Chapter 11

Right Over There. . .

 In the dark and quiet room, a sound suddenly echoed around the room, making Jungkook open his eyes and woke up. He stood up slowly, ruffling his hair in a careless manner as he walked towards the living room. Through the sleep in his eyes, he identified a slouching Taehyung making the usual morning eggs and pancakes. Except this time, he noticed that something was a little off. The weatherman's voice was heard through the TV. 

 "Moving on to the weather, it will clear and sunny skies for today. So be sure to go outside, and enjoy your day. Jungkook slowly approached the older, until he realized he was still in his boxers. After going back and putting on some sweatpants, he returned to see Taehyung half asleep with one hand on the frying pan and the other one barely holding the spatula. 'Looks like I'm not the only one that's tired.' 

 After talking with Mr. Yoongi, Jungkook realized that his roommate deserved a reward. The only thing he could think of was letting him play games for the entire night, without dragging him back to bed. Not the most ideal reward, but it seemed fitting. With a slight cough he woke Taehyung up and asked, "So. . . what are we- I mean you, going to do today?" 

"Well, I don't think I have anything planned for today. What about you?" 

"Should have expected as much," Jungkook sighed dejectedly, "I was thinking, since it's going to be such a sunny day, we should enjoy it. Even the weather guy said it." 

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he put the plates of food on the table, "Then on what should I waste my most precious time on? I happen to have just received news that there will be a special event in the game today, so please tell me one good reason on why I should miss it." Jungkook stayed silent, trying to remember what he was originally going to say. 

"I thought as much," grabbing his plate, Taehyung began walking towards the computer.

Jungkook followed him and grabbed the back of his shirt, before forcefully dragging him back to the kitchen, ignoring the other's pleas for release. Taehyung, who was now sitting on the bench stool, sighed in annoyance.

"Okay, okay," he breathed, " Now that I know that your silence does not mean I don't know,  will you tell me where it is exactly you want to go?"

Jungkook sat down, thinking pensively of a place where the older would find interesting. After a couple of minutes, he came up with the perfect plan. After taking a bite of his pancakes he started, "See... since we spent the last week dedicating all of our time and attention on the history project, and everything.  I think it's time to reward ourselves with a trip to an amusement park!" Jungkook finished excitedly.

"A park?"

"A amusement park!" the younger yelled out once again. 

The older looked at Jungkook curiously before stating, "It isn't a horrible idea, though I have to ask, why do you want to go to an amusement park?" Jungkook looked down at his hands before answering hesitantly, "I've never been to one before."

 Taehyung's eyes focused on the raven, "Didn't your parents ever take you?" When the younger didn't elaborate, he didn't ask anything else. After a few moments Jungkook spoke, "So, are you coming?" he asked quietly, in his eyes  you could see a flicker of hope as he stood in front of Taehyung, staring at him pleadingly.

The brunette crossed his arms and sighed in defeat, "Fine, but you have to pay for my entrance ticket." Taehyung directed his gaze at Jungkook, his eyes meeting with the younger's. He could see the excitement beaming from his eyes, but what he didn't expect was to see gratefulness in them. He didn't know why the raven was grateful at his decision, if anything he should have been relieved that they wouldn't be staying indoors for the day. 

He snapped out of his thoughts when Jungkook uttered two words. "Thank you," Jungkook said before going back into the bedroom, to possibly change. Meanwhile, a dumbfounded Taehyung was still sitting stiff in the middle of the kitchen. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, his head being filled with thoughts. 

 'Why? Why was Jungkook thankful? Why was he so insistent on the two of us going out? Out of all of his others friends, why did he choose me to spend a free day with?' So many questions, but to him they were meaningless compared the most important one, "Why do you even bother with me?" The question that too heavy to keep inside, made its way past his lips and out to the real world. How he wished that Junkook was there, right in front of him and listening. Just so he could get answer, just so he could be convinced that the younger isn't just toying with him. 

 Normally, it's easy to figure out why somebody acts the way they do by their personalities. Depending on how you analyze them, you'll be able to see whether it is best to be straightforward or to be patient, and get through all their layers. The problem in this situation was that Jungkook was  both.

He was straightforward and honest, but even if you knew he was telling the truth, you'd know if there were somethings left unsaid. The full truth being hidden by fear, anxiety, lack of trust or something else. He had many friends, yet he chose to spend most of his days inside, with Taehyung. 

 To him, Jungkook was just one big puzzle where you're missing all the corners. Without a point to start with, how are you ever going to complete the picture. At this, the brunette remembered that Jungkook had yet to tell him anything regarding his life.

An idea came to his mind, maybe the raven was the kind of person that observes and studies you before getting close. Which still didn't explain how the latter had gotten so close with him, he should've avoided him like he was the plague. 

 Either way, Taehyung was still anticipating the trip. He hadn't gone to an amusement park since he was a kid. His only worry was that he'd probably be too cowardly to ride anything. He chuckled to himself, willingly separating himself from his original train of thought.

 Suddenly, the sound of a door creaking open caught his attention, his head slightly turning to see Jungkook peering from their shared bedroom door.

"Ummm. . .  are you coming or not?" the younger asked tentatively. Taehyung still hadn't moved from his spot in the last ten minutes. Making Jungkook think that the there was having second thoughts about accompanying him. Taehyung rubbed his absently, pushing away the sudden sleepiness. "I am, I'm just," he fidgeted awkwardly, "thinking about the game! Yeah, the game!  I mean, I got to tell the party that I'm leaving"

"Oh, okay then. Don't get distracted by the game hyung." Jungkook said with a smile as he returned to their room. He closed the door, faintly hearing the chair's scrape against the floor. He walked toward the bed and threw himself on it. He let out a sigh and smiled sadly, ' Why do I even bother with you? . . . Because you're my only real friend. Even if I'm too much of a wimp to tell you about my past.'  A few seconds passed before Jungkook stood up slowly, glaring holes at the door separating him and his roommate, and started changing. 


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kulitlang08 #1
Chapter 11: to the amusement park!!! i hope you guys enjoy!!!

and this is an activity outside school and their dorm...
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 10: that's a good progress...they are slowly building the trust...keep going...

i hope everything turns out okay...

looking forward for the next update...:)
wooooow ...that was cute i love it please make picture or cover for ur ff
thank u ^>^&
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 9: hahaha...kookie..."i just love my brain"...hehehe...:)

and yoongi's reply though...hahaha...:)

looking forward for the next update...:)
Chapter 8: It's been 2 1/2 months...... ;-;
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 8: hhhmmmm...who is watching them??? and what happened to kookie??? why did he ran away from home and doesn't want to go back??? what will happen to taetae, now that his mom is getting married again and would like to have full custody??? (i think he can still continue attending the boarding school, his mom just needs to pay for the tuition and give him allowance)...and where did tae get the money he paid jin earlier??? how does kookie pay for his tuition and where does he get his allowance as well??? (at least we know that taetae's uncle is paying for his school)...

sorry so many questions...


looking forward for the next update...
Konnie #7
Ahhh i barley read this today and i already love it!!! Its so good cant wait to read the other chapters ((-':
very good it
Jikook1 #9
Chapter 5: This is a great storyline!^^I'm excited for the next chapter