Chapter 1

Remember Me?

 ~  Reader's POV ~

   "Get up boys you've got a long day ahead of you," announced Seventeen's manager. Seventeen's manager, Doogi PD, or Youngmin PD, Seventeen's vocal trainer plays a manager-like role in Seventeen's music business life. Youngmin PD also goes by PD-nim for formality. "Jisoo-ah, come on, wake up! Seungkwan-ah, get up!" Youngmin PD continues to wake up the other members but quickly notices that one bed is empty, a small twin-sized bed. The sheets are still tucked in, the blankets are folded, and the pillow is fluffed as if no one ever slept in it last night. "Has anyone seen, Jihoon-ah?" asks Youngmin PD. One of the members sits up. He rubs his eyes then ruffles his hair. "I have, PD-nim," answers S.Coups. 
   "You have, Seungcheol-ah?"
   "He went to the studio last night and never came back. I was going to stay up and wait for him to finish up but he took so long that I fell asleep. I guess he never came back anyway." S.Coups yawned. 
   "Thank you, Seungcheol. The rest of you, get up and get ready. You'll be leaving soon!" Youngmin PD announced for the last time. Youngmin leaves to find the missing member, Jihoon, and lets Seungcheol wake up the rest of the members.

   "You guys heard, PD-nim! Up! Up!" Seungcheol says while shaking the resting members. The boys start mumbling. 
   "Yes, hyung," the members said louder but still inaudible.
   "Better, I'll order breakfast while you guys are getting ready."
   "Thank you, hyung."
   As the members clean the dorm and get ready for the day, S.Coups takes their orders for breakfast. Youngmin comes back a few minutes later while the boys are eating. He also brings back Missing Woozi. "Jihoon!" shout the members. Woozi walks sleepily to his normal seat next to S.Coups.

   "Hey, guys," Woozi responds. Youngmin announces their activities for the day and reminds them the time they have to be in the bus by.

   "Yes, PD-nim!" the members shout. The members finish eating and getting ready so they can leave right on time. 
   The members are arrive at their first stop in Seoul for a hi-touch with Carats. The bus is immediately met with many fans screaming Seventeen's name and the induvidual members' names. The fans hold up signs for the members and are eagerly excited to start the hi-touch. 
   The hi-touch starts out really well. The members answer a few questions and Woozi does aegyo, as asked at many other fan meetings. The members take pictures and sign autographs and before the fans knew it, the hi-touch was over. As the members start to get on the bus to their next destination, Joshua spots PD-nim escorting a girl about Dino's age to an apartment complex across the street. "Who is that girl?" Joshua asks himself. She has fair skin, long black hair, she's a couple inches shorter than Youngmin.
   "Come on, Josh, we gotta go," S.Coups says hurriedly. 
   "Yes, hyung," Joshua says as he tries to get one last glance at the girl. 
   "Who is she?" Dino asks.
   "I don't know but PD-nim is with her." Joshua responds.
   "PD-nim? I thought he had errands to run for the CEO?" 
   "I thought so too. Maybe she's the CEO's daughter or niece."
   "Maybe. But--" Dino sees Joshua still staring out the window as the bus passes by the apartment complex. "Hmm..."
   "Do you, by any chance, like the CEO's daughter?"
   "No! Of course not!" Joshua starts blushing and his voice shakes a little as he tries to hide his nervousness. "That's against company rules and could get me dropped."
   "Okay..." Dino says suspiciously. 

~ Alayna's POV ~

   "Hi, my name is Alayna Choi or you can call me Choi Eun Bi. I will be singing Emotions by Mariah Carey and 2016 Prayer by Ailee."
   That was my intro for my audition for Pledis Entertainment. I still can't believe that I was accepted as a trainee. Now, in a few hours from now the plane will be landing soon and I'll be finishing up my move to Korea. I guess my friend's were right, they kept telling me that I was going to go a mindblowingly awesome job and I will, without a doubt, be a new recording artist with Pledis Entertainment. I'm so nervous! What if I train for so long they'll have to drop me from their label? What if I'm so terrible at dancing or singing that they can't handle it anymore so they have to drop me? Should I reconsider now and stay in California and find another job? What if the trainees don't like me and they bully me? What if I'm the worst singer they've ever had? So many thoughts and 'What If's race around in my head. My palms are sweaty and my heartbeat races as the plane starts nearing towards Korea. I hope this meeting with the CEO goes as planned.
   When the plane lands, I try to catch a taxi to Seoul but I unfortunately never do. As I sit outside and wait for any taxi to come by, a man about early 30s taps on my shoulder. "Excuse me, but are you Miss Choi Eun Bi?" asks the man. 
   " did you know?" I ask.
   "My manager, the CEO of Pledis Entertainment, sent me to pick you up. He gave me a picture of you so it would be easier to find you."
   "Oh! So, should I follow you to your car then?"
   "Yes, the CEO is very pleased to finally meet you. By the way, my name is Doogi PD but you can call me Youngmin PD or PD-nim. I am the vocal trainer and manager for a boy group, Seventeen. I take it you've heard of them, yes?"
   "Yes, I have PD-nim."
   "Are you familiar with the members?"
   "Yes, I am PD-nim. But I don't really know them. I know of them but there's so many."
   "Ah, I see."
   The car ride was awkward at first but then PD-nim tries to break the ice by turning on the radio. It was a breathtaking car ride to Seoul. It's a very busy city but that's what I like about it. There's always something going on, so much excitement. It's not as touristy as other people would think of it as but it's still an amazing city.
   "Here we are," PD-nim says. We parked in front of a small but tall building. It's smaller than I thought it would be, but the inside was much nicer and just like I thought it would look like. 
   On the way to the CEO's office PD-nim gave me a short, brief tour around the company. He shows me the rooms we pass by on the way to the office and that's really it. The life of an idol sounds so fun but it's not all fun and games. PD-nim tells me that the artists are very serious about their craft so most of their time is spent practicing or performing and they have very little free time to relax. 
   We enter the CEO's room and give the formal 90-degree bow greeting. Youngmin greets the CEO and gestures for me to introduce myself. "안녕하세요, 저는 최은비입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다." I bow and PD-nim brings me forward. "Ah, yes," the CEO responds. PD-nim bows again, walks out, and closes the door behind him so the CEO and I could have some privacy.

   The metting goes pretty well. Mr. Han has me play Random Dance Play, he me sing some samples of a couple songs he chose. But then I start freaking out. I knew I was going to blow the whole audition when he gives me a script for me to recite from. I've never taken any acting lessons before! 
   Mr. Han looks very pleased when I end my performance. He stands up and claps for me. "Bravo! That was perfect! You're accepted into Pledis and if you want you can take up acting as well," Mr. Han congratulates. 
   "Thank you, sir, but I'll have to think about acting."
   "No worries! Take all the time you need but for now, you're free to go!"
   "Thank you so much, Mr. Han." I bow as I leave the room. I close the door and make sure that it's shut all the way. I start smiling and jumping up and down squealing, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" 
   "I take it the meeting went quite well?" PD-nim asks. 
   "Yes!" I shout.
  Youngmin shows me around Seoul. He tells me some cheap but delicious restaurants to eat at, where are some good places to get clothes, popular make-up stores, and some other stores he thinks I'll like going to. We both start to get hungry so we eat at a Korean BBQ restaurant. The food there is delicious and I'll defiantly eat there again. I promise myself if I ever debut, I'll treat the group members at this BBQ restaurant. "Did you like that restaurant?" PD-nim asks. 
   "Yes, I love it so much! Thank you so much for paying! Are you sure it wasn't too much?" I ask.
   "No, no, no! It's okay. After all I do manage Seventeen."
   "That's true." We laugh. I've grown so close to PD-nim already. I wish he was my manager. 
   When we finish lunch, PD-nim drives me to a nearby apartment complex. "You will be staying in apartment number 13 on the ground floor." PD-nim tells me. He opens the trunk and takes my luggages out. I start to help him but across the street I spot a bus. There's a crowd of girls about my age surrounding it. Their high pitched screams are very uncomfortable for me to listen to.  I feel bad for staring though, because one of the boys getting on the bus catches me staring.

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salmgirl01 #1
Please update, i'm dying to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 3: I like this fanfic! Keep on going! This is some good stuff.
seungri69 #4
Chapter 2: Omg you just started and I love it so much already!