Nyaam Nyaam~

Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

“Aaawww.. look at these buns~ So cute and fluffy~! Baby Hae...  umma will bathing you~!” Umma Teuk chirped happily as she slipped off baby Hae’s diaper and gave a pat to his fluffy

"Uuh? Mmmaa~"

"Aaaaw don't roll around baby, look at these buns,"

“Mmaaa~ uhmmm~” Baby Hae scratched his tiny hands on his face

“No baby, don’t scratch your face...” Umma Teuk  pried her baby boy’s hands from his face

“Ummaaaaaaaa~ whele is my mistel lubbel duck? Aeeeee~ palle come hele with Hyukkie yuung,” Little Hyukkie was peeking out from the bathroom

Umma Teuk turned her attention to her oldest son  and smiled.

“Wait baby, umma will take it for you... come on baby Hae let’s take a bath,”

Umma Teuk lifted up her baby and went to the bathroom, she looked at her son who grinned widely while playing with the bubbles in the bathtub.

“Aeee~ palle~! Play with yuung... Look fishy and bubbles!” Little Hyukkie grinned as showed off the rubber toys then blew up the bubbles on his hands

Umma Teuk put her youngest son in the bathtub as she went out for a while to take the duck toys.

“Bubbles Ae~ hehehehehe~ fuuuuuh~” Hyukkie blew the bubbles to baby Hae’s hair as he laughed after he  saw his dongsaeng giggled

“Kkie yuung~ fuuuuuh~” baby Hae blew back the bubbles in front of him as the bubbles stuck on Hyukkie’s nose

“Uh.. wait Ae... Yuung will take that ship,” Hyukkie got up from the bathtub as he carefully holding on the edge of the bathtub to reached the toy.

Baby Hae tilted up his head as he watched his hyung reaching for their toys. He saw his hyung’s bouncing fluffy as Hyukkie was walking then bend down to take the toys.

“Yuuung buns~!!”

“Eh?” Hyukkie looking at his brother as the baby pointed at his

“Buns~!! Yuung buns~!”


“Mmaa buns~!”


“Ae want~! Nyaam nyaam~”

“eh?? Ummaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ae want to eat Hyukkie’s .. Mmnooooooooooo!!” Hyukkie ran out of the bathroom, leaving his baby brother who was blinking and pouting cutely since his hyung left him alone in the bathroom

“Yuuuuuuuuuuung~ Buuuuuuuuuuuuns~!!”

Who wants baby Hae's and Hyukkie's unexistence buns? XD


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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo naughty...help your brother pick strawberry....