Meeting Hyunseung

The Match-Making Maid [Hiatus]

Only to find ……

Complete and utter darkness. Hyorin squinted as she scanned the entire room still unable to see anything till a tiny light at the end of the room caught her attention. It was a window.

“Ahhh finally some light.” Hyorin said as she slowly made her way over.

Still unaware of her surroundings Hyorin tried to cautiously make way her way through, until…..

*thud* Hyorin was now face down on the cold hard tile floor. “Owwwww son of a” she whined loudly before covering with her hand.

“What the …. “ Hyorin said as she winced in pain picking up empty beer bottles from the floor.

“Seriously, doesn’t this guy clean up after himself” she quietly said to herself. But apparently not softly enough, Hyunseung stood there and watched her as she sat on the ground.

Still unaware that she was being watched the entire time Hyorin decided to crawl to the window since she didn’t want to make any more noise. Gradually Hyorin crawled toward the window pushing out any bottles that ended up in front of her.

*Bump* Hyorin ran into a pole, or what she thought was a pole, but ignored it and went around. Finally she was in front of the window. When Hyorin opened the blinds, the bright light shined throughout the room illuminating the entire area.

“YAH!!!! WHO TOLD YOU TO OPEN THAT!?” Hyunseung screamed covering his eyes.

Hyorin immediately turned around surprised. Seemingly the poles that she ran into earlier were actually Hyunseung’s long legs.

“Omo, mianhe,” Hyorin said bowing. “It was just so dark and I couldn’t see so I” Hyorin stopped suddenly distracted by a half- Hyunseung.

His chiseled abs and rock hard chest made it impossible for her to focus. They seemed to be glistening as the sunlight laid on them.

“It’s just umm…” Hyorin mumbled before she realized Hyunseung staring at her.

“Mianhe, Annyounghasehyo I’m Kim Hyorin, you’re new maid.” She introduced herself.

“Who asked you!?” Hyunseung shouted glaring at her.

Stunned by his unexpected outburst Hyorin backed up into a wall.

Hyunseung, seeing how frightened Hyorin was, decided to mess with the new help. Let’s play a little game he muttered to himself. Hyunseung slowly walked towards Hyorin, up until he was right in front of her.

Hyorin’s POV.

OMG he’s getting closer what do I do. His steps are getting louder and louder as he gets closer and closer. Now he’s right in front of me, what to do. I looked down to the ground trying to avoid his eyes. I can feel his hot breath as he stood in front of me. He was so close I felt his chest up against mines. Oetteokhae!!

-end of POV-

Hyunseung placed his hand underneath Hyorin’s chin cupping them forcing her to look up. He stared into her eyes. His gaze, mesmerizing in a somewhat taunting way, when a smirk came across his face. Hyunseung inched his face closer to Hyorin’s. Naturally she closed her eyes tightly. Seeing this Hyunseung smirk grew into a grin.

“Yah, I’m giving you til’ the count of three to get the hell out of here.” he said into Hyorin’s ear.

“What?” Hyorin asked puzzled.

“Til’ three.” he repeated.


-Hah-na. -

“It’s time for breakfast.”


 *his voice getting louder and angrier Hyorin decided to leave. She pushed past him before he can get to three.

Annoyed and not wanting to give up Hyorin stopped at the door, and turned back, “Look come have breakfast with your family wh….”


But before she could finish Hyorin screamed as she ducked to the ground.

*clank* Stunned Hyorin turned around only to see broken shards of glass next to her. When she turned back to Hyunseung he was already juggling another cup in his hand, menacingly smiling as he got ready to throw it at her.

As Hyunseung raised his hands, terrified, Hyorin jumped over the glass out into the hallway slamming the door shut before hearing the sound of crashing glass hit the door behind her.

“WHAT THE !” Hyorin said to herself.

*ring, ring, ring.*


“We need to talk.”

“Hyorin-shhi, what’s wrong you sound terrible.” Geu Rim said laughing at the same time

“Meet me at the Lotus Café now.” *click*

Geu Rim just stared at her phone.

When she got to the café, Geu Rim saw Hyorin sitting in the back tapping her fingers furiously, her eyebrows furrowed together.

“Are you crazy you forgot to mention that your brother is a complete physcho.” Hyorin screamed, at her as soon as she sat down.

“Hyorin calm down.” Geu Rim said trying to quiet her friend down.

“Calm down … calm down. Your crazy lunatic brother just tried to kill me.” She retorted now causing a scene.

“Oh about that..” Geu Rim said smiling and rubbing her neck. “He has a tendency to throw things when angry, mian forgot to tell you.” She smiled, and ordered a red velvet cupcake.

Hyorin just sat there staring at her friend thinking she was crazy for acting like it was normal.

“Look Geu Rim.”

Geu Rim, head immediately shot forward, now fully aware of what Hyorin was about to say.

“I don’t tink I can do this.” Hyorin said

“I’m sorry but your brother is out of my league."

“Hyorin.” Geu Rim interrupted. “I’ll double the pay if you stay for 4 months, that’s it whether you succeed or not, you still get the money.” she desperatly pleaded, knowing that Hyorin was her last chance.

All the other counselors and helpers that she hired had given up on her.

Hyorin hesitantly tried to think things through.

If she gives up now how will she pay of her parent’s debt, but if she stays how long will she live. She thought.

“Four months regardless if I succeed or not?”

Geu Rim nodded.

“Okay.” Hyorin said sighing.

After there rough morning the girls decided to spend the day sitting and relaxing at the café.

Geu Rim’s POV

As Hyorin & I sat there enjoying our last minuet brunch the most handsome man I’d ever seen walked in. He was wearing jeans with a simple V-neck with a cardigan over it. His hair, light brown and short. He was tall, and his build was neither too skinny nor too buff. His jawline was well defined and his eyes were adorably small and somewhat squinty, yet round at the same time. It so hard to explain. & his smile was too die for & those lips were too.

“Hyorin-shhi look.” I said pointing to him. “Isn’t he cute.” I sat there swooning.” I wish I’d meet a man like him.”

-end of POV-

Hyorin was now laughing.

“What?” Geu Rim said clearly confused.

Hyorin raised her hand, and the guy smiled. Next thing they know he was on his way over.

“OMG.” Geu Rim said noticeably panicking.

Hyorin sat there smiling and laughing at her friend

“Hi.” He said his voice so sweet.

Geu Rim looked up

“Geu Rim-shhi, this is my boyfriend, Junhyung. Junhyung this is my best friend Geu Rim.” Hyorin said.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” Junhyung said extending his hand.

Geu Rim eyes widened “B…boy..boyfriend.” She stuttered.


*Hi everyone, I know I promised a little more about Junhyung but I didn't want the chapter to be way too long and draggy, you know. But what do you guys think of Hyunseung so far? Lol. The next chapter may be up either later on in the day or tomorrow depending on my internet. It's starting to act up again -____- smh. But for the next chapter I feel like giving some alone time to the couple ???? Lol. Hope you guys like it s far. (:

p.s Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate them.

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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Chapter 15: Please update again
pronika86 #2
Chapter 15: Hope the next update soon...
Chapter 13: omg this story is so amazing ! please update soon. i really am so addicted to this hahah i hope hyuna and yoseob fail -.- like majorly completely fail -.- lol and hyorin hits hyunseung at least once lol ohhhh hyorin and JH are sooo cute tho <3
Chapter 12: Yeay! Gomawo for the update...
Hyunseunglover123 #5
Chapter 12: You updated! I've been waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
LinYooJung #6
Chapter 12: wow! I miss your update~
Hyunseunglover123 #7
Chapter 11: Omg this is the best fanfic I ever read. As you can tell by my username I am hyunseung Jangs favorite stalker! Nice job but hyunseungs scary. I still love him though!!!!!!!!'
AyyoLyne #8
Omgg.. this story is so goood. BEST STORY I EVER READ!
Update sooon (:
juicy_red #9
Fighting <3 ~