The ride home

Got my eyes on you (Readers X Bambam)

Sorry it has taken so long to update. I have been very busy with both my jobs and school and keeping up with my dance group things i haven't had much time to type. I write during work when i have down time and lately i also have been having writers block. I wrote this chapter two seperate days so if something sounds weird or sounds repeated i am sorry. I wanted to put something out in the mean time while i think of what is going to happen next. Thank you for your patience and stay tuned for more~



Donghos POV

On the way back to the campus it was just Bambam and I in the car. All I could was keep my hands in my lap and look out the window hoping he doesn’t see me blushing. I am always like this when it is just us two in a car together. Obviously we had the driver in the car as well or else how will be getting around from place to place. The only reason I blush is because I always picture that one scene in dramas where a guy and a girl would be riding in a cab and the girl gets tired so the guy wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer to his body to sleep. I picture Bambam doing that to me and it just makes me get all the butterflies in the world. Next thing I knew it, I felt my head bobbing from being extremely tired from that practice I went to before picking up my friends. What I didn’t realize was that Bambam was watching me the whole time.

“Dongho?” He said to me


“Would it be okay if I did something to you right now?” Thoughts went through my head and I felt my face get more red and the butterflies build up more in my stomach.

“D-Depends on what it is”

“Well it’s this..” and he pulled me across the chair with his arms around me and lays me on his chest. “I noticed you drifting into sleep and I thought you’d like something comfortable to sleep on.”

I kind of just blushed with my head just staying there on his chest and all that came out of me was “Oh.” Next thing I knew, I felt his hand on my head and he started to pet me and tell me “Actually, I have been wanting to do this with you for a while but never knew the right time to do it. I figured now would be the right time. Just like the dramas we like to watch”

I blushed really hard and a huge smile went on my face. I laid my hands on his chest next to my head and wrapped my other arm around him. “I have been thinking about this every time. You made my wish come true.” He had kissed me on the head and I drifted to sleep until we got back to the campus.

“Yah~” I heard him whisper while shaking me. I just groaned. “Dongho ah~ we are back at school.” I groaned again while tightening my grip around his waist. He giggled a little bit and started to get out. He placed my nicely on the seat and then the next thing I knew he had put me on his back and was going to piggy back me all the way to the room. I couldn’t say no to that and I was dead tired. I just made sure I had a good grip and he started walking. In a soft tone of my voice I told him “I am sorry if I am heavy.” He laughed and said “You’re not heavy at all,” and he kissed my hands. I didn’t know what was going on or if it was even real but I was so damn tired to realize anything.

We get back to the room and he tried his best to open the door. He managed to do it after struggling for 5 minutes. He placed me on my bed and I think he smiled at me and told me “Good Night” but right before he walked away I grabbed his hand. “Please..don’t go. Can you sleep with me tonight? Please?” He let out a small happy sigh and smiled. “Alright Dongho~ I will sleep here tonight.” He pulled up the covers and he laid next to me in bed. I wrapped my arms around him and just cuddled next to him. He was so comfortable and I just passed out really fast being able to feel the warmth of his body and hear his heart beat. That night was the best night sleep I had ever had.

Bambams’ POV

We had just dropped off his friends to their hotel and started making our way back to campus in the car. I was minding my own business while Dongho looked out the window and God knows what. The next thing I knew, I saw his head bobbing down. He did work extremely hard today and I know he isn’t use to practicing that hard. Then all of a sudden, a thought had came into mind. It’s a thought I have thought about for a while now and I decided now would be a good time to do so.

“Dongho?” I called to him

“Nae~” He had responded. Man did I think that was the cutest thing he has said to me all night.

“Would it be okay if I did something to you right now?” After I said that I realized that it sounded a bit ual and I was hoping he didn’t take it in a way I didn’t want him to.

“D-Depends on what it is.” He had stuttered and it made me laugh a little bit because it was super adorable. “Well it’s this..” and I put my arm around him to pull him closer to my body so that he would have something comfortable to sleep on. I was blushing so much but he wasn’t looking at me so I was safe from embarrassment. I had told to him why I did it and I really hoped he liked it. Which turns out he did because he ended up holding me around my waist and placed his hand on my chest next to his head. I felt him smile as he drifted off into a sleep.

Throughout the whole ride I laid my hand on his head and gently ran my fingers through his hair. I couldn’t help but smile looking down seeing that precious face sleep. I really wanted to give him a kiss but I don’t want to take advantage of it. I want to make it special and do it while he is awake so I can see his reaction. I slowly felt myself drift into a small sleep when I felt the car come to a full stop and the engine turned off. We had arrived back to the dormitory. I didn’t want to wake up Dongho but I knew I had to so he can go up to bed.

With my attempt in waking him coming to a fail, I decided to get out of the car, lay him down nicely and then put him on my back so I can carry him to the dorm. He didn’t want me to at first complaining that he was heavy, out of politeness I told him he was fine but in reality he weighed a ton. I struggled getting him to the dorm but I knew it made him feel happy because he had tightened his grip and rested calmly. When we got to the dorm I spent a good 5 minutes opening the door trying not to injure him. I did very well. I laid him on his bed and turned away when I felt his hand grab mines. My body burned up and I turned red. He didn’t want me to go, he wanted me to sleep with him for the night. I felt a little awkward knowing I have to hold back any urges but I knew it would make him happy. So I crawled into his bed and held him tightly.

I watched him go to sleep and I smiled once again looking at his face. It really did feel like I was his boyfriend but I know he doesn’t realize what he is doing because he was so tired. I gave him a little peck on the forehead, brushed his hair back on more time and I went to sleep.

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