A Trip To The Movies

Girls Like Girls

A few weeks had gone by since that day the two girls spent together. Since then, they had been hanging out way more often than before. Irene often ditched her own boyfriend to sit with Wendy and her friends. It went unnoticed by Joy and Yeri though. Seulgi, obviously not as dense as the other two, definitely saw what was going on. She had been observing, taking notes and coming up with an actual theory. Wendy didn’t have a crush on Bogum, Seulgi was almost sure of it. However, she wanted to test out her hypotheses. She decided to take the first steps in proving her suspicions. 


“Seungwan-ah,” Seulgi asked with extra aegyo, “Can we go see a movie tonight?”


Before Wendy could answer, Irene glared at Seulgi and replied instead.


“She’s busy.”


“No I’m not? Of course we could go see a movie Seul!” said Wendy.


Irene huffed in her seat.

“Why is she taking MY Seungwannie away from me?” thought Joohyun.


“Irene would you like to join us?” asked Seulgi all innocently.


“Of course I would!” replied Joohyun enthusiastically.


“She got jealous when I asked Wendy to go to the movies. That’s very good in regards to my theory… Kang Seulgi fighting!”  thought the bear to herself.


Not too long after, lunch ended and all four of them parted ways to get to class.


*Later that day*


The three of them made their way towards the movie theatre while discussing what movie they should go see. The whole time they had been walking, Seulgi clung to Wendy’s arm, making Irene extremely jealous. 


“You’re playing with your life… But I can gather enough evidence to prove I'm right, in the end it’ll all be worth it,”  thought Seulgi.


After finally reaching their destination, they settled on going to watch Finding Dory, recommended by Seulgi of course. Irene was upset Wendy didn’t want to see Star Trek and instead opted for the other girl’s suggestion.


“I know Wendy loves Disney movies so I figured this would be something she would want to watch,” said Seulgi to Irene.


Joohyun used all of her willpower to resist starting a fight right there and then with Kang Seuwhatever. 


“Be the bigger person…Be the bigger person…” Irene chanted to herself


Once they bought their tickets and got into the theatre, Seulgi insisted on paying for Wendy but conveniently didn’t have enough money to pay for Joohyun. Irene was furious, up until the moment where Wendy decided to pay for her instead.


“Interesting,” thought Seulgi, “She paid for Irene as if they were on a date, Irene looks upset pretty much every time I talk or do something for Wendy…This is going very well for me.”

Once they sat in the theatre with all their snacks, Seulgi decided to try something else out.


“Wannie! Sit next to me!” yelled the girl with her hands reaching toward Wendy.


Irene could feel the veins in her head bulging.


“Who the hell does she think she is?” thought Irene, “That’s MY Seungwan!”


Wendy, noticing her best friend’s look of distress, quickly found a solution. Seungwan soon found herself in a Seulrene sandwich, and that’s how she stayed during the entirety of the movie. Seulgi would cuddle into her arm and then Joohyun would do the same thing.


“Boy, I’m really feeling loved today,” thought Wendy happily.


After the movie, it was time for the three of them to head home. Seulgi and Wendy lived near each other so they took the same bus home, whereas Irene needed to take a different one. Before parting ways, Irene hugged Wendy goodbye. She didn’t hug Seulgi, she just gave her a look of disgust before stomping away towards her bus stop.

After an entire day of observing and testing out her theory, Seul bear had come to a conclusion. 


While waiting for the bus Seulgi was staring at her friend for a very long time trying to figure out whether or whether not she should actually ask her question.


“Seul can you please stop that, it’s freaking me out.”


“Oh! Sorry… I didn’t think you noticed,” said Seulgi while laughing at her own naivety.


“Okay, what’s up with you Seul?”asked Wendy,”You’ve been all over me all day! What gives?”


The taller one of the two grabbed her friend’s hands before proceeding with her speech.


“Seungwan… You know in these past months, you’ve really made me feel like I had someone there for me and thank your that. Really, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really want us to continue to be good friends in the future…”


“Kang where is this all comi-”


“YAH! Let me finish you shorty. I’ve been watching you for the past couple of weeks and I realized something. I can tell there's an issue that's bothering you. And I know, whenever you’re bothered, you probably get it off your chest by telling Irene. However, I think this is a situation where you can't tell her and it’s killing you," rambled Seulgi. 

"Also, by all means correct me if I’m wrong but…” said Seulgi taking a deep breath.


Wendy raised an eyebrow. 


“Yes? What is it Seul?”


“…Wan-ah, you’re in love with her aren’t you?”

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Chapter 9: 💙💙💙
21Hunchae #2
Chapter 9: http://pintient.com/yAQ
Chapter 9: Girls like girls mv haha
Gr33nPow3r #4
Chapter 7: I miss this story I hope you still continue it.
garensuhanazono #5
Chapter 7: And... Yes i'm so excited on what will happen next *^*
Chapter 7: Author you love cliffhanger
Eririn #8
Chapter 7: I hope Wendy manages to confront Irene and confess like she totally should. Oh and sweep Irene up in her arms and kiss her senseless just for good measure lol.
wanniechu #9
Chapter 7: Oooh! But thanks for updating so often xx