Christmas = Revenge

Evil Fluffy Families ^w^

“Umma.. what ale you doing?” Kyu asked his busy umma

“Umma just preparing some decorations for our christmas tree baby~ Look umma bought a lot,” Umma Hee showed the decorations to her eldest son

“Can we just decolated the tlee with cookies and malshmallow? Changminnie’s family do that eomma,” Kyu snuggled into his eomma’s legs as he released his ultimate pout to melted his umma’s heart

“aawww~ that sounds good baby, we can use marshmallow and cookies too, umma will buy the ingredients and we’ll make the cookies tomorrow okay?”

“yeaaaay! Umma jjang!”


“So the cookies are done, and now we should decorated the tree, baby Kyu... come help umma to put the decorations,”


Baby Henli who was sleeping on the mattress called his umma as he rubbed his small eyes.

“Oh~ my baby is smart, you woke up in the right time Henli-yaah~ come on help umma and Kyu hyung to put the cookies, you love cookies right?”

Umma Hee lifted up her baby as Kyu started to put the christmas ornaments on the tree.

“Henly-aah, what color is this? This is green color,” Hee umma put the green ball on the christmas tree as she taught her baby

“What is this Henli-aah? This is led colol,” Kyu showed the baby a small santa statue as he then put it on the christmas tree

“This is beautiful ummaaaa~ Kyu love it!”

“Don’t forget the cookies,” Umma Hee took a tray of cookies and marshmallow

“Henli-aah, we put the cookies and malshmallow on the tlee, chlistmas should be gleen and led theme, light umma?” Kyu chewed one of the cookies as his other hand hang on a marshmallow on the side of the tree

“Remember Henli-ah, this tree is green and that ball and santa are red, we put the ornaments around the tree and santa,”


Kyu and Henli were lying on the fluffy mattress beside the christmas tree as Kyu said to his umma, that he wanted to meet with Santa on christmas eve.

Meanwhile their umma just watching at her boys from a far as she took a thick blanket for her babies. Umma Hee covered her babies with the blanket as he she joined her hubby in the dining room.

Not knowing that Kyu put the cookies tray not too far from the christmas tree, baby Henly who was still awake crawled to the tray, leaving his hyung who was sleeping  soundly.

Baby Henli planted his on the flooras he saw there was still many cookies left, and he saw another bowl of marshmallow.

“Gleen... led...” Baby Henli looked around as he saw the huge christmas tree

“Ugh...” Baby Henli tried to stand up to put the cookies but the tree was too high

“Gleen.. led..” Baby Henly turned his eyes to the yawning Kyu who was murmuring about presents from Santa and his papa

“Ah!” Baby Henli crawled back to the mattress and did something to his lovely hyung


“Omooo~ snow~ look at that honey,” Hangeng came closer to the window as he stretched out his body

“Where’s Kyu and Henli?” Umma Hee just woke up and asked her hubby

“I thought he was sleeping beside the christmas tree, I saw Henli crawled to his room last night so I tucked him to sleep in his bedroom, why?”

“Our baby Kyu didn’t move to his bed last night?”

“I guess not,” Hangeng walked to the christmas tree as he saw his eldest son curled in his thick blanket

“Chullieeeee!!” Hangeng called out his wifey’s name as Umma Hee came with baby Henli in her arms

“Omo! Who did this to baby Kyuuu?”

There, little Kyu was still lying on the mattress with cookies and marshmallow around his clothes. The crumbs were all on the mattress.

“Henli-ah.. did you see who did this to Kyu hyung?” Umma Hee asked the yawning baby as the baby opened his small eyes then grinning while pointed at his sleeping hyung

“Gleen... led.. cookies... chlistmasss~” baby Henli giggled

“you did this to Kyu hyung?” Hangeng approached the mochi baby as the baby nodded cutely

“OHMYGOD! Hannie! Wake Kyu up! Call the maids to change his clothes,” Umma Hee just shook her head looking at her youngest son who now snuggled his head into her neck and his thumb

“How come Henli could do that to Kyu??” Hangeng asked his wifey in disbelief

“OMYGOD Hannie! What is Kyu’s pajama color?”

“As usual for christmas, as excited little boy he is, of course he wears his green and red pajama, you know, the one you bought with Santa’s hat and Reindeer red nose, why?”

“Just teach Henli about another colors but red and green,” Umma Hee facepalmed herself as she saw the grinning baby in her arms

“I think it’s more like a revenge from last year christmas, remember?” Hangeng pinched baby Henli’s cheeks

“Umma think Kyu hyung got what he deserves, right Henli-ah?” Umma Hee shook her head then kissed her baby softly


I know it's kinds too late to post about christmas story, but yeaaa =)) I missed these babies, so I decided to post this chapter

Hope you'll like it!~ Merry christmas (even though it's late xp) and HAPPY NEW YEAR~ (I think it's too early XD )

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 17: Awwwww. This is so cuteeeee
Is this being continued?
Hyukkie and Hae are so cute.....
Yah.. Kyu take care of your little brother...
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 19: hah! take that little evil Guixian! XD
awww glad that the babies are come back! :3
861015 #5
Chapter 19: Evil brother guixian :D
Chapter 19: puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my so cute baby..
kyaaaaahhhh cant wait to read more about them XD
EunhyuradeLuffy #7
Chapter 19: Hahahahah,, this is so funny n cuuuteeeee (*^▽^*)
leyne_saranghae #8
Chapter 19: Awwww… hahaha… serve your right kyuhyun… baby henry, here my strawberry…
Chapter 19: Aigooo babykyu...soooo your brother pick strawberry....