∞ F O U R ∞ {Part 1}

tulips ❋ jikook

Jimin's P.O.V:

Another Day passes.. and I completely embarrassed in front of someone I just met a couple of days ago! I'm so stupid! I should have been more cautious about my surroundings and paid attention to the sounds around me! He just HAD to be there when I was completely . Argh!! So Embarrassing. On the positive side, the dinner he cooked was delicious, excluding the fact he burnt the fish.. well, burnt everything. I guess that's one thing he can't do.

I'm still twisted on the fact he was about to cut. Someone as extraordinary as him would suffer? I heard something about an ex girlfriend he had. She must've been an impact on his life. Ah that means his straight and not gay right. Good, I don't need to worry now. Wait.. Why do I need to worry? Why is Jungkook in my mind?

I hear footsteps going down the stairs. Must be my parents. I sat upon my bed, feeling a breeze from the window across my face. I shifted a little towards the left to grab my phone and call Seokjin, calling him "Jin," for short.

"Yo Jin!" I greeted informally.

"It's Seokjin! Ugh! I'm you're hyung too!" he yelled.

"I don't care. Anyways, when does the break end?" I questioned

"Uh in a week or so, why?"

"Just wondering.. Anyways do you know someone named Jeon Jungkook?"

"His that kid that got in a fight with Jung Hoseok yeh? Damn that kid got guts. Anyways, what about him?"

Wait.. Jung Hoseok? He was smart, although he would normally cause commotions around the university, leaving him with a Bad reputation, and not much jobs he would personally want. I'm surprised someone like Jungkook would pick a fight with him or get into a fight. I'm also shocked that he attended the same univeristy.

"Uh.. He goes to the same univeristy?"


"Anyways! Talk to ya later!"

I ended the call. That's good news I guess.. I wonder which course he took. I was determined to ask Jungkook, although it would've seemed that I was stalking him in some way, which I didn't.. I assume. Obviously I wanted to become a doctor, or scientist, to discover a cure from the disease that took my beloved Taehyung. My parents often worry about me, and how I would be able to become one, since I was at a massive disadvantage. This disadvantage allowed my memory, hearing, and calculating, much better than a normal human being. Although on test dates, I would usually have to take separate verbal tests since I wouldn't be able to see anything. I might not be as smart, although I am a determined and hard worker. All my thinking was a bit cliche, although sometimes I would like to think deeply.

I heard the phone ring, dududu dududu dududu.

I picked up my phone and began calling the caller, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Jungkook, you pabo," Jungkook teased

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Yoongi wanted to apologise for earlier, and wanted to invite you to the carnival coming up next week, you know it right? Care to join?"

"Yea sure, but he didn't need to apologise, it's alright."

I heard a few noises and shuffling around, "Yo, it's me, Yoongi. Uh I'm sorry for scaring you. Just come with us, Jungkook suggested it too."

"Okay. I have a question. Does Jungkook go to Pusan University?"

"Yea! Wait.. How do you know?" Yoongi asked

"Um.. I go there too, anyways I have to go now, see ya."


~ Time Skip to next week ~


Jungkook's P.O.V:

Omg What do I wear! Jimin should be at the carnival at like any minute by now I can't even decide what to wear! I quickly took out a black and red striped long sleeved shirt, and nero black skinny jeans, wearing black and white nike shoes, which were as shiny as silver. I quickly brushed my hair, and spread gel all over it and rushed out the door towards the carnival. I started panting when I saw Yoongi and Jimin talking to eachother, laughing and smiling.

I rushed over and caught some breath by leaving my hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi wore a blue T-shirt, and navy blue jeans, while Jimin wore an grey turtle neck, and black leggings. It was cute.

"Someone dressed up nice today for once.." Yoongi smirked.

"I always dress nice you bi-" I argued back, although stopping mid sentence when I heard a loud laugh.

"You guys seem really close," I heard looking over to the side of Yoongi seeing a bright smile on Jimin's face.

"Yea.. We are."

A/N: This is just Part one..

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armybbc #1
Chapter 8: Yoongiwith hoseok will make a good couple i guess...kekeke
Jikook 4everyeah
Chapter 8: I liked Yoongi's part :) don't give up- don't stress about having writer's block and ideas might come to you :)
Chapter 6: I'm so glad you updated!!
MinyoPabo #4
Chapter 6: Girl's got some attitude, yesseu~ An update~ This story is so guuud
MinyoPabo #5
Chapter 5: Omg Yoongi XD, "PICTURES OF YOU AND JIMIN! WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT YOU ! I'M DOING A FAVOUR," Ahahhahahhah, I'm laughing like a hyena RN XD
Awww......This story is sweet :) good job with the writing. It's really good. I like it
Chapter 3: Omg ( ੭ु´ ・∀ ・`) ु I'm smiling like and idiot HAHA JUNGKOOK WALKING IN ON JIMIN
Chapter 2: I like this so far :D keep it up