we are now best friends okay?” Baekhyun declared with both hands on either sides of his hips.


For the first time since Baekhyun moved into the house next to Sehun’s, he saw the other smile and from then on, Baekhyun made it his mission to always make the younger smile. “Now...follow me!”


Baekhyun marched down the sidewalk as he blew on his recorder. Sehun followed him, tapping on the toy drum. The younger was happy to have someone to call his best friend.







That night was spent watching movies and munching on a lot of junk food. Jongin was happy he was able to spend time with Baekhyun, even if was in a group and in a platonic way.


He was okay with taking things slow and starting as friends.


He didn’t want to rush and mess anything up in anyway so he decided that he would ask Baekhyun out when the time was right. Sehun was glad that he finally got to spend time with the elder also.


After he had exchanged numbers with him he didn’t actually expect Baekhyun to text him often, but he did.


At first he asked if Yixing would be okay with them texting, Sehun told him that it was fine. He even told Yixing what Baekhyun had said and his boyfriend laughed saying that of course it was okay that his childhood friend wanted to talk to him.


He told Sehun that he had complete and total trust in him and Sehun couldn’t help but feel a little guilty even though he wasn’t doing anything wrong.


The next few days following the night of their boys night in, Baekhyun had texted him at random times, about odd things he remembered or saw.


Every text made Sehun confused but laugh nonetheless. He was sitting in bed, typing the essay that was due tomorrow when his phone vibrated.


Baek Hyung: you better be working on your essay


To Baek Hyung: I was before u rudely interrupted me


Baek Hyung: you shouldn't have procrastinated :/


Sehun chuckled, he noticed that the elder used that face often when texting.


To Baek Hyung: u sure do like that slant face


Baek Hyung: there’s just so much emotion and feel in that one face :/


Baek Hyung: no words are needed


Baek Hyung: :/


He chuckled again and rolled his eyes before locking his phone and went back to typing up a storm. He scoffed when he felt his phone vibrate again.


Baek Hyung: good luck sehunnie


Sehun tried his best to ignore any feelings of butterflies but despite all the effort to act calm and collected, a grin broke out on his face.

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967 streak #1
Chapter 17: I don't mind the two alternate endings. But I'm more of a Kaibaek right now. Just so you know. I just felt like the Sebaek ending has more inroads into the family. But that's okay.
Thank you so much for sharing.
967 streak #2
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I find it very lively. I love the characters.
Chapter 10: Oh Lord Oh Lord why is that christmas chappie so adorable and sweet Im.gonna dieeee
KeepBeef #4
Chapter 1: wait. is this kaibaek or sebaek?
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 18: just too cute ASDFGHJKLZXCBNM
R_nine21 #7
Chapter 17: I want to cry with sehunie TT.TT I wanna hug him too TT.TT
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 13: thanks a lot jongdae for helping my sehunie :)
R_nine21 #9
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 7: it's okay Yixing~~ LOLOL