When Hero Comes Along......Yeah Right, He Left

I Want To Be A Vampire

Sunny’s P.o.V

Tae, Leeteuk, and I all headed into the house.

Many people were laughing and smiling, but they smiled even more after seeing me.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing.

As I looked at it, it was a text from KangIn.

Sorry for running off, but I can’t see Tae and Teuk together because I love her.

I am sorry for doing that to her, and Yuri is, but she is going to text Tae herself.

So don’t tell!

Well see you later, vampire.

It read I smiled brightly, after the word vampire.

It made me so good inside.

“Hey, my short, vampire wife.” Sungmin declared as he kissed me on the cheek.

I pouted, “Don’t call me short!” I whined.

“Well, you are.” He told me, but it made me pout even more.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and we went to everyone idol group there was.

That like took one hour!

Finally, the last group came and it was Dbsk, but Hero wasn’t there.

I searched far and wide as, Sungmin talked to the other members.

“You looking for Jae-Hyung?” Changmin asked.

I nodded my head, “Where is he?” I asked them.

They all looked down, “This might help you with your answer.” Yunho declared.

He handed me a white envelope.

I ripped it open and read the letter.

Hey my Sunny Bunny!

Well, it seems you have been turned into a vampire.

Sungmin called us, but that’s not the point.

You know how I said I was going to move on.

Remember? Yeah, but I can’t.

I love you!

From head to toe I love you!

Though I can’t have you and that hurts me so much, so this is goodbye.

Sorry I can’t say to you in person, goodbye.

After reading it, tears rolled down my cheek.

Even Junsu was tearing up!

“I’m sorr-” Yoochun began, but suddenly I smelt a familiar scent.

Sniffing in the air, I finally knew it was Hero.

I ran to the outside, and saw that a man running away.

“Hero!” I yelled and I even tried to run after him, but Yunho stopped me.

“Leave him be.” He told me, but still I tried to struggle out of his grip.

Sungmin and I both went outside and sat on the couch.

All night it was be happy since I turned into a vampire, right?

No, I cried they whole night, crying for Hero.

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I really like it!
:O Omo! SunSun is like one of the best couples evuur! i love this story!!! thank you for writing this :D<br />
imma read the sequel of this :3
To be honest i am quiet tired of Sungmin and Sunny...i want it to be something different...like KeySun (Sunny and Key = BEST OPTION) BUT GREAT story though!! Can u do me a KeySun story...if not that it okay :)
@superjuniorminwook <br />
<br />
i love the GIF btw. it's cute. ^^ where'd you get it?
chapter 15 was like so erted... O.O ...... i want more!!! (more stories, not ert ones ok? XD)
NICE!!!! It's the awesomest fic i follow~
hyeamazing #8
i feel sad for hero.. and im glad kangin and yuri are nice now~! :DD Shall read the sequel!
YAY! MORE CHAPTERS! Taetuek TAETUEK TAETUEK!!!! So cute. Please update soon!
Tae tae tae teukk! <br />
Ohmygod! :DDDDD<br />
Update soon! ^_^