The Prince

Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

Inspired by this picture. And Hyuk's pic with Teuk. ^^


It’s saturday morning when Teuk umma prepared her sons to go to Hyukkie’s first musical performance at his school. Yes, Hyukkie has an important role in his school musical performance, and his family were so excited.


“Ummaaaaa palleeee~ I don’t want to be late,” Hyukkie called his umma as he leaned his body to the car, yes, he’s waiting outside the house


“Wait a moment honey, I’ll take care little hae first,”


Hyukkie tapped his little feet and nonstop grinning since last night. It’s his musical performance and he got the main role. He just can’t be happier, because his little hae will watch his first performance on stage as his favorite character.


“Come on baby, let’s goooo~” Teuk umma leads her kids to the car




Hyukkie’s school is already full of people, mostly the parents who are so excited to watch their kids’ performance, it’s really a crowd. Teuk umma already sent his eldest son to the backstage and let his teachers help him for the costumes.


“Oh, you’re wake up little hae,” Teuk umma kissed her baby in her arms and sit properly while prepared little hae’s pacifier


“Teuk auntieeeeeee~” a familiar voice called Hyukkie’s and Hae’s mom


The woman took a glance at little boy who has curly brunette hair as the little boy waved his hands excitedly to her way.


“Hi eonnie~” a woman who’s holding a chubby baby in her arms and also being dragged by the brunette little boy greeted her


“Omo Chullie Kyuu Henry-ah,” the women greeted each other and started to talking while waiting for the performance to start


Kyu who has no PSP on his hands started to plan an idea just to annoyed his little brother, but when little Henry is in his umma’s arms, that means he’s totally safe from Kyu’ little evil plan, because no one could against the evil queen. So he just looking around the stage, because he’s bored listening to the ummas talk.


The curtain calls opened and the little actors and actresses started to act. Little hae is so excited looking at the stage, the stage is so colourful, and the little actors are so cute in their costumes.


“incess,” little hae pointing at the little girl who’s wearing a beautiful pink gown on the stage

“yes, you’re right little hae, that’s the princess just like in your bedtime stories,” Teuk umma smiled as her youngest son’s words developed very well everytime he sees something new and he will repeat the other’s words perfectly


As little hae observing another characters on stage, there, Hyukkie already in his charming prince costume ready to perform his role on the stage.


Hyukkie came out from the side stage then pulled out his swords and ready to fight all the bad guys who are trying to kidnap the princess.


“Uhh.. Uhh.. uuunggg mmaaaaaaaaa,” little hae’s eyes widened in excitement once his lovely hyung came out as a prince


“Yes, that’s your hyukkie hyung little hae,” his umma clapped his little hae since he’s really excited


“eonnie, can you help me? I wanna go to the rest room for a while, Henry is sleeping, and I can’t give him to Kyu,” Kyu’s umma handed sleeping little Henry to little Hae’s umma


“Sure, go now,”


So Teuk now has two babies on her lap, the excited little Hae who can’t stop clapping his little hands as he watching his beloved hyung as a prince on the stage, and sleeping little Henry who doesn’t care at all about what’s happening now.


The musical is already in half way to the end, there is a girl who’s wearing a pink gown and she’s laying on the ground. The prince who’s already promised that he will protect her forever, hugged her and the prince trying to wake her up, he closer his plump lips to her cheek but it looks like their lips almost met, but then...


“Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Mmnooooooooo uuuung!!!” little hae cried out loud once he saw his lovely hyung will kiss the beautiful princess


“Omo! baby hae stop crying baby, look umma is here,” Teuk umma trying to soothed her baby


“Mmnoooooooooo ukkie uunggggg, noooooooo mmaaaaaaaaa,” little hae sobs harder and his cry wakes someone who has been in his dreamland for few hours


“uh?” little Henry woke up and he can’t find his umma


“ummaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” Henry cried too and Teuk umma really confused how to handle two crying babies as the audiences are giving her poor stares.


“Omo omo omo!! Baby Henly-ah~ look umma is here, don’t cry baby, I didn’t leave you, umma just need to pee,” Chullie umma came back from the restroom and took control of her crying son


“eonnie what’s happening?” Chullie asked Teukie as she knows that little Hae is a calm baby


“I don’t know, he was watching hyukkie but then he’s crying out loud,” Teuk still trying to soothe little Hae who now having a pacifier on his tiny lips, but still a pout invisibly formed there




Hyukkie went back to home with his umma who’s now driving and little hae who’s now pouting cutely beside him. Little hae says nothing since Hyukkie finished his performance. And also no smiles coming from his thin lips. Hyukkie doesn’t know why.


“Aeee~” Hyukkie trying to tickles his little brother


“Hummaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” little hae started to cry and called his umma


“Hyukkie baby, don’t disturb little hae okay? maybe he’s sleepy,” Teuk umma took a glance at the rear view mirror just to calm her baby


Hyukkie just nodded.




Hyukkie went to little Hae’s nursery and found his little brother playing with his nemo plushies. Hyukkie brings the fairytale book story with him.


“Aeeee~ let’s lead the book stoly with huukie yuung~” hyukkie chirped happily


“Mmnooo,” little hae shakes his head and back facing his older brother


“Why aeee? it’s youl favolite stoly, the plince and the plincess,”


“Mmnoooo,” little hae shakes his head once again


“Why aeeeee?”


“Mmnooooooooo uung ppo incess, mmnoooooooooooooo!!” little hae buried his face to the plushies beside him


Hyukkie doesn’t get what his little hae saying, but then...


“Ae don’t like huukie yuung ppoppo the plincess??” hyukkie grinned so wide




“That’s why ae mad at huukie yuung??”


Little hae nodded.


“Uuh.. mianhae aeee, huukie yuung wanted to be ae’s favolite plince, ae is huukie yuuung plincess,” hyukkie hugged the little creature infront of him


“Uhmm uhmm, ae plince uukie uung,” little hae nodded


“and ae is my plincess,” hyukkie hugged his brother tighter


“ae no mad at huukie yuung anymole?”


“mmnoo,” a smile formed in little hae’s thin lips, “hoaaaaaaahhmmmm~” little hae yawned and rubbed his eyes


“let’s cleep with huukie yuuuung little aeeeeeeeeee~”


“Mmnoooooooooo hummaaaaaaaa~”

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo your brother pick strawberry....