You and I


Solbin's life turned upside down after she found out she was pregnant and the situation got worsen after Jun, her ex - the father of the baby- , refused to take the responsibility. Solbin did not know what she would do with her life anymore then she decided to commit suicide, but unfortunately, her plan was ruined and her life started to change after that.


Meet me again! You gotta check my previous works about seventeen x laboum on my list so you'll find out about the relationships among the characters. I used my phone to type this down so yeah...


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littlebun91 #1
Chapter 4: thank you for updating...i just hope all his and her family can accept the marriage
rion_01 #2
Yay, I'm happy that you made another Solbin and Mingyu fic^^ I always enjoyed your stories about them~ Can't wait for these two to fall in love with each other. Update soon!