
Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

Hey guys~!! The babies are baaaaaaccckkkk!!! xD

Spring was coming, no more thick clothes and buffy jacket to wear. Hyukkie loves it! Haehae loves it too, because umma Teuk made baby Hae as if he’s a cocoon. Haehae is not a cocoon. Today, umma Teuk said that they would play out with appa. It’s been a while since their appa had a time to go out with his kids. Hyukkie just can’t wait for it. Playing out with appa is the best time ever than accompanying umma to shop.

“Ummaaaaa fastel~!! Appa alleady waiting fol us in the cal,” Hyukkie said as he was too excited to play

“Wait a bit more baby, let me put this hoodie for Haehae,” umma said from the nursery

Hyukkie was peeking out of the window, his appa was ready to drive them to the playground which he loves. He sat in front of the window as umma said he couldn’t go out yet before his baby brother was done with his clothes.


Umma was coming out of the nursery with baby Hae in her hands. Baby Hae was all cute with his blue hoodie while holding on his milk bottle.

“Yuuung~!!” those small hands were trying to reach the older boy eventhough his hands were already full just by holding his own milk bottle

“Ae~!! Let’s go out nowww~ Appa is thele!!”

“Baby, wait! Let me check on something, hmm... cardigan, shoes, do you wear a thin t-shirt?” Umma asked the boy

Hyukkie shook his head and showed his sweatshirt beneath his hoodie.

“I’m wealing this hat too~ It’s appa’s gift flom Japan,” Hyukkie said it proudly

“EXCUSE ME MA’AM, HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU NEED TO DRESS UP A BOY SERIOUSLY???” Appa Kangin called out from the car because he had been waiting for almost thirty minutes

“Okay, c’mon babies~ appa is waiting,”


“Woaaah~ appa, this is not playglound?”

Hyukkie got out of his appa’s car and found out that his appa didn’t bring them to the usual playground.

“Nope, but this is better than playground! Strawberry farm~!!!” His appa spread his arms as if he’s the owner of the farm who’s proudly introducing the place to people

“Stlawbelly? Leally?? Ohyeaaaah!!!”

“Come on in baby, it’s cold in here,”

Appa Kangin and the boys finally stepped into the farm, some ahjusshis were explaining to the visitors about how to pick the strawberries properly.

“Ae, bucket! Stlawbelly~!” Hyukkie showed the baby a bucket which he got from the kind ahjusshi

“Belly~!” Haehae chirped happily still on his pacifier

“Hyukkie, don’t go to far okay? Hae, would you like to pick the strawberry too?” Appa Kangin asked the baby who’s now able to walk on his own already

Hae nodded and released himself from his appa’s embrace.

“Okay boys, pick the ones which already red and big okay? Don’t pick those green ones,” Appa reminded the boys once again


“Oh? Geng?”


“Brother! Long time no see, don’t say you’re here with your  family?” Kangin asked

“Yes family without my wife, this is my turn to take care of the kids after I got home a week ago after the business I had in Thailand,”

“And where is she?” Kangin asked as he fed himself the strawberry he picked

“She said she got an invitation to an important charity event, I let her be, it’s a good time to spend early spring with the boys right?”

“Well, yes..”

The chinese man who was sitting on the bench near the strawberry farm stared at his boys.

“Gui xian!! Don’t you try to steal your brother’s strawberry!”

The boy named Gui Xian only showed his father a smirk as he grabbed a few strawberries from his little brother’s bucket.


The same boy turned his head to the voice which called his name, and bowed properly. Hyukkie who was holding his bucket only laughed looking at his best friend.

“What ale you doing?” Hyukkie bowed too

“Ta jia hao~”(Hello?)

Hyukkie startled looking at the younger boy spoke in different language.

“Wo shi Gui Xian, Ni ne?”(I’m Kyuhyun, and you?)

“What?” Hyukkie frowned

“Hao jiu bu jian” (Long time no see)

“Kyu please it’s not funny, speak in kolean!!” Hyukkie scolded the younger as the younger only chuckled and happily replying in another chinese

“Cao mei?”(Strawberry?) Kyu said as he offered Hyukkie the biggest strawberry he got from Henry’s bucket

“Kyu, I told you speak in oul language please,” Hyukkie sighed

“Hao hao, zao le, mei guan xi,”(Okay okay, that’s too bad, but it’s okay) Kyu giggled and sat on the small bench

“Henly is busy light thele. And you ale hele stealing his stlawbelly?” Hyukkie asked

“He is my little blothel, big blothel only wait fol little blothel to wolk and I can get what he picked, hehehehe~ life is easy yuung,” Kyuhyun said then bit his strawberry happily

Kyu and Hyukkie were already drown in their stories about their winter holiday and told about their christmas gifts from Santa when a whine could be heard from their seat.


“Mmnooooooo!!! Mineeee!!! Meanieeeeeee!!” Haehae hugged his bucket tight in front of his chest as Henry was trying to get Hae’s bucket

“Mmnooooo Henly’s bellyyyyy!!! Go awaaayyyy!!”

“Nooo!! Ae’s belly~ go hush hush!!”

Henry who couldn’t get the bucket from Haehae finally ran to his hyung, hoping that his hyung would be on his side.

“YUUUNG!!” Henry said to Kyu


“Ae taake Henly’s belly, no mole belly in bucket, huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” Henry finally crying as he realized the strawberries which he picked properly were stolen

“Wait Henly, Ae didn’t take Henly’s stlawbelly, Ae picked on his own,” Hyukkie tried to explained to the younger boy

“Uhm uhm!!” Haehae who was still hugging his bucket tight came closer to his hyung,”Ae no take Henly’s belly,”

“But... but... belly in bucket this much! But now...” Henry said then looked at his own bucket

“Just take mole Henly-yah~” Kyu said calmly

“No mole big bellies, huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!” Henry crying out loud then his daddy came to lifted up the little boy

“Pssstt.. Henly-yah, here, appa picked some for you, don’t cry okay, boys don’t cry remember?  Maybe the bad strawberry didn’t like Henly to picked up their family, so they took them back for lunch, now let’s get our lunch and ice cream~! How’s that?” Papa Geng succeed to finally calmed the little boy

“Omo! Papa! Ice cleam? GuiXian want!!!” Kyu said excitedly leaving on his empty bucket

“No ice cream for you Guixian, you’ve ate a lot of strawberries! And you ate those jelly beans last night without umma knowing, no ice cream for you!”

“What?? Papa is kidding with Guixian light?” Kyu grinned and leaned a bit closer to his daddy

“No. Papa is serious, let’s go get our lunch Henly-yaaah~ Let Guixian here with his bucket,”


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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo your brother pick strawberry....