♥2 The beginning

WATS1, The Underrated Light-Music Club

Hyunae was walking cooly along the hallway towards the school’s pond. When she was down or sad, she usually went to a quiet place where she could be alone, such as rooftop, library, or pond.

Pond wasn’t a favorite place for almost students, since there were many rumors regarding that place. The famous one was the ghost rumour. It said that there was a female ghost living there. She was used to be a student in CJHS a long time ago. She got stressed over study and commited suicide. Ever since, many people said that they saw a female student wandered around school at night. When people tried to ran over her, she always disappeared at that one place, pond.

It was a long time story though, but many students still believed in it. In the other case, there were some of students who didn’t believe in that story, and Hyunae was one of them.

Hyunae sat on the edge of the pond, humming her favorite song that was playing on her ipod. Her both eyes closed when she felt the breezes through her body. It was quite refreshing, made her forgot about many things that she had been thinking lately.

Suddenly, he heard something from the bushes behind her. At first, she ignored it and assumed it just the sound of wind. But after some times, the sounds got louder and louder, made her feel curious. Carefully, she tip-toed towards the bushes.

“Who is it?” Hyunae asked with cautions.

The sounds got louder than before, and a shadow started to appear. She gulped, and took a step back. The shadow getting nearer, made her heartbeats became faster. She took a step back one again, the bushes rustled, and–


Hyunae’s eyes widened when she saw a boy, a high schooler, come out from the bushes. He mumbled over a tree branch that scratched her arm.

“Are you okay?” Hyunae asked after she saw many scracth on the boy’s arm. But the boy didn’t answer. He just looked at Hyunae, for some minutes.

“Who are you?” The boy asked with the same expression as before. Hyunae was about to answer but he cut her off. “No need. I know you are freshmen.”

After heard the boy’s words, Hyunae immediately looked at his necktie. It was red-colored, so she could say the boy was the same with her, a tenth grader.

Like there was nothing happened, the boy walked passed Hyunae cooly. Being puzzled, Hyunae turned around and looked at the strange boy.

After some steps, the boy suddenly turned back and faced Hyunae. He said, “It’s okay.”

Hyunae’s eyebrow arched. “Eh?”

“Didn’t you ask if I’m okay earlier?” The boy put his hands inside the pocket. “I’m okay.” He gave her a smile then turned back and continued walking into school’s building.

In the other hand, Hyunae was still confused. Her eyes couldn’t get over the figure that she had just met a while ago. After some minutes, she was finally back to her world. She blinked twice and realized that she breathed faster.

“What’s wrong with me..” She mumbled while trying to calmed herself. Her eyes looked at the direction where the boy was going. “Well, he’s quite handsome..”

The face of the boy appeared again in Hyunae’s memory. A warm smile that he gave before–

Hyunae shook her head immediately. She sighed over her stupid actions and unnecessary thoughts.

“Come to think of it..” Hyunae tapped her forehead. “Why did that boy come out from the bushes?”


“Oh? Riyoung ah!” Eunhyuk waved at a long-haired girl, Riyoung, sister who was two years younger than him. “Here, here!” He told Riyoung to come over and sat beside him at the canteen.

Riyoung smiled and calmly walked towards her brother, the precious one.

“Ya, Donghae, sit there!” He nudged his friend, Donghae, who was actually sitting beside him to move aside, so that Riyoung could sat beside him. Donghae just sighed and moved his body slowly to the chair that placed in front of them.

Riyoung smiled at Donghae. “It’s been a while, oppa.”

Donghae smiled back. “I’m glad you could pass the entrance exam and study here with us.”

“Ya, dongsaengie! Why did you greet him? It should be your brother first, here!” Eunhyuk complained while pointing his finger to himself, saying that he was there.

“So childish..” Donghae mumbled.

“Childish?? But it hurts my heart!” Eunhyuk talked back, didn’t want to gave in.

“Ya! When will you throw your childish side?” Donghae impatiently smacked Eunhyuk’s head.

“Aww! That hurts!”

Donghae rolled his eyes. “Aigoo.. you are now a third year student, but still behave like that..”

Eunhyuk smacked Donghae’s back and the fight started again.

Riyoung laughed over them. “Hahaha.. You two really never changed.”

Eunhyuk and Donghae, both of them turned her head at laughing Riyoung. They pulled out themselves and looked at each other.

“Aren’t you embarassed?” Eunhyuk whispered to Donghae.

“Why me? It must be you!” Donghae said with intimidate sound. They began to fight again but fortunately, Riyoung stopped them.

“I heard there is a freshmen that bothering you?” Eunhyuk asked Riyoung suddenly, made her surprised. “Just tell oppa who that boy is, and I will definitely beat him down for you!”

Riyoung once again laughed at her brother. “It’s alright. I’m in peace, it is not true at all.”

Looking at his friend, Donghae sighed. “If you always act like that, Riyoung won’t get a boyfriend.”

Eunhyuk smiled widely. “It’s okay, then! As long as oppa here, you don’t need a boyfriend, right? Dongsaengie~”

“Ya! Don’t screw your sister’s high school period!” Donghae yelled after smacked Eunhyuk’s head again.

“T-that hurts..” Eunhyuk desperately rubbed her head. She looked at Riyoung who was laughing. “Just don’t go out with any boy without my permission.”

“It should be your sister who decide!” Donghae got ready to smacked Eunhyuk again.

“Ya, stop it! You want to kill me? It should be my sister who answer not you!” Eunhyuk yelled.

Riyoung sighed. “Arasseo, arasseo. I promise I’ll only date someone who is as good as you.”

Eunhyuk turned her head to his sister. He smiled widely. “Good, then! I bet there is no one like me though!”

Donghae rolled her eyes. “Here it comes, choding again..”

Riyoung looked at Donghae secretly. Her gaze became softer. “If only you know who that person I like..”

“What is it?” Eunhyuk suddenly asked, when he heard Riyoung mumbled about something.

Riyoung stuttered. “A-aniya! I.. I’ve finished my meal, so I will get back to my class!” She got up from her seat and walked away, leaving Eunhyuk who was still confused.

“Aigoo, I almost get caught.” She sighed while walking quickly to her class.

Suddenly, a girl who was same grade as her stopped her. She streched her hands widely to block Riyoung. The girl smiled mysteriously.

Riyoung gulped. “Who.. are you?”


Done with the second chapter!
Sorry it took so long, a little busy preparing holiday ><
I hope the next update won’t be as slow as this!



to you all! ^^

Whoo, I finally can greet you even though it is a bit late! Hehehe
*sing christmas carol*


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unnie~~ are you sick?? Did you catch a cold??? I'm worried :(
More more more....*demanding reader*<br />
Wait...L.Joe like her and Jinyoung too???*my mind*<br />
Recruit of member~! Woohoo~!!!!<br />
bangmil #3
@Jiinkizxc sorry for the late update dear~ ^^ kekeke glad you're still waiting for this lame story ;___; Let's see whether it's JinHye or HyeJoe LOL XD Stay tuned~
-xminhye #4
HAHAHAHA>< LJOEEE<3333 WHY IS HE LITTAT?!? Awwww;___;<br />
Jinyoung is sooo sweeet >< Kyaaa~ Hyeson x Jinyoung couplee<3? Or LJOE Couple?! xDD <br />
Riyoung joining the club~ Hmmm~ Wae? *Drumroll* Idk. Lol-.-<br />
THANKSFORTHEUPDATE! Have been waitingg(; And SUCH A CUTE POSTER AND BG><!!<br />
bangmil #5
@Emerson Sorry for the long wait! Hahaha LJoe is really a bad boy -_- Stay tuned for the next update~ ^^<br />
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@ainiriffic Hehe yayy! *claps* Yep, that's Byuntae! I mean Byunghun XD<br />
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@wonderboy She's the type of person that can't be read easily LOL XD Let's see if Byunghun likes Hyeson or not~ Hahaha XD And yes! melon-ie artworks are really cute~! I recommend! XD<br />
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@MinnieMelon Whoaa don't do that, or the neighbour will scold you~ LOL XD Sorry for the long wait! Actually me too, as an author don't know why she joined the club XD hehehe sorry again!
Ahahhaha!! I was jumping around my room~~~ YOU UPDATED!! YAY:DDDD NAUGHTY L.JOE<33 I wonder what made riyoung made her join the club... But nevertheless, YOU UPDATED!! *REJOICE AND CELEBRATE*
Oho! I wonder what made Ri Young want to join the club? xD Hahaha.<br />
Oh, L. Joe, how rude of you. What kind of guy would bump into a girl and not even apologize? Maybe someone who likes Hyeson? ;D Hahaha!<br />
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Melon-ie~ you did a great job with the poster and background! It's super cute! :)
Riyoung finally joined xD Yay!<br />
Awww Byunghun :3
bangmil #9
@MinnieMelon Hahaha she's really clumsy -_- i hope Minzy won't be suffered because of her LOL XD It's okay chingu, i will give my best! Actually writing is my hobby, a way to relieve stresses~<br />
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@CassiopeiaLove Yaay thank you~ New Year! XD<br />
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@siti_nktc hahaha who can't be as unbelieveable as Yuki?? XD What was that.. i don't know :p<br />
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@wonderboy Yep yep! Baby I'm lonely~ XD Actually i don't know either.. I wrote that but didn't expect readers will be curious about that XD Hehe have a great days too~ XD<br />
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@Emerson Where have you been dear? :D It's okay btw~ LOL she's your character, don't say that kind of thing to her XD