Like hyung like dongsaeng

Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

Kyu was murmuring in his deep sleep, his old habit which was his own thumb started to showing. He embraced his favorite greenie monster bolster tightly between his hands and wrapped his legs around it.

But something was wrong a few minutes after that, Kyu felt a pair of small legs wrapped around his waist instead.


 Kyu was snuggling from the thing which wrapping around his legs around his waist, Kyu was trying to escaping from the legs but those legs wrapped him tighter than before.

Kyu widened his eyes in sudden. He felt another feeling around his waist.

“Ewww.. wett!”

Kyu looked down into his own waist, and it was indeed a pair of small legs wrapping around tightly as if he was a bolster.



“Henly ah goooo awaaaayyy flom hyung,”


The little boy got up from his position and realized that his pajama was wet. And he was quite sure it was from his little brother.

“Henly?? Is it youl??”

“Nyaaaaan~ Peeeee~” Henry, the chubby baby just like hyung like dongsaeng was his own thumb as Kyu was shaking his small body to wake up from his deep slumber

“Ummaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Henly peeeeeeeeeeed Kyu’s pajamaaaaaaa!!!” Kyu was yelling out loud but no responses from his beautiful umma

The little baby woke up suddenly as he realized his brother was glaring at him.

“Ugh Uung?” the baby gpot up from his position and staring at

“You little thing! You peed on my pajama, and I’m all wet!”

“Ugh Uung, milk...” the little baby pointed at his brother’s pajama trying hard to make sure his hyung that his pajama was wet because his milk


“babanaaaaaaaaaaa~!! Yelloowwww~” The little baby innocently pouting

“I’ll tell ummaaa you peed my pajama, now go awaayyy!!” Kyu climbed down his bed as he was ready to go to the master bedroom where their parents were sleeping

“Ugh uung, coco~ andyy~” a teasing sound came from the little baby

Kyu turned his  head as he saw his little brother was holding Kyu’s biggest secret on his bed

“Coco andyyy~” Henry grinned proudly when holding a bar of chocolate and a few candies in his small hands

“You tlying to thleaten hyung now henly-ah?!” Kyu was panic because if his umma knew about those sweets, he'd be scolded for God knows how long

“Andyyyy~ coco~ Ummaaaa~”

“Ummaaaaaaaaaaaa Henly peed again, and it’s on my bed nowwww!!!” Kyu suddenl running to the master bedroom, leaving his little brother behind who was trying hard to clinbed off the bed

“Mmaaaaaaaaaa andyyyy cocooooo~!!!! Uuunggg bedddddd~!!”

And you won’t want know what would happened between those two when their diva umma was in the middle of her mud masking time but they disturbed it by making their umma cracking the expensive mask on her face just because she mad at them.




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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo your brother pick strawberry....