Waited for you

"Because I know we're fated."

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“Thank you so much for teaching me Kiseop oppa.” Jaein politely bowed her head at him. Kiseop waved it off as he smiled at her. “That’s alright. Hey do you want to-”


“Jaein sshi?” Both of them turned.


“Yoon seonsaengnim!” Jaein bowed at her. “Your parents are here. I was ordered to inform you about them. They’re waiting for you in the waiting room right now.” Jaein’s eyes widened. ‘MWO? OMMA AND APPA ARE HERE?!’ “A-a-ah, deh!” Jaein squeaked as she scurried off towards the office.


Kiseop stood there, perplexed and dejected. Ms Yoon eyed him suspiciously. ‘Was Jaein with him?’ Kiseop turned to go but his eyebrows pinched together. ‘Er, what a weird teacher. I wonder what’s going on with Jaein.’




The door burst open as Jaein stumbled inside. The commotion she caused had interrupted the conversation between her parents and the teacher. She blinked innocently before greeting them. “Omma, appa,” Jaein waved meekly.


Mr. Song gave her a stern look while Mrs. Song slightly shook her head. Jaein bit her lower lip and scratched the back of her neck.


When Mr. Song and Mrs. Song were done talking, the three of them headed out of the room. Jaein was silently walking behind them when Mr. Song spun around. “So,”


Jaein’s head perked up. “How are your studies going along?” He asked her with interest. “Pretty well, fine I guess.” Jaein answered.


He arched his eyebrow. “You guess? Well you better start doing something about the guessing then; don’t you agree so Miss Song Jaein? I can ensure you that guessing isn’t going to take you anywhere.” He folded his arms against his chest.


“Jaein, we were informed that you are doing great in college in terms of academic achievements. That’s a very good thing. However, there was this one point of time, when you were distracted.” Jaein diverted her attention towards her mother. ‘Ack. Han seonsaengnim is such a tattletale.’


“Ah! No, no. I was really attentive. But at that time, I thought I was having my menstrual cramps.” Jaein gulped as her heart skipped a beat. ‘Omo Jaein since when did you learn to start making things up?!’


Mrs. Song’s face softened. “I see. So is your stomach fine now? Do you need a hot water bag? Do you want to have some warm herbal tea?”


“Aniyo omma, I’m feeling alright.” Jaein assured her. “I guess all that worrying was for nothing then.” She smiled. “I actually thought something had had happened to you.”


“Seems like our Jaein is still the Jaein that we know huh?” Mr. Song commented. “Okay you should go back to your dorm and get some rest. We’ll be heading back home now.” He patted her shoulder. “Arasso.” Jaein bided them goodbye. *Phew that was close.*


When Jaein was certain that they had left, she walked back into the campus. Jaein was at the hallways when she abruptly stopped. She was assertive she saw Dongho.


Jaein backtracked and all doubts vanished when she saw him. Dongho was squatting down with his back against the wall. ‘Is he…asleep?’ Jaein stepped nearer towards him.


Cautiously, she crouched down to get a better look. Sure enough, Dongho was sleeping as his eyelids were shut and his mouth was slightly agape. ‘Pabo, why is he sleeping out here?’ She tilted her head and stared at him.


“Psh, why am I even caring for a guy who’s not humble at all and even calls me a stalker?” She pondered out loud. “Yah,” She lightly jabbed his collarbone. Dongho slightly stirred. “Yah wake up.” She waved her hands in front of him.


Dongho groaned, annoyed that someone had dared disturb his sleep. “? Yah Dongh-” Jaein’s pupils dilated. She felt herself turning hot. Dongho had his arms wrapped around her to stop her from waking him up.


Jaein stoned for a while. Unused to the skinship and irked at his behaviour, she shoved him away hard. Dongho woke up with a jolt as he rubbed his eyes groggily. “S-stalker?” He asked, still half-asleep. *Aish.* Jaein sighed.


“You’re not supposed to sleep here.” She stated it to him, unamused with what he had just done. “Go back to your dorm. I’m leaving now.” Jaein stood up to leave but she was yanked back down. Her body clumsily sank down in front of him.



“Ani, why would I go back to my dorm when all the while I was waiting for you?”

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Chapter 5: it make me feel the emotions !
cheong4life #2
I love it!
Anditwasallyellow #3
ilabya9 #4
Just when the fun started >.< Well the story was really nice but the most exciting part then it stops >.< Don't leave us hanging... Well I understand, but it's been almost a year :3 I hope nothing's wrong and this continues... the story is amazing
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 11: Update soon uh! I will be waiting! ;)
Eheheheh /shy. Thank you guys <3
ky_mi_ #8
nice story!!
Update soon :)