Prologue 3: Dangerous

Sleeping Dino


'Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out.' Chan kept telling himself.

He felt like he was going to puke out the cake he just ate. The happiness he piled out for a past few hours vanished, instead, the nervousness crawled around his whole body, making him tremble and sweat a lot.

"Channie," Mrs. Lee chuckled internally as she looked at her nervous son, "It is gonna be alright."

"But omma, what if hyungs do not like it?" Chan worriedly looked at his mother who kneeled down in front of him.

"Chan, they will definitely like it." Mrs. Lee cupped Chan's cheek to look into his eyes.

"Omma~~" Chan made a pout on his face and earned a light chuckle from his mother.

"Hmm.......How about we try something?" Mrs. Lee guided Chan's hand to his own chest.

Chan realized what his mother was going to do.



Loud sob was echoing whole house.

Awakened by the sound, Mrs. Lee quickly rushed towards her son's room while Mr. Lee still slept soundly like a log.

"Channie," Opened the door, Mrs. Lee saw her son lying on the bed," What happened?"

"I-i dreamt...." Mrs. Lee hugged her son and hummed, "I dreamt omma and appa die."

" you had a nightmare."

"Emm......" Chan snuggled closer to his mother.

"It won't come true."


"Can't sleep?"


"Channie," Mrs. Lee ruffled Chan's hair," It's just a dream."

"But it is so real."

"Then how about we try something?"

"What is it, omma?"

"First," Mrs. Lee put her left hand on her left chest and lapped on it with another hand, "Put your hands like omma do."

Chan followed his mum's gesture," Then?"

"Then, close your eyes. And follow what i say later." Mrs. Lee looked at her son fondly and whispered," It just a dream."

"It just a dream."

"It won't come true."

"It won't come true."

"It just a dream. It won't come true."

"It just a dream. It won't come true."

"Son, repeat it several times. And you will be fine." Chan knew it was his father but he decided to repeat those words.

"It just a dream. It won't come true."

"It just a dream. It won't come true."

"It just a dream. It won't come true."

'It just a dream. It won't come true.'

'It just a dream. It won't come true.'

'It just a dream. It won't come true.'...............

He fell into sleep.



"It gonna be alright! It gonna be alright! It gonna be alright! It gonna be alright. It gonna be alright. It gonna be alright." Chan told himself, feeling his body stop shaking and his muscle start relaxing.

"Go, Channie!" Mrs. Lee stood up and pushed Chan towards the backdoor, "Show your dance now!"

"Yes, omma!" Chan confidently walked towards the backdoor and stepped into the backyard.

"Channie," Mr. Lee who was holding a video recorder grabbed Chan's hand, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, appa." Chan glanced at his hyungs who were sitting on the chair.

"That's my son," Mr. Lee gave a quick hug to his son, "Fighting, Michael Chanson."

"Fighting!" Chan raised a fist and climbled on the stage.

His hyungs who were talking under the stage quickly turned their attention to Chan.

Chan gulped and started to talk," Hyung, I want to show you all something."

"First, thank you for coming to my birthday party.

Second, I am so happy to see you all bring your favourite thing over. Seriously i think maybe some of you won't bring it here..."

"If we didn't remind Hansol, he might forget."

"Remind what?"

"Remind you to bring your M......"

"Shh! Listen to our baby Channie."

Chan laughed and continued," And i want to thanks for the presents. Whatever it is, i will cherish it as my treasures.

I want to tell all of you hyungs that I love you! I love Jeonghan hyung and Jisoo hyung as my second parents."

"Aww.....i feel like our child has grown up."

"Jeonghan, he still technically four years old."

"I love Seungcheol hyung, and of course Scoups too."

"Woff woff!"

"I love Jihoon hyung and Minghao hyung as they always protect me. And i love Seungkwan hyung though he always cry."

"Seungkwan, why are you crying now?"

"It is so touched."

"Jusd sdop cry!"

"I love Junhui hyung and Seokmin hyung as they always make me smile. And i love Hansol hyung. Hansol hyung, i said i love you."

"I heard that!"

"Hansol iz liztening what Chan iz talking."

"Wow, miracle happened."

"I love Soonyoung hyung and Wonwoo hyung as they always talk with me. And i still love Mingyu hyung though he won't let me touch his food."

"I did let you eat my ice-cream."

"Really, Wonwoo?"

"He just allowed him a bite only."

"i want to show you how much i love you all. So," Chan started to play music, " I am going to present you my favourite dance."



Stared at the star above him, Chan was lying on the stage, breathing heavily. He just used all of his strength to dance the song.

He felt the stage vibrating.

"Channie," Jeonghan's face appeared above him," Are you okay?"

"I'm okay hyung. Just tired." Chan assured him, still lying on the stage.

"Chan, we have something to say too......" Chan saw Jisoo's and more faces appearing above him.

"We want to say.....we love you too...." Jihoon looked away after he said it.

"Hyung~~ " Chan felt a sting on his nose.

"Chan, we are happy to meet you." Seungcheol ruffled Chan's hair while Scoups shuffled near Chan to a tear which rolled down from his eye.

"We are habby do prodect you." Minghao patted his head.

"We are happy do make you zmile." Junhui patted his shoulder.

"Anyways, thanks for being a good listener." Wonwoo grabbed his left hand.

"And a good audience of my joke." Seokmin grabbed his right hand.

"Thank you for always explain thing to me." Hansol gave Chan a wide grin.

"And sometimes cry with me." Seungkwan sneezed snot on a tissue.

"I-i willll try to share my food with you." All of them stared at Mingyu with widen eyes, making Mingyu uncomfortable with the staring.

"I am glad to have that honour, hyung." Chan replied.

"How about us?" Wonwoo grabbed Mingyu's arm.

"H-hyung, i only offer Chan."

"Why?" Minghao asked.

"T-Today is Chan's birthday, so i only........"

"Next week is Seokmin and Hansol's birthday, so you are offering them food too?" Jihoon asked.

"No!! I..."

"I don't need Mingyu hyung offering me food. My mum will cook food for us." Hansol said.

"Not again, Hansol." Seungcheol sighed.

"I am not going to explain anymore." Jeonghan sighed too.

"Let me explain. What Jihoon means, ......"Jisoo started to explain to Hansol.


"That iz not fair, Mingyu!" Junhui said.

"Woof woof!"

"I want to eat your food!"

"I want two!"

"I want three.."

"When are you three going to stop that....."

The situation was too funny that Chan let out a laugh, simultaneously stop the bickering among the hyungs.

Slowly each of them burst into laughter.

Beep beep......

Chan turned his head towards the sound and saw his father switching off the recorder.

"Kids, all of you prepare to head home now. It's going to be late." Mr. Lee reminded them.

"Aww, abonim~~~" All of them showed their cute pout.

"Appa, a few more minutes." 

"Okay, son." Mr. Lee could not resist 13 cute faces in front of him.

"Thank you, appa." Chan turned to look at his hyungs.

"Chan, i want to say," Seungkwan exclaimed," Your dance is so great." His words received a lot of nods.

"I want to dance like you." Soonyoung wished.

"I may not want to dance," Wonwoo commented," But i want to stand on stage."

"For me, i want to sing on stage." Hansol clenched his fist in front of his chest.

"I want to play guitar." Jisoo smiled when imagining his future.

"I want to rap." Jeonghan shouted.

"Then how about we form an idol group?" Jihoon suggested.

"Like Seotaiji and Boys?" Seungcheol asked.

"That iz a good idea!" Junhui clapped his hands.

"I aklee!" Minghao crossed his arms and nodded.

"Let's make a pinky promise!" Seokmin jumped excitedly.

"We have so many people. How to do it?" Mingyu tilted his head.

"Emm......." Chan placed his finger on his lips.

"Ring!" Junhui shouted in Chinese.

"Har?" All of them, even Scoups, except Minghao tilted their head in confusion.

"Minghao, do you remember the Chinese drama we watched last week?" Junhui asked Minghao in Chinese.

"Ahh, you mean the ring?"


"Can you explain in Korean?" Seungcheol huffed.

"We can make ling uzing grazzez." Minghao explained.

"Grassez," Junhui repeated," We watched drama lazt week. The character in it put ring on their pink fingerz to make promize. "

"Good idea!" Jihoon nodded.

"Let's pull up some grasses and make ring." Soonyoung placed his left hand on hip while pointed his right hand forwards.



After awhile, they stood in a circle facing inwards with a grass knot tied on their pinky fingers. 

"Dhen we zhould grab other'z pinky finger like dhiz." Minghao grabbed Junhui's pink finger in his hand.

Everyone followed him while Seungcheol hold up Scoups and placed its jaw on his hand.

"What should we do now?" Seungcheol asked.

"We need someone to make a wish." Jihoon expressed his thought.

"Chan, i think you should make wish for us." Jisoo suggested.

"Why?" Chan blinked his eyes.

"Baby Channie, today is your birthday. What you wish today will come true." Jeonghan smiled, "I think all of you will agree with this."

Receiving encouragement from their eyes, Chan inhaled deeply, " We promise, we will form an idol band together in the future. 13 of us," Chan glanced at Scoups," And a dog. No one will be left behind. No one will be forgotten." Chan pushed his hand down, consequently others followed him.

"Fighting!!" All of them shouted.

Beep Beep.............

"Kids, time to head home now."

"Yes, abonim~~"



All of them were standing in front of the maindoor, ready to greet Chan goodbye.

"I really want to talk with you all about our future being idol, but..." Seungkwan yawned, "I need my bed now."

"Me too." Hansol also yawned.

"Let's go, guys." Jisoo was ready to walk back his house.

"Wait," Jeonghan stood in front of Chan, "I want to do this," He pecked a kiss on Chan's cheek," Happy Birthday, baby Channie."

"I want too." Soonyoung jumped on Chan and pecked on Chan's cheek too.

Chan felt like he was surrounded by a dozen of wolves who were going to eat him. "Hyungs, wai---" Attacked by pecks, he could not stop his hyungs leaving their love kisses on his cheek.

"Haha, good bye, Chan! Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday and goodbye."

"Bye, Chan."

"Scoups, say goodbye to Chan."

"Woof woof."

"See you tomorrow in the playground."

"See ya."

Cupping his own cheek, Chan raised a hand and waved," Bye, hyungs~~"

Chan watched all of them disappeared in the corner of street and turned into his house.

"Kid!" Chan jolted at the sound and turned his head back. He saw a tall stranger wearing a black hoodie in front of him.

"Sorry but may i know where is #### street?"

"Sorry, i don't know. Here is @@@ street." 

"Oh my god! I thought here is $$$$ street which is near to #### street." The stranger bit his lips.

Both of them silenced awhile. The stranger started to rub his arms.

"Kid, maybe it is a little weird. May i stay in your house for one night?"

"I don't know. I need to ask my parents first." Chan replied.

A cold wind blow between them and Chan saw the stranger's lips shiver in cold.

"How about you come in first? Then i will go and ask my parents."

"Oh my god, thank you very much." Chan made space for the stranger to enter his house and closed the maindoor. He led the stranger to rest on the couch.

"Please rest awhile. I will call my parents."


Chan left the stranger in living room and looked at the upstairs," Omma, appa, please come down for awhile."

"One moment!" His father shouted back.

Chan walked back to the living room.

"Where is your omma and appa?" The stranger asked.

"In their bedroom, probably watching my dance show using video recorder."

"Wow, you dance?"

"Yes," Chan lowered his head as he still felt embarassed to tell other about his dance ability, "I like it very much."

"Where did you dance? I want to watch it."

"I in the backyard."

"I thought you perform?"

"No no," Chan shook his hands, "I dance for my hyungs."

"Ohh for what reason?"

" is my birthday.."

"Ohh Happy Birthday, emm..."

"My name is Chan." 

"Happy Birthday, Chan."

"And i want to show my dance in front of them."

"Ohh you must like your hyungs very much."

"Yes, i lik--i love them very much."



"Kid, do you know what 'love' mean? 'Love' is a strong word to express one's feeling towards other people. It includes a huge meaning."

"B-but i do love them." Chan spat the words out.

"Wow calm down, kid. I mean no offense. I just tried to explain word to you. Seemed like you understand the word very well."

"Sorry, ahjushi. I didn't mean that. I....."

"Never mind, kid. And call me hyung. I am not too old."

"But you look like same age as my parents."

"Oh please. Just call me hyung. Please!"


"Good kid." The stranger extended his hand and ruffled Chan's hair.

"Channie, why do you call us?"

Turning around, Chan saw his father walking down the stairs.

"Appa, this hyung want to stay for one night."

"Har?" Mr. Lee directed his gaze at the stranger. His face turned from confused into extreme fear.

"Channie, come here quickly!" Mr. Lee jumped down the stair and attempted to grab Chan's hand.

"Appa, what happe...."

































Before he finished his words, dark covered his eyes and brought him into unconsciousness.  



Finally, i finished my three prologues~~(celebrating silently in front of computer) As i mentioned in my foreword, it is my first time writing fanfiction. I have written story before (Quite 'good' experience......) with my mother tongue.....not this story spent me more times to search through Google to check my vocabulary, sentence and etc......

This story also spent me a lot of times to build up the whole storyline. I want to make everything able to connect with each other. so many things i wrote in the story will connect to the later chapter. Please be sure to remember as many details as you can(?) (I bet i can't do......) Haha please enjoy this chapter and for self-promote, i update this chapter with an one-shot Jicheol story called Kissing Camel

Lastly, thank you for subscribing my story and i hope you will enjoy the story. Do comment~~Please~~

See you~~

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Chapter 10: don't stress too much about updating hon! we can wait, your health and job come first :)
i'll be patiently awaiting your updates authornim! fighting!!
Chapter 7: holy crap! all does diffrent povs! but its still amazing and I am really into it! cant wait for an update!
Jihoon_98 #3
Chapter 6: Ohhh... I did some kind of guessing here and there, but not sure if I get it right... I'll just wait till all the characters are revealed then....
/rolls in bed/
Chapter 5: Jonguppie from B.A.P learned b-boy! ^^ Hehe
cutehansol #5
Chapter 5: i loved this chapter :))
suz161 #6
Chapter 5: Oh Jesus. I freaking love this. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Jihoon_98 #7
Chapter 5: Wow..... This is such an interesting plot..... Just Woww
Chapter 3: Dying
nevr4get #9
Chapter 2: I love Meanie and Jihan ♡
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Chapter 3: Oh no... who is that stranger??