
Unexpected meeting

- I don't know. And you, oppa?

- I'd like to think that I found it already. I'm not sure, but I really hope. And I hope she feels the same as me. - Onew looks deep into my eyes. His eyes reflect mine. Could it be that he's talking about me? Or is it just my imagination?!

- Niki, we both know what we're talking about, don't we? - he reached to my hand. But before I could answer, a rain dropped on my nose.

We both looked above to see that it started to rain.

- Aish, this weather... let's run below that store's roof! - he says still holding my hand.


No matter how fast we were, we are soaking wet. I can't help it; I must laugh how ridiculous we look now. Fortunately, he's laughing too.

- So... what I was going to say is why don't we try? Since we both like each other... will you go on a date with me? I know that we still don't know each other very well. Aish, it's so hard... I've never confessed to anyone before... You know, it's like you turned my world upside down in just one day, and... I don't want it to end. I'm afraid as well, that we might not meant to each other, but we won't know if we never try, right? I want to make you happy. I want to be with you... - he holds both of my hands.

I look into his eyes:

- I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'm dreaming right now. Cuz this whole situation is like a speck of my imagination. I'm afraid, that I'll disappoint you... because you deserve a much better, nicer, smarter girl than me. But still... I want to try. Yes, I do want to date with you!

And he kissed me. I have never been this happy in my entire life. Then there was a sudden thunder. I got so frightened that I even clung to Onew's neck.

- J-jagiya[1]... I'm so happy right now. - he said shyly while he touched his forehead to mine.

- Me too. But Oppa, we should go, cuz we might get a cold in this weather.

- You're right. Also, your sister must be worrying by now.

- You can be sure about that. - we laugh together. He pecked me on the lips again, then we run back to the car together holding onto each other.
During the time, Vivi was at home waiting for her sister to get home.

- Aish, I can't wait to hear about my little sister's first kiss. Should I call her?

- No, just don't do anything stupid. They will come back soon since it's raining. - Mino said, trying to calm Vivi, without much success.

- Aigoo, my little sister's grown up now. Mino, eottokhae?

Mino facepalmed before saying:

- Let's buy something to eat, the bill is on me.

- Call! But...

- If you don't behave yourself, I'll tell GD hyung!

- Arasso, arasso...!



[1] lovers say this to each other in Korea

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