helping meanie

pretty u

Woozi and Hoshi are in the living room. The other members are still sleeping.

"Hosh, did you saw Gyu?" Wonwoo ask.

"Nope" answered Hoshi.

"Zi? Did you?" he ask the same question to Woozi.Woozi shook his head.

"Why?" Woozi ask."are you missing him already, huh?" He ask again.

"O-ouh? N-no! Of course, not. I'm just wanna ask. Maybe you two know where he goes" he answered, blushing.

"O-okay. He's at the company, practicing his rap with Vernon and Seungcheol-hyung." Woozi says.

"They practice without me?! How could they! Why didn't they wake me up?! When did they go?" He ask, surprised.

"They did woke you up, but you said that you don't wanna go. You also said that you're lazy. So that's why they go without you. And, they left around 9:32 a.m? I think so" explains Woozi. Hoshi just kept quiet, listening to their conversations.

"Really?! I said that?! I can't believe it. Btw, thanks for your information. I gotta go. See ya!" Wonwoo put on his shoes and went out to the company.

"He's really obvious" says Woozi, resting his head on Hoshi's shoulder.

"Why?" ask the older. He wrap his arm around Woozi's small waist.

"Who looks for a guy in the morning, and blush hard? It means he loves him and cares for him. The same goes to you" says Woozi.

"No, it's not. I'm not like that. You're the one who looks for me early in the morning" tease Hoshi.

"Who says?" Woozi ask." Btw, we need to go. It's already 10:25 a.m, you have a practice this morning, right? And i have my work to do. Let's wash up" says Woozi.

"Take bath with me?" Hoshi ask the producer, intertwined their fingers.

"I won't. Now, go. You will be late!" answered Woozi.

"Please........... just this time" says Hoshi, doing his cute puppy face.

"Ugggh........ f-fine!" answered Woozi. He pull the choreographer and they went to the bathroom. They take their shower together.

They walk to the company hand in hand. They separate at the way between the studio and the practice room. Hoshi leans closer and press his lips aginst the younger. Woozi kiss him back. They stayed like that for awhile. Suddenly, they heard somebody cough. They pull away.

"Okay,okay. Guys, it's the company! Not the dorm! Everybody will see it, okay. And stop being lovey dovey here. Hoshi, you have your dance practice. Woozi, you have your work to do. So go do your work. Hoshi go to the practice room. You'll be late. Now, separate. Now!" says Seungcheol, the leader. Vernon, Mingyu and Wonwoo just kept quiet at the back.

'I hope i can do this thing everyday with you, Gyu' thought Wonwoo. On the other hand, Mingyu is staring at Wonwoo. 'I hope i cand do this thing eveytime when i be with you, Won' thought Mingyu. 

"Won, do you wanna go hang out with me, after practice?" Mingyu ask the older.

"Sure, but where? If it's coffee shop, i'll go on. But if it's other places, i won't. Except Han River and a cup of coffee" answered Wonwoo, eyes still on his phone.

"Thanks" says Mingyu.

Mingyu walk towards the studio. He knock on the door, but he did not hear any sound, so he open the door. His eyes widened. He saw Woozi is sitting on Hoshi's lap, and they're kissing.

Woozi and Hoshi pull apart. They look at Mingyu at the same time. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" ask Hoshi.

"Can i sit here? I wanna ask you two about something important. I look for you two cause you two have been together for a long time. So, i think you two are the best instuctor" he explains.

"Why? Are you going out with Won? Are you gonna confess to him? If it's about that, just act normal. Do it really simple, but not too complicated. He won't like it. Just do something simple. And what important is just say out the truth. Confess to him" says Hoshi. Woozi nods at his boyfriend's words.

"And plus, we're not that long. We still a newbie. Why didn't you ask jeonghan or seungcheol? Or maybe verkwan. I mean vernon and seungkwan. They are an expert in this thing" says Woozi.

"I'm really shy. So, thanks for your help" says Mingyu.

"Btw, where?" ask Hoshi, curious.

"We will buy a cup of coffee and went to Han River. Why? Are you two going there? Then, please~" says Mingyu.

"Hope so" answered Hoshi.

"We will. But not with you two. We will sit far awy from you two" says Woozi.

"Really?! Thanks!" Mingyu was about to hug Woozi, but stop by Hoshi.

"Don't hug my boyfriend" he warn the younger.

"Oh, are you jealous, huh? My boyfriend is jealous." Woozi tease the older.

"Shut up. Now, if you have nothing more, you may go out. We wanna talk about something." Hoshi says." And, it's secret" Hoshi whispers to Woozi's small ear. Woozi blush at the statement.

Mingyu walk out and felt relieve. But, he's nervous. He hope it will work.

They walk to Han River with coffee in their hand. They sit at a bench near the basketballl court. They stayed silent, a comfortable silent. Mingyu get near to the other. He wrap his arm around Wonwoo. The older lower his face to cover his blush.

"Would you like our friendship becomes relationship?" ask Mingyu, confident.'God, please help me. Please let him accept me' prayed Mingyu.

"Sure, why not? I really wanna us to be more than friends" answered Wonwoo. Mingyu's eyes widened. He can't believe it. Wonwoo accept his love! He really can't believe it! A cold guy accept his love.'Thanks god. I'm really happy. I will protect him forever' his heart says. Mingyu is really happy.

"Congratulations,congratulations,congratulations,lations,lations,lations,la-tions" sings the Soonhoon couple. Or also known as Hozi couple.

"Wh-what?! They're here?!" surprised Wonwoo.

"Yes, they're been here with us. They watch everything. They help me to confess my true feeling to you" explains Mingyu, laughing.

"Btw, thanks to you two......... for helping is to get together" says Wonwoo.

"You're welcome. Now, this case is done!" Hoshi says, excitingly. Woozi just laugh at his cute boyfriend's action.

They stay at Han River and tells stories. They also captured a beautoful moments between them. They hope all of them with the other members can hang out together like this more often.

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Cutezi #1
Chapter 9: Why you doin this I'm so full of the soonhoon feels
Cutezi #2
Chapter 8: I died the soonhoon feels again stap
Cutezi #3
Chapter 7: Soo cute I thought jihoonie's lost
Cutezi #4
Chapter 6: I thought jihoon's gonna die how dare you hoshi I almost cry
Cutezi #5
Chapter 5: Aww soonhoon are very lucky that jihoon's parents accept their relationship i'm crying the soonhoon feels
wow! nice~
yeojanchingu #7
Chapter 4: Thanks. You really enjoy it, don't you. I enjoy it too.
Cutezi #8
Chapter 4: I love this story hehe
Cutezi #9
Chapter 3: Aww soonhoon help meanie to be a couple soo cute
Cutezi #10
Chapter 2: I need to die and burry myself right now this is a great story good job..