Who are You?- 3

Who are You?

"It's a surprise test." Mr. Han announces. "Nooooo!!!" the whole class sings except for Luhan. "But sir, you didn't inform us." Suho cries. "That's why it's a surprise test!! " Mr. Han's voice cracks as his blood boils. Suho leans to his left and looks at Luhan. "We're bros remember?" He raises his eyebrows but Luhan dismisses it. "I haven't studied." "Ayee!!! But you always score perfect!" A chalk hits him on his forehead. "Shut up Kim!!" "Yes sir." Suho says as he rubs his temple. Seohyun arrives, dripping wet. "Oh! Ms.- "Don't even think about it." Mr. Han swallows a lump in his throat as they all follow her with their gazes as she sits on her chair. 

Murmurs follow but she stays cold. "Okay again, a surprise test." Mr. Han announces for Seohyun and distributes the test papers.After thirty minutes Luhan is done. "You may leave the room Mr." And Luhan exits as Suho stares at him with pleading eyes. Lord have mercy on me. He thinks to himself.. After five minutes, Seohyun, submits her paper as well, making her the second to get released.

At the hallway Luhan bumps into Seohyun. He smirks. "So you're done? Did you just give up?" "It's getting cold so I need to change clothes." and she walks past him. "Yes better get yourself dried. You scare people with that look!" Luhan shakes his head and decides to go home. The rain is still heavy and the wipers of his car isn't helping much. "Goddamit! I forgot to check my spelling!"

The next day, Mr. Han announces "I don't know what to do with you class. Do you even study? Forget your gadgets!" several students roll their eyes. Seriously this isn't new to them. "Good thing not all of you are embarassments." Everyone looks towards Luhan and Suho leans to him "Congrats bro." The teacher coughs and while fixing his glasses he says "A perfect score!" Everyone claps for Luhan but his face crumples. "What's with the expression Luhan?" the girl in front of him asks. "But I got one word mispelled." Mr. Han nods to him. "Yes. What a miss. But it's okay you got 99." everyone claps. "Ms- Mr. Han cuts himself, careful not to mention her name and instead holds out the paper to her direction. Seohyun stands to claim it. "Congratulations." Mr. Han smiles but takes it back, seeing that she isn't interested. Everyone is silent. "Well? applause!!!" and everyone claps forcefully.

Luhan's eyes are glaring. I lost to her???? Suho on the other hand, is awestruck that his mouth is wide open. Seohyun glances at Luhan and they both stare at each other for a moment until she does what he usually does to her, smirk. "Whooaaahh!!! Did you see that?!" Suho slaps Luhan's back but Luhan is still shocked at the sudden display of emotion. "What was that for?" Suho asks himself. Luhan gives him the answer. "She wants competition."

After class, Luhan walks to Mr. Han's direction. "Mr. Han?" Mr. Han looks at him and smiles. "Oh yes my dear boy. Luhan what is it?" "That girl who scored perfect." "Yes?" "May I know her name?" Mr. Han's face turns to rock. "I can't tell you that." "Why? Are you afraid f her? Seriously all of the teachers are afraid to speak of her name. Who is she? Voldemort?" Mr. Han laughs. "No, no. I'm not afraid of her though I have to admit she's odd but every class has one or two unique students." "Then why can't you tell us her name?" Mr. Han scratches his had. "We were told not to." "Who told you?" "Mr. Han I'm done with my project." Seohyun appears from behind Luhan. "Oh thank you miss." Mr. Han takes the folder from Seohyun. "I'll leave you two then. I still have a meeting." "Mr. Han!" Luhan calls out. "Don't you have any other business besides stalking me?" She brings her camera to her eyes and takes a photo of the hallway, at the end of it, the lights are turned off so it's dark and gives off a ghostly effect. "I am not stalking you." Luhan looks at her with loath.Who would want to stalk a ghost?! "Or is it because I beat you in the test?" she looks at him blankly but her voice aims to annoy him. "You!!!!- the camera flash blinds him for a bit. "Why did you do that??!!" "To take evidence of your attempt on assault." She replies coldly and walks away. 

"How dare you challenge me??!!" Luhan shouts. "Are you threatened?" her voice is still cold. Luhan's blood is boiling and before he knows it,his feet moves fast to follow her. Luhan manages to catch up to her and sees her answering a call. He halts as she stops walking, maintaining the distance. "Do whatever you want.I don't care." Seohyun ends the call and resumes her walk. Luhan continues to follow her but stops as he sees the time in his watch. "Sh*t!! Why did I even waste my time on her?!!" 

Luhan turns around and runs back to  school to pick up his car. Seohyun stops and pouts her lips. She turns around and smirks. As she watches him fading, she thinks and grabs her phone. She dials a number and brings the phone to her ears. "On second thought, expect me there."

Luhan glances again to his watch. 7:30. It took him an hour and a half to prepare and so now, he is late for dinner. "I'm really sorry. I got preoccupied. Dad I'm sorry." "It's okay Luhan." A gentleman of his father's age tells him to brush it off. "In fact my daughter just arrived herself." Luhan shakes his hand and settles beside his dad. Before sitting down, he holds out his hand to the gentleman's daughter opposite him. His eyes dilate as he sees her looking so stunning in red lipstick and blue dress. The freaky girl is smirking at me!!


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gosh I don't know what to write!!!!


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faizahfaizbowo #1
Chapter 12: I'm waiting and waiting. ...
jamasca #3
Chapter 12: Hahahaha,...poor lulu who lost the game he started...
seonai #4
Chapter 12: hahaha lulu oppa is very lost i can't imagine if lulu oppa continue that argument
seonai #5
Chapter 11: aigoo that byuntae baek how you get the idea
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!!
seonai #7
Chapter 10: yaa lulu oppa erd i hope you realize that seohyun is pretty,y,and not creepy aigoo seohyun now very embrassing
secretlol #8
Oh my god. I made Luhan a jerk for too long. Dont hate me guys.