It's still mouth to mouth

Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

“Uwaaaaaa~ watel palk umma!!!”

Little hyukkie almost jump to the pool once his umma dragged him to the kid pool.

“Noooo... baby wait for your appa, then you can swim,” Teuk umma held her son’s hand tighter to prevent him for slipping into the pool

“Aeee... oul filst swim togethel!! yeaaay~ huukie yuung will teach ae to swim,” hyukkie pinched the younger’s cheek

“with appa’s helps?” teuk umma son

“Mnoo.. only huukie will teach Ae to swim,”




So, Hyukkie already dragged his appa to accompany him in the kid pool while little hae is sitting calmly on his umma’s laps.

“Mmmaaa.. wiiim.. ppa.. uung,” little hae sprang his hands to reached his appa who’s busy keeping an eye to his hyung

“Oh? little hae wants to swim? with hyukkie hyung and appa?” Teuk umma asked her baby

“Oh?? Ummaaaaaa quick bling Ae to the poooool!!” hyukkie shouted from the pool to his umma who’s still sitting on the edge of baby’s pool

“Aigoo, your hyung’s ears is really sharp to hear your request baby hae, come on we’ll take your lifebuoy first,” teuk umma chuckled hearing her eldest son kept calling his younger brother’s name

“Uuuuung!!!” the baby chirped happily once his umma put the lifebuoy on his small figure

“Are you happy now to see your little brother join you with his nemo lifebuoy, hyukkie?” his appa asked hyukkie but his son didn’t give any answer since he’s to excited to play with hae in the water

“Umma palleeeeeeee~”

And finally teuk umma and kangin appa played with their babies in the pool, but then a shout coming from someone who’s in the adult pool.

Everyone turned their attention to the adult pool and see there’s someone drowning, and the guard was trying to help her.

“OMO.. The guard should give her CPR as soon as possible,” teuk umma said


“It’s an emergency procedure which helps people to keep breathing, baby” Teuk umma patted her son’s head and smiled to him, but Hyukkie still didn’t get the point

“How to do that, umma?”

“You can do it from mouth to mouth, baby,” his Appa who has been teaching his youngest son to swim explained more to hyukkie

“leally?” the curious kid asked his parents once again and he got an approval nod.




“Okay, baby hae.. appa already taught you how to move your legs, now I will teach you how to take a breath,”

Kangin appa who still excited to teach his baby finally moved to the baby’s pool and teach more lesson to little hae.

“appa will put you down to the water, and take a deep breath before that, okay?”

little hae nodded once his appa showed him how to do it before.

“okay, now..”

His appa started to drown baby hae slowly, until the water reached his neck. But everything’s still under the appa’s control, because kangin appa held his baby tight, to prevent him to slipped off from his appa’s hands.

“take a deep breath baby, appa will drown you in the water for a sec, and appa will keep holding you, so don’t panic,”

kangin appa lift his baby up, then drown him to the water again, but this time he drown baby Hae until his head dive into the water.


And the water splashed to kangin appa’s body once hyukkie jumped to the baby’s pool.

“APPAAA!! Put little Ae up and bling him out of the pool,” hyukkie shouted and dashed to get out from the pool

Kangin appa who didn’t get what’s hyukkie’s thinking just complied his son’s order by putting his youngest son on the seat near the baby’s pool.

Baby hae who’s now laying on the seat still closing his eyes since he was pretty scared to be dive in the water for the first time.

But then...


“Ae... wait!”

“hyukkie, what are you doing baby?” Kangin appa asked hyukkie who’s already take a deep breath










“OMO! Baby what is this?” Teuk umma gaped seeing the view between her sons

“huukkie doing the CPL umma, Ae just drown because of appa,”

“uuung.. uhukk.. uhukk..”




“b- but baby,”

“wait umma,”




“uh? uung...”

“okaaay... enough hyukkie, our baby hae is awake now,” Teuk umma put hyukkie up

“little hae didn’t drown though,” Kangin said

“and baby hyukkie... that’s not CPR, that’s more like ppoppo,” teuk umma trying to tell her son

“well, yes that’s true..” Kang nodded

“but appa said CPL is mouth to mouth, isn’t that like ppoppo between umma and appa?” hyukkie asked innocently

“baby, it’s different,” teuk umma lifted up little hae who had his eyes opened now and wrapped a towel around his small figure

“CPR is to give someone air from mouth to mouth, you know, when you can’t breath, appa could give you a CPR for you,” teuk umma explained

“then what is the diffelent with ppoppo?” hyukkie looked at little hae

“ppoppo is for someone who you deeply loved,” Kangin explained to his curious son. “but sometimes we lacked of air when we did it,” he added in whisper then giggled

Teuk heard it and gave him a death glare.

“baby, appa just wanted to teach baby hae how to take a deep breath when he swims for the first time, I guarantee he’s safe when he’s with appa,”

hyukkie pouted.

“then it wasn’t a CPL? uuh...”

“nope, it was a ppoppo in umma’s eyes,” teuk umma smiled

“but you got baby Hae’s first kiss, *cough* umma envy *cough*”

hyukkie raised up his head and looked at his umma

“and you were great trying to help your little brother from this godzilla, umma proud of you!” teuk umma clapped her hands and hugged hyukkie tight

“Godzilla??!” Kangin gaped his mouth in disbelief

“zilla,” little hae pointed at his appa then giggled

“fine appa is Godzilla! Raaawwwrr.. and appa Godzilla is hungry, I want to eat two cute baby boys who are in female Godzilla’s embrace right now,” Kangin appa acted as he wanted to grabbed little hae from teuk umma’s embrace

“Omo.. Umma Aeee.... luuuuuuuuuuun!!” hyukkie ran away while giggling over his Godzilla appa

Inspired by these moments :3 blush

and why am I spamming pics here? kekeke enjoy the update~

cr :

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo your brother pick strawberry....