january 29th

love letters;

Dear Jeongmin,
        Now it’s been your turn to leave for work. You’ve been flying around the country for three days, severely exhausted and in great need of home. However, you’ve still been thinking of me, and I can tell by the way you've kept me updated. You know the paranoia and slight distrust I hold regarding human-made crafts; because of this, you’ve let me know every time you board or leave a plane, just to reassure me that airplanes do work and that you are safe. I know it may seem silly, but this small action has kept me warm through the bitter cold this week brought. Your safety means more to me than even my own. 

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hinata1242 #1
I love it ^_^
Chapter 21: Is this supposed to be sad? Coz I might be crying
DuginskiYngrid #3
Chapter 6: I'm completely in love with your story, the way you write is light and sweet, I love this kind of writing and I think it fits the couple. It's also different from usual ways of telling a story, I've found it really unique. Looking foward for the next chapters ♡