Saving Tae!

I Want To Be A Vampire

Sunny’s P.o.V

Aish, what’s with all that noise!

It’s woke me up!!!

I was having a lovely dream where, I turned into a vamp-

Wait, I did!

Sungmin bit me and now I’m a vampire.

I squealed in delight as, I could even smell blood!

Finally, I could live forever with Sungmin!

Suddenly as I jumped up and down on the bed, from being too excited of being a vampire, I noticed something on the chair that was near the bed.

It was the same dress I wore in the Japanese version of Gee.

Quickly I put it on and twirled around like if I were a princess.

I was just so excited of being a vampire!

I ran back and forth in the room checking out my speed.

I jumped up and down and far and wide to see my jumping ability.

But suddenly, something stopped when I looked out the widow.

Out in the pool I saw Leeteuk, KangIn, Yuri and Taeyeon and Yuri was coming closer to Taeyeon which made her closer to the edge of the pool.

I yelled Tae’s name for her to watch out, but she was to faraway.

So, I opened the window and jumped out.

I landed perfectly, and with all my speed quickly, got her before, Yuri pushed her to off.

Instead of Tae falling into the cold pool water it was Yuri.

Her make-up ran down her face and her clothes were drenched head to toe.

Though, something surprised me.

No one from the party inside came outside to see what happened.

They just stopped and looked outside and went away like they saw nothing.

“Look what you did!” Yuri shouted as she looked at her soaked clothing.

Taeyeon smirked, “That’s your fault.”

Suddenly, I felt Tae hugging me tightly around the shoulders, “Thanks.”

Yuri screamed and stormed off, with KangIn following.

Though, it seemed like he didn’t want to.

I looked back Leeteuk who was just standing there.

Tae went up to him and slapped him in the back of the head.

I was surprised she could reach that high.

“What was that!” he yelled as he rubbed the place where Tae hit him.

“Why didn’t YOU save me!” she yelled furiously.

“Because, KangIn caught me.” He responded.

She smiled a little bit, and Leeteuk leaned in and kissed her right on the lips.

I was shocked, “You two are dating!” I shouted.

Taeyeon automatically nodded her head.

“Come on let’s go to your party.” Tae announced as she linked arms with Leeteuk and I.

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I really like it!
:O Omo! SunSun is like one of the best couples evuur! i love this story!!! thank you for writing this :D<br />
imma read the sequel of this :3
To be honest i am quiet tired of Sungmin and Sunny...i want it to be something KeySun (Sunny and Key = BEST OPTION) BUT GREAT story though!! Can u do me a KeySun story...if not that it okay :)
@superjuniorminwook <br />
<br />
i love the GIF btw. it's cute. ^^ where'd you get it?
chapter 15 was like so erted... O.O ...... i want more!!! (more stories, not ert ones ok? XD)
NICE!!!! It's the awesomest fic i follow~
hyeamazing #8
i feel sad for hero.. and im glad kangin and yuri are nice now~! :DD Shall read the sequel!
YAY! MORE CHAPTERS! Taetuek TAETUEK TAETUEK!!!! So cute. Please update soon!
Tae tae tae teukk! <br />
Ohmygod! :DDDDD<br />
Update soon! ^_^