Character Introduction

WATS1, The Underrated Light-Music Club

Name:  Park HyunAe

Birthdate:  12th January

Hometown:  Jeju Island

EthnicityFull Korean


As a blood type A girl, she tend to be cooperative with others as she didn't like to create extra trouble for others. She was always the 'background' of others, clearing after their mess. Never willing to take up leadership roles although she was offered it for many times, she knew how the stress would be like and she knew her bottom line and the limit to her endurance for this kind of stress. She is very sensitive to the surroundings and is surely unable to sleep when there's the presence of light unless she wasn't feeling well. Of course sensitive to what others say, hence, often bottling up anxiety in order to get along with others, she tries holding in their emotions until she cannot take it and her temper will explode. 

Yes, of course everyone have their ugly side. For HyunAe, it's of course her fiery temper which someone provokes her. She holds grudges easily and will remember clearly all your offences done. When she flares up, nobody would ever dare step close to her. She can go to the extend of hurling things at you - just to throw you out of her 'territory'. Probably you can call up her bestfriends to salvage the problem but that might not be the best way. She likes being alone, just staring out a real nature without anybody trying to persuade her. But best is for her to get a pet - that'll be her greatest pillar of comfort. 

When she meets an obstacle, you can surely sense a pair of eyes that's struggling to stay alive . A heart that's pulling her out as she's slowly drowning into the water . She is someone who doesn't let go easily . A minor setback might just be the biggest obstacle that she tries to overcome even after many failures . Although the quote "In order to succeed, your desire for sucess should be greater than your fear of  failure " have inspired her much but she was still in the process of 'digesting' it. Yes , the true reason is because of her past - that she can't let go. Being a very persistent person , she's still pulled back by her past even after Chorong's persuasion of asking her to "Forget the past". She can't, because her background was not yet fully known, there were still many 'mystery' to it that she really would like to find out.  This persistence of hers is because she's learned and vowed to only trust herself in her decision , therefore it's hard to change that fact. However , there's one way to make her change - and that needs romance to come into her life. 

Probably because of her lack of love from parents that influenced her, she would always go out and feed those pitiful stray cats. Looking at her stray friends always remind her about her life. The cats portrayed really well as herself - Born with lack of love and is out to scavenger at a young age , having to fight for their own life. As she feed her little friends, she really hope that there'll be a benefactor in her life - just like how she act as the benefactor of the stray cats , giving them food to survive. She likes talking to them although it seems more like a monologue, she could feel that the cats knew how she felt and would always rub itself against her, giving her some courage to face the world . 


Family Background:

Coming from a chinese-traditoned family, her parents were biased to boys. When their first child was born, it was HyunAe who stepped onto the earth. Her presence made no difference to her family as they had wished to have a boy all along. Disappointed with their first child being a female, her parents showed little care for the young little girl. Trained to be independent since young, HyunAe seemed much maturer than her age. As a five-year-old kid, she was left alone at home, fending for herself, finding food in the cupboards -huge for her petite size. As her parents were usually out working they did not spend much time with her, even if they did have time, they'll usually go out with their friends instead. Having you is just a burden! HyunAe always hear that from her parents even when she didn't do anything wrong. Even it was a little tiny mistake made by that 5-year-old girl, her parents never spared her off their stern scolding.Yearning for her long-lost childhood love and freedom, she begged her parents to bring her out to place - just for once, and she'll be contented. By her parents still refused. So she went out on her own, discovering what the outside world is like.  
But as she returned home on that day, her parents were coincidentally home early, they were steaming with anger, in the end, Hyunae still didn't manage to get away with their scolding and caning despite explaining everything. Till now, the caning had left a scar on her high left thigh. Since then, her parents ensured the house was securely lock and the key was hidden properly so that she was not able to find it. 
When she was ten years old. Her brother was born. Just by the look of her parents and the difference in the way they treat her and the new-born child, it was obvious with the answer to the question of "Who's more important?" she knew she was probably just dust to them. Never did once, they ever praised her or reward her even if she helped out with the housework. Since her brother was born, her parents then found the need for her to go to school. Having education only at the start of ten years old, while others at four, HyunAe was one of the slower learners. However, being sent to school was the only time that she thought her life has changed - her parents had finally cared for her - once. Therefore, she studied harder and eventually made it to the top student in the level. Discovering her music talent, the school contacted her parents and asked them for permission before letting her go out for various competitions. As her parents were not fond of music, they strongly disagreed to their request and threatened to drop HyunAe out of school if they tried to persuade them further. In spite of her outstanding results, her parents only smiled when she showed them her report card, but for her brother, although he got a C for his results, their parents would reward him with the latest electronic device. "It's good he can pass" is what HyunAe always hear his parents saying to each other. 
As a 14-year-old girl, she could not take it anymore. She left home, her legs carrying her no where. She scaventured the whole Jeju island and decided to use the money they she saved all those years to move to Seoul. There, she led a new life. Renting a one-room flat apartment, she didn't mind much. She went out searching for jobs and finally was hired by a very kind boss who taught her how to bake cakes and make hot chocolate. From then, it was her turning point in life. Never giving up on her studies, she bought books, burning the mid-night oil and working the afternoon. Recommended by her boss, she applied and got accepted in Cheon-Joo High School - which was where many mysteries was uncovered.
Yes, she was determined to find out more about her past. Eventually, she managed to dig out the information. And true enough, her father was not only the 'bad guy' in the picture - her mother was too. Her mother worked in Busan for two years, and got pregnent by her colleague - her son was, Lee Howon. 
Bestfirends: Chorong, Naeun

♥ : Kim Myungsoo



Name: Kim Yuki

Birthdate: 23rd November

HometownMisake, Hokkaido, Japan

EthnicityJapanese - Korean


Yuki is energetic, hyper and mischievous. She love to put pranks on people and sometimes she is mad. Mad as a Hatter. Unpredictable, there is no telling what is playing in the girl's head. Yuki is playful and fun to be around with. She is something what you called 'life of a party,' that is Kim Yuki. How about pranks? Yes, indeed. Yuki loves pranks and whoever is close to her, will be her next victim. Once she found out a person's weakness, she'll use it against them as a prank, but never as a threat.

How about school life? Yuki is indeed lazy but highly intelligent. She will sleep in every class she can, and play or doodling. Let's just say she didn't pay any attention to the teacher at all. But when it comes to exam, to everyone's surprise, Yuki always pass and ace it. Even the teachers are surprised. She didn't even bother to pay attention and yet she could still ace it. Her trick? Well, when people ask her whether she had crammed her head for exams, she would say, "No, I ain't got time for exams; I'm a musician." That way, her opponents would not bother to open their books, when the fact is Yuki is simply going through her books. She only studied the important ones though.

You may call Yuki a dumpster. Well, she literally is. She'll eat anything on her own muse. If she had to choose between a hot dumpling and a chocolate cake, she'll just choke down both into . Yuki rarely shares her food with anyone but if she's willing to share it with you, it means that you managed to have a spot in her heart. Yuki is adventurous, so she will try all sorts of random food that she never tasted before and gobbled it up greedily. If you're worried about not finishing your food, well, don't. Because Kim Yuki will finish it for you within minutes.

Yuki can be child-like and naïve sometimes. When it comes to love, she'll be blunt about it. She won't realize that she like that person until one of her friend pointed it out for her. And after she realized it, she will shy around that person and sometimes, she would be clumsy! Not because she wanted to attract his attention, but because she is nervous. And Yuki is not good in controlling her feelings. She kind of in it.


Family Background:

Kim Yuki came from a family of five. A father, mother, her twin older brothers and herself. Yuki used to live in a city called Misake, in Hokkaido, Japan. But later on, they moved to Korea because of her father had signed a contract with one of the famous hotels in Seoul as the head chef.

She came from a rich but humble family. They don't like to boast and show off. They live in a friendly neighborhood just like every other average family. Her parents had thought their children to always see from a different perspective, not everybody can live in a big mansion and have many cars. They wanted their children to understand that money is not everything. You have to earn it with hard work.

Yuki was never lack of attentions from her brother, but yes, sometimes from her parents. But she understands that they are busy making money to feed her and her brothers but sometimes when she needed them the most, they were not there. Yuki's brothers had always been with her through thick or thin when their parents are not able too. But Yuki never hated her parents, she loves them. In fact she loves everybody in her family equally.

Now, her mother owned a café somewhere in the busy district of Seoul, called "Ice Bubble Café". The café was huge success and people always comes in and out of her café. Yuki spent most of her time there, composing new songs or simply doing her homework. During summer holidays, her brothers will drag their lazy sister to their mother's café and lend her a helping hand.

As for her father, well, Yuki often visit him in the hotel. Sometimes she spotted him sleeping in the lobby when his shift is over. Yuki and her brothers would bring his father's clothes and food, if his shift is still on until the next day.


Bestfriend: Minzy

♥ : Lee Byunghun (L Joe)  


Name: Lee Ri Young

Birthdate: 11th November

Hometown: Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean


In very simple words, Lee Ri Young is like a shadow. Always there but never actually noticed; partly because of her soft spoken personality, mostly because she practically lives under her older brother Eunhyuk's shadow. Whenever people ask about her, they generally reply with "Ri Young who?" until of course, you mention her brother. But she doesn't mind, not at all. She's actually very thankful for that, less drama on her part. Ri Young doesn't like a lot of unimportant things messing up her life as she's very much afraid of change, something people often don't realize, not even herself at times.

Ri Young is almost nothing like her brother, that's for sure. Where Eunhyuk is athletic, popular and generally one of the hottest senior's in school, Ri Young is wimpy, nerdy and most likely classified as a complete wall flower. The only reason she isn't even labelled as an outcast is because of her undeniably loved older brother. Some suspect her to have a bit of a brother complex, clinging around Eunhyuk whenever she can. They're right, she loves her brother more than anything else in the world, mostly because he has been the only one to ever stand up for her for anything. Eunhyuk tries to teach her to live independently though, but it seems he's partly to blame as well for her dependency on him.

She doesn't talk a lot, compared to her older brother that is. Ri Young is very soft spoken, despite her bluntly honest tendencies. Apart from the obvious difference in social status, Ri Young also tends to be rather aloof compared to her friendly brother. Ri Young is afraid of getting hurt and therefore, distances herself from the crowd as much as she can. One could say she's a coward, Ri Young counters this by saying she's realistic. People always get hurt - why? Because they attach themselves too much to another. Ri Young doesn't want that to happen, she never wants to attach herself to anything so much that it would seem like she's selling her soul to another. Despite Ri Young's reserved nature, she undeniably lives freely. And her freedom might be the only thing keeping her sane.

Most times though, Ri Young won't admit but she does tend to have moments of jealousy and bouts of major depression whenever compared to her brother. She's quite insecure when compared to him. It isn't that she is beneath him, certainly no. Ri Young might not have the athleticism of her brother nor his charisma, but she did get the brains to go with the strategically critical thinking. But Ri Young is undeniably insecure to the point no one's praises would have the slightest effect on her. She even has suicidal tendencies, often carrying around a notebook filled with scribbles of death. But her love for her brother gets the better of her every damn time and she even regrets having those kinds of thoughts in the first place.

All in all, Ri Young's character revolves mostly around her brother. In some ways, she is like him; completely loyal to the point they're quite gullible. On the other hand, she might be the exact opposite of her brother, while he always lives life to the fullest, she is afraid to live.


Family background:

Ri Young was born the youngest out of three in the Lee family with a dedicated and loving mother and a hardworking father in Gyeonggi, South Korea. They weren't exactly the richest bunch, but they managed with a roof above their heads and food in their mouths. Ri Young's mother wasn't able to graduate from college due to financial problems and early pregnancy and her father was practically outcast from his family due to empregnating a woman before marriage. But they didn't mind at all, her father Hyung Jae was able to get his college degree and started working as soon as he could. Three years later and with another baby on the way, they finally got married and was accepted by Hyung Jae's mother, Sun Young.

Hyung Jae was quite busy with work during those days and wasn't able to spend much time with his family. The same went for Hyun Ae, who worked harder in order to provide decent education for their oldest daughter, Sora. By the time Ri Young was conceived, her parents were practically stressing on her birth as that meant another mouth to feed. Despite their worries though, Sun Young assured them that she would take care of the last child while they worked as she had done for little Hyuk Jae. After they had calm down, Ri Young was born and put under the care of Sun Young. As the old woman had promised, she took care of both younger siblings while their older sister worked hard to be able to graduate and gradually help the family.

Despite not being able to receive much of the love from her parents, it was no problem for Ri Young. She had her grandmother and her older brother with her, and to her, that was all that mattered. But when her grandmother had died when she was still in elementary, that had been a great shock for her, for her whole family. But no one took it as hard as Eunhyuk. Seeing her strong older brother in such a state shook something in her though, and she swore to herself to abide by her grandmother's wishes and never leave Eunhyuk's side. After a while, Eunhyuk had eventually calmed down and got over himself, thinking that his grandmother wouldn't want to see him like that, especially with his younger sister watching.

All in all, despite their parent's and to an extent, their older sister's busy schedules, they still manage to be as close as the next normal family across the street. Eunhyuk and Ri Young especially.

Bestfriend: Ryeowook

♥ : Lee Donghae


Name: Ryu HyeSon

Birthdate:  8th January

Hometown: Chungju, chungcheongbuk-do, Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean 


HyeSon is a very happy and bubbly person. She's 17 (18 in Korea) so she thinks doing aegyo is kind of childish. Her favourite drink is chocolate milk and cannot live without drinking chocolate milk at least once a day. If the day is going to end, she would always shout, "Ah! I haven't drank choco milk!" and she would run to any store that has chocolate milk and buy a bottle of it. She can sometimes be impatient, but this little angel will be trying her best to stay patient, not throwing a tantrum. When you make her angry, she won't fight back or anything, but her cute and happy face will turn into a really dull and emo face, and and no one wants to see that beautiful face of hers turning into a face you see at a mental hospital. When she's depressed, she'll talk to herself, like she has been possessed by a spirit, but it rarely happens as she doesn't want her friends to be worried. She cares for others as much as she cares for herself, and when you're sad, she'll cheer you up. She is also an active blogger, updating her blog every single day on how her day was, interacting with her fans.

She is sometimes very emotional, crying a lot when tough times arrive. But also cries when it's only a small issue. So you could put her in the "crybaby" category. She might be really happy on the outside, but she hides all her depression inside, and cries every night under blankets. Nobody knows about this, not even her mom. She really keeps it inside. As said earlier, she does not want her friends and people around her to worry and takes her loved ones as her first priority before herself(meaning she'll even "catch a grenade for you").

When she was 11, she had this issue with a boy where the boy kept on bullying her and threatening her, but she never told anyone. The boy was really playful, and even one time, he told her to be his girlfriend(with the fact that they're only 11) but she refused. The boy kept on pestering her until she gave in, but trying to be strong, she told him that she would only be his girlfriend for 1 week. Until her mother found out. And that was the most tragic thing that happened to her in her life. She hasn't released it yet,  and no one in her school knows about this(except her mom) - Not even her closest friends. She hasn't forgotten about the boy,  and still holds a grudge in her. She wants revenge, but at  the same time, being the kind HyeSon, she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. So she is more or less "quiet" in a way.  


Family Background

HyeSon was born in Chungju, chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. Her mother gave birth to her by accident at the age of  18, and her father left them when Hyeson turned 3. Even though her mother gave birth to her by accident, her mother loves her so much and is very protective of her. When HyeSon comes back from school, her mother would always ask "How's school dear?" "Do you have homework?" "Did you enjoy your day?" "Tell me if something bad happens," and things like that. HyeSon also loves her mother very much. Her mother remarried when Hyeson was 9, but being  the kind Hyeson, she let it pass and now loves her foster father. Her foster father is also a vary kind man and loves Hyeson. Hyeson is like a daddy's girl to her foster father, but she's not spoilt.

She has a half-brother, Hyuk Min. He's 2 years older than her, and is very nice and loving to HyeSon, and protects her a lot. He treats her like a real big brother, being always there for their little sister. They hang out a lot, and people mistake them for being a couple, and their catchprase is "We're not a couple! We're siblings!" . So you could more or less put it in a way that Hyeson's family is perfect, except for the part where her mother accidentally gave birth to her.  HyeSon went by her mother's surname, and not her foster father's. 


Bestfriend: Hyosung, Soyeon

♥ : Jung Jinyoung



Name: Park Mi-Rae

Birthdate: March 21, 1987

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Full Korean


After graduating from music institute, she decided to be a music teacher in Cheon-Joo High. She picked CJHS since she also used to be a student there. 

She is known for her kind, friendly, and lovable teacher. Even though it only has been a year since she worked in CJHS, she’s been famous among students already. She has all things that women strive for. Brain, beauty and behaviour. Even last time, there are few male students who wrote a love letter for her.

Is she really that flawless? But there is a proverb says "nobody’s perfect", right?

More of her will be revealed later through the story.

♥ : Lee Howon

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unnie~~ are you sick?? Did you catch a cold??? I'm worried :(
More more more....*demanding reader*<br />
Wait...L.Joe like her and Jinyoung too???*my mind*<br />
Recruit of member~! Woohoo~!!!!<br />
bangmil #3
@Jiinkizxc sorry for the late update dear~ ^^ kekeke glad you're still waiting for this lame story ;___; Let's see whether it's JinHye or HyeJoe LOL XD Stay tuned~
-xminhye #4
HAHAHAHA>< LJOEEE<3333 WHY IS HE LITTAT?!? Awwww;___;<br />
Jinyoung is sooo sweeet >< Kyaaa~ Hyeson x Jinyoung couplee<3? Or LJOE Couple?! xDD <br />
Riyoung joining the club~ Hmmm~ Wae? *Drumroll* Idk. Lol-.-<br />
THANKSFORTHEUPDATE! Have been waitingg(; And SUCH A CUTE POSTER AND BG><!!<br />
bangmil #5
@Emerson Sorry for the long wait! Hahaha LJoe is really a bad boy -_- Stay tuned for the next update~ ^^<br />
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@ainiriffic Hehe yayy! *claps* Yep, that's Byuntae! I mean Byunghun XD<br />
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@wonderboy She's the type of person that can't be read easily LOL XD Let's see if Byunghun likes Hyeson or not~ Hahaha XD And yes! melon-ie artworks are really cute~! I recommend! XD<br />
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@MinnieMelon Whoaa don't do that, or the neighbour will scold you~ LOL XD Sorry for the long wait! Actually me too, as an author don't know why she joined the club XD hehehe sorry again!
Ahahhaha!! I was jumping around my room~~~ YOU UPDATED!! YAY:DDDD NAUGHTY L.JOE<33 I wonder what made riyoung made her join the club... But nevertheless, YOU UPDATED!! *REJOICE AND CELEBRATE*
Oho! I wonder what made Ri Young want to join the club? xD Hahaha.<br />
Oh, L. Joe, how rude of you. What kind of guy would bump into a girl and not even apologize? Maybe someone who likes Hyeson? ;D Hahaha!<br />
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Melon-ie~ you did a great job with the poster and background! It's super cute! :)
Riyoung finally joined xD Yay!<br />
Awww Byunghun :3
bangmil #9
@MinnieMelon Hahaha she's really clumsy -_- i hope Minzy won't be suffered because of her LOL XD It's okay chingu, i will give my best! Actually writing is my hobby, a way to relieve stresses~<br />
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@CassiopeiaLove Yaay thank you~ New Year! XD<br />
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@siti_nktc hahaha who can't be as unbelieveable as Yuki?? XD What was that.. i don't know :p<br />
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@wonderboy Yep yep! Baby I'm lonely~ XD Actually i don't know either.. I wrote that but didn't expect readers will be curious about that XD Hehe have a great days too~ XD<br />
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@Emerson Where have you been dear? :D It's okay btw~ LOL she's your character, don't say that kind of thing to her XD