what happen with soonhoon?

pretty u

Woozi went to the practice room. There are 12 guys practicing in tge practice room. Woozi was late. He knock on the door and went inside. Suddenly, the music stop. He look at Hoshi who was looking towards him through the mirror. He looks very angry.

"I-i'm sorry. I'm late" says the latter.

"If you always comes late, just don't come" says Hoshi.

"B-but, i have something to do" answered Woozi.

"I know. But you also need to practise. Don't just focus on your songs. You still need to improves your dancing skills. I don't care if your producing. I know that you have hard time. But, it doesn't means that your a main dancer, you don't need to improves your dancing skills. You still lack of expressions in you dance" snap Hoshi. Everybody was shocked, especially Woozi. He never know that Hoshi could snap at him, plus his talking about his dancing skills. He knows that he's not good in dancing, and still need to improve, but he has a role in the group. He stayed all night to compose great musics. He doesn't know that everything that he has done, Hoshi pays him like this.

"What are you talking about?" ask the younger.

"Nothing. You don't have to know it. You will never know it" answered Hoshi. He go to the front of the others and ask Dino to play the music. He ignored the little guy at the back.

"WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU?!" shouts Woozi. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! I GIVE EVERYTHING TO YOU. WHAT MORE YOU WANT?! TELL ME! I'M DONE, OKAY." he continues, tears fillings his eyes and falling on his soft cheeks.

Hoshi did not answer. Instead, he talk to Dino. Woozi is done to him. He storm out of the practice room. He stopped infront the door."if you want a break-up, just tell me. Don't keep it as a secret. Just tell me the truth. I'll be in my studio if you want a break-up. I'll wait for you" says Woozi. He went downstairs instead his own studio. He can't take the pains. It was really hurt. Wonwoo can't stand it. He follow Woozi to comfort him.

"Hyung, what happen?" ask Seungkwan.

"Hoshi, tell us" says Jeonghan.

"Do you really want to break-up with him?" ask Seungcheol.

"Hyung, answer us" says Dokyum.

"Are you listening to what we say?" ask Joshua.

"Hoshi-" Jun calls out for him. He handed him his phone. It was Wonwoo.

"Why?" he ask his hyung.

"Wonwoo want to speak to you" he answered.

"Hello?" he pick up the calls.

"Hoshi, Woozi......." Wonwoo did not finished his sentence, instead he cried.

"What happen to him?" ask Hoshi, worried.

"H-h-he's in the hospital. E-m-emergency" he answered.

Hoshi widened his eyes, surprised. He gave the phone back yo Jun and pack all his things.

"I'm going to the hospital" he says.

"Why?" the others ask, also worried.

"Woozi-goon......." he says " was in the hospital......... in the emergency wad" he continues. Same reaction, the others also pack their things. They tell the manager and they went to the hospital.

-At the hospital-

"Sir, are you his siblings........ or do you have any relation or ties with him?" ask a doctor.

"No, I'm his friend. B-but, I already calls his family and....." he says, not finishing his sentence.

Before he could say anything, Seventeen and Woozi's family came. They look very worried, especially Hoshi and his parents.

"Doc, where's my son?" ask his father.

"Where is he?" ask his mother, crying.

"He's in the emergency wad. He's unconcious" he answered.

"Wjat happen to him? How can he be in this situation?"ask his mother. He look at Wonwoo. "Won-" she says, " how did he be in this situation?" she ask again, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'm following him from behind. He was crossing the road when suddenly a car ......" he says, not finished.

"Oh my, why is this happening to my poor child and also his boyfriend?" she ask to herself. She rubs her chest.

'It was my fault! Why is this has to happen to him? But not to me?! I'm making him sad! I'm a bad boyfriend!' thought Hoshi. His tears are falling down his cheeks.

"Hyung, i'm sure his fine. Don't worry" says Seungkwan.

Suddenly, the doctor came. He was holding a paper. He gave it to his mother and father to see.

"This is the results. Your son's is fine. His concious now. He just stressed. You are allowed to meet him. Only the family or someone that has ties can meet him" says the doctor.

"Can i bring him together with us?" ask Woozi's mom.

"May i know who is he?" he ask.

"He's my son's future husband. Please let him in. But i would also like to ask you....... can i bring all of them? They are his friends but they also his brothers" she ask.

"Owh, s-sure. If you don't mind, let me lead you all to the room" he says.

"Yeah, sure" answered his father.

"Woozi, are you alright?" ask his mom.

"Mom!" surprised Woozi.

"Dad! You also here?" he ask.

"Sure, baby. We always besides you" answered his mom." So how? Are you alright?" she ask again.

"Yeah, pretty so. I'm fine. I think so" he answered, unsure.

"So, your members here. We will leave you now. We have work to do" says his father.

"Okay" he answered. His parents kiss his forehead and leave.

"So how, little kiddo?" ask Seungcheol.

"Fine" he answered, smilling

"Good, that's what i wanted to see from the angels face" says Vernon.

"Wasn't it Jeonghan?" ask Woozi, playfully.

"You also can be an angel, dear" answered Jeonghan.

"Hoshi's here. We will leave you two alone" says Wonwoo.

"Okay" he answered, forcing himself to smile.

"Don't mess around, understood?" Seungcheol warn Hoshi.

"Yeah, sure" he answered.

"So......" says Woozi.

"Babe, i'm really really sorry. You know, i didn't mean it. Really, i didn't mean it." says Hoshi.

"I know. I'm just want to make sure that you make a good choice" .

"What do you mean?" ask Hoshi, curious.

"I know that you won't say or do like that without reason. Babe, i'm yours. No one can separate us. I know how you're doing. I'm used to your action. You're just stressed and you also wants me to do better. It's like me. You're just like me. You're just like my mirror. Remember, i have a same role with you. So,i know the feelings"says Woozi.

"Ba-bies!" says Jeonghan, surprising the two latter.

"Hyung, Woozi-goon may had a heart attack cause of you" says Hoshi.

"He won't get a heart attack if he got a surprised from an angel" says Jeonghan.

"You mean not a real angel?" ask Joshua.

"Of course, it is a real angel" answered Jeonghan.

"Hyung, stop dreaming. You're not a real angel, though" says Wonwoo "you're more to a devil" he continues.

"Yeah, he's right. A devil who pretends to be an angel" says Dokyum.

"You all really wanna get a kick from him" says Woozi.

"I'm not saying anything" says Dino, afraid of the word 'kick'. Especially, kick from Jeonghan.

"Of course you are not included, Dino" says Woozi "if he kick you, i will kick him back cause no one can kick our little maknae" he continues.

"How about me, then? Am i not included too?" ask Hoshi.

"You're included" says Woozi "i don't care if he kick you as long as you still can walk" he continues.

"And.......... me? How about me?" ask Seungkwan.

"How about me, too?" ask Vernon.

"You two are included. Everybody are included except for me and Dino" answered Woozi.

"You're not included?!" surprised Hoshi.

"Why do i have to be dragged into this kick????" ask Seungcheol.

"Yeah, why us too?" ask Joshua.

"And me too???" ask Jun.

"I don't wanna say anything, but......... why do i have to get a kick from Jeonghan-hyung?" ask The8.

"Okay, fine. No one will get a kick, okay" says Jeonghan.


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Cutezi #1
Chapter 9: Why you doin this I'm so full of the soonhoon feels
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Chapter 8: I died the soonhoon feels again stap
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Chapter 7: Soo cute I thought jihoonie's lost
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Chapter 6: I thought jihoon's gonna die how dare you hoshi I almost cry
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Chapter 5: Aww soonhoon are very lucky that jihoon's parents accept their relationship i'm crying the soonhoon feels
wow! nice~
yeojanchingu #7
Chapter 4: Thanks. You really enjoy it, don't you. I enjoy it too.
Cutezi #8
Chapter 4: I love this story hehe
Cutezi #9
Chapter 3: Aww soonhoon help meanie to be a couple soo cute
Cutezi #10
Chapter 2: I need to die and burry myself right now this is a great story good job..