::06:: I Feel Like I've Met You Before

It Was Suppose To Be One Night
"I'm going to go home now. Have a good night." She smiled. She couldn't do it, not yet, not so soon.

"Eun Chan....Do you want to hang out sometime?"


Seunghyun had to figure out these feelings he have for this guy. It was becoming too much for him. He thought maybe if he hang out with him this one time, he could get all these crazy thoughts of Eun Chan out of his head.

“Ya….your doing anything now?”

“Ummmm” Amber checked her watch. Mina was at her friends house from school, so she didn’t have to worry about picking her up so soon. “Not really….What’s up?” She was casually leaning on the bar stool and Seunghyun couldn’t help but to admire her good looks.

“Ayo? You okay?”

Seunghyun snapped out of it.

“I’m fine…..Let’s go.” He murmured before he exited.

They took Seunghyuns convertible to the beach. Even though it was night, it still was a beautiful scenery. Seunghyun laid a blanket down for the two of them. They instantly fell back on it. Turning their heads facing each other, they realized that they were too close for comfort. They instantly moved towards opposite ends of the blanket.

“Ya….Eun Chan?” Seunghyun cleared his throat.
“Wassup?” Amber replied looking over at his smooth but masculine face.
“I don’t know what’s gotten over me……whenever your around I……” Seunghyun looked over at Eun Chan’s soft features. He felt so good. He felt that…….he saw him before?

“Nahhhh……”He thought.

“It’s such a beautiful night…” Amber said smiling looking at the stars.

“What are you?......Guys don’t sigh and talk about how beautiful of a night is with another man.” Seunghyun raised his eyebrow and Amber almost drooled.

“Are you gay or something?”

“No! I like men.” Amber revealed.
“Wha? I knew it!” Seunghyun stood up pointing at her. “You like men and….your trying to seduce me.”
“What?!” Amber stood up as well.
“You….they way you mop the floors when you clean….you stick your behind out at me. And when you blow your hair away from your face and……and……ugh……..” He sighed when she stared at him funny. “Who am I kidding? Eun Chan…..I know I’m not gay but….” He held her hand which starled her. He gripped tigher when she tried to move it away. “…..I want us to be close……like close brothers.”

“Uhhh….What about Dara?”

“I’m not sure if I want to marry her if I’m so attracted to you.” Seunghyun said moving closer to her. He leaned in to kiss her. Amber heart was beating a zillion times per second. He still had that effect on her. She couldn’t do this….not as Eun Chan.

“……I have to pick up Mina…..my daughter.” Amber said turning her face.

Seunghyun opened his eyes and straighten himself up. “Your daughter……how old is she?”

“She’s……5 years old.” Amber smiled.

“You seem to care for her a lot. What happened to her other if you don’t mind me for asking?”

“She……she’s around but is not involved with Mina.” Amber stood up to leave and Seunghyun follow suit.
“It’s a shame! I don’t understand how a woman could not want to be involved with her own child?!” Seunghyun said outraged. He opened the car door for her and sat in the driver’s seat.

“Especially with a guy like you……you seem like a great guy. You seem to care so much about Mina. She crazy to leave you both.” He said staring at the road.

“But…..you don’t even know me. How could you say such nice things about me?”

“Because I feel like I’ve met you before.” He smiled at her.

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Aquamaaan #1
Good story
Chapter 11: Thanks for this TOPber.
Chapter 11: this story is lovely, I love it.
its so sweet, TOP and Amber is great couple...
Chapter 11: sweet story of Amber & Top pairing, that's so rarely but when it comes at ff it's so sweet story. my feels so happy b'cs TOP is my male fav.rapper & Amber is my lovely female rapper.^_^
Tabifan #5
Chapter 11: i love this story..thank u for ur hardwork author-nim...good job!
WhiteFlower #6
Chapter 11: Beautiful story <333
Sweet :) though it took a while to get used to the idea of amber being paired with top
A M A Z I N G and A W E S O M E story~ ♥ x3
awww...so cute n nice ending...lol...finally a happy ending..XDD...
Awww that's so sweet! I'm glad Seung Hyun is ok and that they finally get to be a family.<br />