muggle born - a review shop // closed








        feat Goo Junhoe            mUggle           BORn








about shop


                This review shop is out of the norm. With the most unsual reviewer you'll ever find, the shop Muggle Born - A Review Shop is...well, born. I, kondomcircle, is running this shop because of another impulsive decision and becuase why not? This is a one man shop so I'll be accepting 7 requests on the pilot batch.

                I'm as the title says, a muggle. Meaning I don't have a perfect grammar, I'm not a master at character developments and I at writing flows but like any other reader, I know a good story when I see one. So, do you want a review that actually makes sense instead of the update soon! you get in your comments? Then you've come to the right place!

ONE  Subscribe, you can unsubscribe when you got your request but UPVOTE is a MUST. I'm going to review you guys for free, upvote is your payment

TWO  I won't be accepting mpreg and genderbender fics, applyfics and pwp. Trust me, its for our own good.

THREE  Don't judge, really. I'm a softie but I'll do my best to give you an honest opinion and a perspective of a normal reader. Don't rush as well, I have a thriving social life.

FOUR  Credit and comment after you picked up and read your review.

FIVE  Write your favorite rookie group in the "password."




Story Link:
Number of Chapters:
Focus On:




                May 07. Muggle Born Batch 1 open!




requester status


username | done/ pending/ongoing

-muasbby | done
aggressively | done
bapbangme| done
charmingusta| done 
t0psylfe| done
kimsorbet | done
dobuonew | done













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Chapter 10: Hey! Well, I just read the review and first of all, thank you for it; second of all, you don't have to apologize, it didn't take that long really; and thrid of all, I aprecciate your words. I was kind of hesitante on the shortness of this story. Altthough I don't provide that much backgroung on the characters because it's a short story, now I kinda wish that I did ahahaha I think it would have made it differently. I think that now I should change the genre of this story to sensitive or maybe, rated M (?) Do you think it's worth? Also, I'm pondering on writing a diferent ending from this one on a side chapter maybe... still need to think about it, for those readers who can't take such sad endings perhaps. I'm glad you liked my writing! Thank you!!! I enjoyed this review and it was helpulf, thank you very much and continue with the good work! ;)
Username: DobuOnew
Title: Acceptance
Story Link:
Number of Chapters: 1 (One-shot)
Focus On: Everything, if you can :)
Password: Red Velvet (if they're still considered rookies)
kimsorbet #3
Username: kimsorbet
Title: Childish
Story Link:
Number of Chapters: 1
Focus On: everything, I guess :-)
Password: twice

Thanks in advance! :)

Pink Laces

Story Link:

Number of Chapters:

Focus On:
I am struggling most on the flow and character's development. Please focus on that..

I was contemplating between ASTRO, NCT U and DAY6 XD