
Just the Girl


Chapter 11:

I discuss to Ye Eun the previous topics we discussed in Chemistry until to the very recent one, Covalent Bonds. As I discuss, Ye Eun just stare at the book or doodle in her notebook.

“YAH! What are you doing?” I snap the notebook in her front.

“I’m listening!” She protest and demand to have her notebook back.

“If you really are listening, tell me everything that I said in chemical bonds.” I said to her. “I’ll give your notebook back if you prove it first.”

“Chemistry is so boring!” She said as she pouts, I glare at her. “Fine. Chemical Bond is the force existing between atoms and holds them together. There are three types: Ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.” She discussed to me by her own understanding the whole topic. She even included the formula writing which I haven’t discussed to her or by Ms. Jung in class. I give her another glare.

“Are you trying to make excuses?” I asked her as I keep the notebook in my hand.

“What do you mean? Why would I do such lame thing?” She said. I’m sensing she’s panicking since her voice is trembling.

“You’re going overboard. We’re still in to the introduction of Chemical Bonds and FYI, Ms. Jung didn’t even discussed the formula writing yet.” I told her and I continue glare at her.

“What? I read the book in advance! Unnie even help me to understand the advance topics..” She started to say and suddenly covered after realizing she’s spilling the beans. “OOPS!”

“Busted!” I yell as I give her notebook back. “You could just tell me directly that you came here because you miss me. You don’t have to take Chemistry as an excuse.”

“I’m not making excuses or fooling around fish!” She defend herself and throws a pillow at me.

“Then what do you call what you’re doing now?” I said, facing her. “You asked me to tutor you in Chemistry because you’re having problems understanding it. Turns out, you’re advance to this stuff compare to me.”

“I…well… I… YAH! I don’t need to explain myself to you!” she said again and throws another pillow.

“Admit your defeat Eun!” I said, giving a victory sign.

She sigh and hug my blue dragon, “Fine. I’m bored at home alright. Unnie went to a party, Heechul-oppa called from work earlier that he needs to overtime and Dad’s at the barracks.”

“Where’s hyung?” I asked with an eyebrow raised. “Where’s the very responsible and protective Park Leeteuk?’

“He has a date.” She put her head down while crushing my stuffed blue dragon.

“Everyone’s our leaving their precious donsaeng behind?” I teased as I turn off the lamp on my stuff table and went to my computer.

“Yeah. Heechul-oppa called earlier, he asked if I want to go to their office just to lounge around while he works, but I don’t want too. It’s so tiring to watch people facing the computers. Unnie want me to go to the party but I refuse since..”

“Since you hate social gatherings and parties. I know that.” I in as I sit on my computer chair.

“Exactly and of course, I look like a fool if I go with Teukie-oppa to his date. That will be..” “Weird.” We both said at the same time. She looks at me and throws my blue dragon on the bed. “Exactly! Who would want to bring his donsaeng to his date?”

“That would be your brother. Leeteuk-hyung I mean.” I said and she gives me a look. “Don’t tell me he didn’t ask you to go with him?” She sign and I smirk. “See! Hyung’s super protective that he would hire a whole army to assure your safety in the school dance.”

“Just shut up! I volunteer myself to be here than make an eye-to-eye contact with Hae, Yen and Bum for the whole night.” She said as she refers to their K9 dogs that were named after us. Who named them? Who else but this stupid-idiotic-boyish-best friend of ours.”

“And use Chemistry as an excuse? You could have just said so. You know this house is always welcome you.” I said, flashing a sweet teasing smile. “Anyways, how long will you be staying?” I asked as I browse in the internet.

“Midnight? 1am or 2? I’m not sure. After oppa’s date. He would go straight to Heechul-oppa to fetch him then to Unnie.” She said. I could sense that she’s touching my action figures and CDs. “They’ll just give me a beep.”

“I’ll tell mom you’ll be staying longer then.” I said and stand up. I went out from my room and go to the living room to tell my mom and dad. After talking to them, I went back to my room and saw Ye Eun looking at something.

“You still have this here?” She asked and show the scrapbook she and Kibum made when we were in junior high.

“Why? Isn’t it important to you?” I asked and went beside her.

“I thought you lost it or throw it already.” She said and sobs. “You told me you lost it.”

“I thought I lost it. Thanks to you, I finally found it.” I said as an excuse and grin at her. Actually, I keep it hidden behind the bookshelves. The scrapbook was really important to me that I will keep it hidden and won’t allow anyone to touch it except for Kibum and Ye Eun. They gave it to me during my 14th birthday.

We scan through the pages, read some notes and look at the pictures. There’s a picture during a dance contest back in Junior High and I won, a picture where Kibum and I kiss Ye Eun on both cheeks while there’s icing all over our faces. We scan all of the pictures until we saw a picture where Ye Eun kiss me in the cheeks while I smile at the camera.

“An evidence that you have a crush one me.” I said to Ye Eun as I point the picture. It was taken years back. Suddenly, she blushed as she looks at the picture. “See! You’re even blushing! You’re as red as tomatoes!” I and she slaps me in the arms. “What was that for?”

“For being too assuming.” She told me as she close the scrapbook and stands up.

“Where are you going?” I asked as she walks towards the door.

“I’m hungry.” She said as her stomach makes a sound. “See? It even vibrates!”

“Let’s go to the kitchen.” I said and we walk out from my room.


“What do you want to eat?” I asked her as I open the fridge.

“Why? You’ll cook?” She asked me and I look at her.

“If I cook, would you eat it?” I asked and she shook her head.

“You at cooking. You almost poison us with your spaghetti last time!” She complains and shows a disgusted face. Yeah, I remember putting that incident she’s referring to. I put too much salt in the spaghetti and some other spices that I don’t know. When the three of us ate it, including Jonghyun and Amber, Jonghyun immediately throw the food in the trash bin.

“You cook then.” I grin and throw an apple to her.


We decided to cook some ramen. I was preparing a pot of water to boil when I hear someone shouts. I turn around while carrying the pot of water when all of the sudden I stumble in the floor and crash my face into something. The next thing I know, Ye Eun was on top of me.


*Ye Eun’s POV*

Donghae was preparing a pot of water to boil while I look for the ramen in the cabinet. He’s stupid right? He suggest something that he’s not sure if there really that something in the kitchen. All of the sudden, I hear someone shouts from my back. I got surprised and jump towards Donghae. We stumble down to the floor, the pot of water splash on to ourselves.

When I open my eyes, the next thing I notice was I’m on top of Donghae while our lips link together.

Is it just me or we just kissed?



UPDATED! Sorry for the short update you

I hope you like it! :)




<3baboiefrelin :3

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kibumluvsme #1
Chapter 11: Nice!! Donghae i love u. Haha
@lilrockstar thank you! I must had paste it again last night..:)
both 2 latest chappie has same contents.
starqueen #4
update soon!! ^^
I like it like it like it! I can't wait for your next update :)