That is Love, Right?

Is it Mutual Love?

Mina blushed. "I-I didn't know. I'm flattered, it makes me happy to know that a dear friend of mine is so happy because of me." she said smiling. 'Oh, did she misunderstood it? Its better that way right? But, why am I sad?'

"Sorry I didn't notice you want me as much as I want you." Mina touched my shoulder and smiled at me. 'No its not like that! I want you more than you can imagine! I want you all by myself!' I want shout; I want to scream but my mouth seems to be paralyzed and I can't anything but just look at her happy face. Its fine as long as she's happy Momo; you know that.


"Momo! Mina! Are you there!? Oh, dinner's ready guys." Jihyo shouted/said from the stairs.

'As long as she's happy...'  I kept thinking that all night before going to sleep.






The things got harder than before. Mina has been hugging me whenever she wants and sometimes out of nowhere; she looks happy than before. That's all it matters for now.

"Momoring~" I'm cooking in the kitchen right and all of a sudden Mina came behind me and hugged me. This is what I'm talking about.

"M-Mina, I'm cooking right now?"

"Yes, I can see that." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Good and with you hugging me, I can't move well." I wriggled in her armd attempting to removed her but she tightened her arm. 'Good Lord.'

"You can move perfectly though." She said as she let her chin rest on my shoulder; I could only sigh and returned cooking.

Nayeon came and went to us. "Woah, easy on intimacy." She chuckled and then smelled my food. "Give me some when its done, pretty please?" She gave me a puppy pouty face and blink rapidly.

"Andwae." Her face came from a cute rabbit to an angry bulldog. "What!? You'll give some to Mina but not me!?"

"I also won't gi-"

"Aww you won't give me some?" Mina said and I felt the vibration of that almost gave me shivers. Nayeon smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"Ugh, fine piglets."

"Says the one who wanted to eat it all by herself, Mama pig." said Nayeonnas she took a water from the fridge. Then I feld Mina's hand on my stomach caressing it. I felt the vibration as I tensed up. "Never thought a Mama pig has hot abs."

'Damn Mina watch your words please!'

I heard Nayeon chuckled amused by Mina's statement. "You sure do love abs Mina, especially Momo's." I felt Mina tightened her grip and I looked at her to see a cute blushing Mina; I smiled at the sight. I finished cooking and served it on the table with 3 plates; I sat on the lonely side but Mina took her plate and sat beside me.

We ate in silence but knowing Nayeon she can't take it this way. "So.. what are you guys now?" I almost got choke by her question. I took a drink from my glass; I was about to open my mouth when Mina spoke. "Still close friends." she said confusion on her face, maybe because Nayeon ask out of nowhere.

"Y-Yeah. What made you ask?"

She looked at me for a second then replied, "Nothing, you guys seem much more closer than before." Nayeon shrugged and continued eating but before that she looked at me.




After eating, we went to the living room and sat with other members watching a drama. Our schedule wasn't tight as before so we have a lot of free time. The maknaes are on their way home from school; Nayeon took a day off from her university.


As we were watching the end of the drama's episode the maknaes got home. We looked at the time and decided to order for our dinner. We talked about a lot of things while eating and we joke/play around.


"Momo there's a smudge on your nose." said Jungyeon and everyone looked at me with expectant faces. I wiped my nose but it was clean af. "Let me do it." She placed a finger on my nose but instead of wiping it she pressed and flats my nose. Everyone laughed on my surely ugly face. Jungyeon on the floor clutching her stomach and Jihyo patting my back while laughing; being used to their dorkiness I laughed with them.

Dahyun took an empty bottle and placed it on the middle. "Let's play spin the bottle." she said then we began to form a circle. The first spin stopped on Tzuyu and was dared to do a dorky dance where we died of laughter. The next one stopped on Nayeon and was asked, "if you were the opposite for one day, what would you do?" which she replied, "Measure my mushroom." The unnies laughed but the maknaes and Mina cringed. The next one stopped on me and was dared to prank a random phone number.


"Hello?" A girl from the other line answered as I the loudspeak.

"I will find you.." I said in a deep sultry voice that I could mutter.


"and I will eat all of your foods." And the line ended with that. The memberneun laughed at me. "Eat all of your food? What is that?" said Sana laughing at me.

"Its all I can think of."

"All you think about is food." said Jungyeon while laughing. I shook my head smiling and then spinned the bottle. The bottle stopped pointing at Chaeyoung she chose dare and I told her to dance for thd most beautiful person here in the room. She stood up and I instantly regretted my dare because she went y dancing to Mina; she looked at her dreamily and I felt a stabbed on my chest. Chaeyoung was stopped by Tzuyu. "Hey that was supposed to be me." she said. Chaeyoung smiled at her and whispered something on Tzuyu's ear that made her slightly blushed.

"Mina, are you okay.. down there?" Jungyeon joked and was slapped by Nayeon on the arm. "Shut up, you guys." said Mina blushing.

That minute all I can think of is the letter for her inside my mind.


"I want you to be happy, and if it's not with me that's fine, because you're the only person I have loved enough to put before myself. Seeing you happy makes me happy, and that's what love is... right?




A/N: Sorry guys! I also want MiMo to end up together so don't worry! I just don't wanna rush ;) Love yall :*

I died at the freaking face swap of TWICE

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 12: Espero actualices está historia pronto...
1241 streak #2
Chapter 12: Update?
1241 streak #3
Chapter 12: I'm sorry,but is there any possibility for u to update this story? I'm so eager to know how will MiMo doing while pretend to be a married couple for a day ^^ they must be a cute,sweet couple and a great parent to their daughter,Chaengie :)
Update please....
gayMooooo #5
Chapter 12: I'm enjoying reading the story that I didn't notice there's no update in this chapter...still I'll wait..nice and cute story by the way ..
Aiza_marie #6
Chapter 12: Waiting here
Chapter 12: i really like this. please come back soon! :)
ForeverMomoStan #8
Chapter 12: I really like the story! Waiting for your updates! :)
yvesflower #9
Chapter 12: ...still waiting.....
kaisghoul #10
Chapter 12: Waiting again hoho