Chapter 2

Remember Me?

~ Dino's POV ~

   Hyung has been acting strangely ever since he saw that girl. He keeps staring out that same spot out the window. I know he's lying to me when he says he doesn't like her. I know he knows that I know he likes her. I wonder if he actually knows her personally. What if he just said that she's Mr. CEO's daughter to make me think he doesn't know her. Maybe she's an old friend from back in California. Maybe she was even an old girlfriend. Well, I'm on to him and I'd rather find out sooner than later. For now, I'm just going to listen to some music. I untangle my earbuds that have been hiding in my pockets and plug them into my phone. 

~ Reader's POV ~

   The Seventeen bus makes it's last stop at the studio. As the boys make their way out of the bus one by one, they're greeted by Youngmin PD. "안녕하세요, PD님!" the boys greet in unison. 
   "Hello, boys, there's a slight change of plans. You guys remember your trainee days, right?"
   "네, PD님."
   "A few new trainees are coming today and the CEO would like your help to help them adjust to the Pledis lifestyle, so to speak."
   "What would you like us to do, PD-nim?" S.Coups asks.
   "Mr. Han didn't specify but I'm guessing he would like all of you to try to become close to them so they feel like they can be themselves here," Youngmin PD responds. 
   "Yes, PD-nim. We'll try our best."
   "Thank you, Seungcheol. Thank you, boys."
   "천만에요!" the boys tell Youngmin PD. 

~ Dino's POV ~

   New trainees! I remember when I was a trainee. I was in the 8th grade. I couldn't wait to debut. I trained my hardest everyday so I could prove to Mr. CEO that I was ready to debut. I was really shy back then. I hadn't completely broken out of my shell yet. I was like a baby bird and my hyungs helped this baby bird take flight. The hyungs are more than band mates they're family, mentors, other pieces of me. I'm very thankful for them. Now, I'm 16 and we've finally debuted just a few months ago. I'm so excited to follow my hyungs' footsteps and become that little push that the trainees need. Just like what I needed. I hope to inspire them and become their best friend! 
   PD-nim told us while we wait for the trainees to arrive at the airport we could have some free time to do whatever we want. "Lee Chan!" The8 called.
   "Hyung!" I called back.
   "What do you want to do?"
   "I don't know." I think about what I should ask Minghao hyung. "Will you buy me some BBQ, hyung?" I threw in some aegyo so he can't say 'No' to this face.
   "I don't know, Lee Chan, BBQ is pretty expensive."
   "Please, hyung! Oh! We can ask the other hyungs if they want to come along so we can split the pay!" 
   Hyung laughed. "Okay. I'll ask them." The8 pulled his phone out of his back pocket and dialed one of the hyungs. 
   "여보세요?" asked the hyung. I recognized it was Vernon right away. 
   "Oh, Vernon! Lee Chan wanted to get BBQ, do you wanna come?"
   "Sure, Minghao."
   "Are the others with you?"
   "Just Seungkwan."
   "Do they want to come too?" There was a slight silence. In the background, I could hear Vernon calling out to the other hyungs, asking if they wanted to come. The8 flashes me a small smile, telling me that they'll probably come. I'm so excited! It's been a while since the hyungs and I spent some free time together. Other than riding in the bus, we rarely ever just hang out like normal brothers. 
   "They said yes. Where do you want to eat at?" The8 pulls the phone away from his ear and covers the speaker with his hand. Then he whispers to me, "Where do you want to eat, Lee Chan?" I hold out my hand for The8 to hand me the phone.
   "Hyung? It's Lee Chan now. Can we eat at the BBQ restaurant in Seoul? The one that PD-nim likes going to!"
   "Sure, Lee Chan! But since there's only a few of us we might have to walk there. Is that okay with you?"
   "Sure! That's okay with me! More time to spend with my hyungs!" 
   Vernon laughs. "Alright then. Me and Seungkwan are coming soon then. Where are you guys?"
   "We're at the studio still."
   "Okay! We'll meet you at the restaurant then. See ya."
   "See you soon, hyung!"

~ Reader's POV ~

   Seungkwan and Vernon start walking toward the BBQ restaurant Lee Chan wants to meet them at. It's a little awkward for the boys to freely walk around the streets. Every now and then they meet a few fans asking for autographs and they take a few pictures. "Who's paying?" Seungkwan asks.
   "I'm guessing we're all splitting the bill if Lee Chan invited us." Vernon responds.
   "Well, who can say no to that maknae."
   "He means well. He doesn't want us to come just to help pay, he wants to spend time with us."
   "That sounds like Lee Chan."

~ Vernon's POV ~

   We turn a corner and there's Lee Chan sitting at a bench with Minghao in front of the restaurant. Lee Chan's face brightens up when he sees us turn the corner. He grins from ear to ear and waves to us excitedly. Minghao looks away from his phone and also spots us. He smiles and greets us with a short wave. "Hyung! You made it!" Lee Chan calls out. 
   "Hey, guys," I respond.
   "Let's go inside!" Lee Chan guides us into the restaurant. He even holds the door open for us.  "Table for four, please," I tell the waitress.
   "Table for four..." the waitress says while scanning her list of tables. "Ah, yes, just follow me, please." She guides us to a booth by a window. 
   As we wait for the food, the guys and I joke around. We're having a great time. I'm so glad that Lee Chan had invited us. It's been a while for us to spend some quality free time together.
  When the food arrives, Seungkwan and I cook. Lee Chan offers to help but I tell him that it's even though he invited us, it's our treat. I love that kid so much. When I tell him that, he gives me a big hug. He's a good kid and I don't want him to grow up. 

~ Vernon's (left) and Dino's (right) POV ~

We're all silent when all the food is cooked. All I can hear is the sound of our clicking chop-sticks and the sound of the other people at the restaurant cooking and talking. Lee Chan stares out the window. 

That girl across the street looks familiar. Have I seen her before?

I glance over to see who he's looking at. A few cars pass by but it doesn't look like anyone is there. "Lee Chan, are you okay?" I ask.

Oh no, did he see me staring? Does he think I that I was staring at her? "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm okay. 

I guess he's okay. I look over to see who he was looking at. The traffic stops and the cars stop coming. Actually, there's a girl across the street. Was he staring at her? "Lee Chan I was just wondering but..."

Did he see who I was staring at? Does he think I was staring at her because I like her? Just calm down, Dino. If you can act as if you saw nothing, Vernon will probably believe you. "Yes, hyung?" Does that sound too suspicious? 

Nah, he's too innocent! He still calls me 'hyung' even after I tell him not too. He wouldn't really be staring at that girl. Would he? "Never mind. You can keep eating."

No! He defiantly suspects something now. Just play it cool again and maybe you can change his mind this time. "Okay!" I'm a little nervous and scared. What does he think of me now? Just forget this ever happened and finish your food. 

I guess he was just watching a pigeon or something. I look outside again to look at the girl. I scan her to see what Dino sees in her. She's actually kind of cute, if you ask me. The way her hair flows in the breeze and--Seungkwan bumps my elbow to bring me back to reality. He points at my bowl to remind me that I still have a full bowl left.

Before we leave I take one last glance at her. But I really regret that now. Because, when I look back she's staring at me too. I can feel all the heat rush to my face.

~ Alayna's POV ~

   After the bus leaves, PD-nim walks me to my apartment. That boy, whoever he is, is kind of cute I gotta admit. But if he was getting on a bus surrounded by girls, he's probably part of some famous K-Pop boy group. I know how crazy some fans can be and I don't want to be tangled up in that mess. 
   "Here's your apartment!" PD-nim says. He gives me a tour of my new apartment. "I hope you'll be okay settling in, yes?"
   "Yes, I'll be fine, PD-nim," I respond.
   "Great, I'll give you my number if you ever need anything. I better get going I have more errands to run for Mr. Han."
   "Okay. Thank you very much, PD-nim. You have been so kind to me. Thank you, again!" I'm so grateful that I didn't even realize that I had hugged PD-nim. He laughs at my thankfulness. "You're welcome, Alayna. Goodbye." PD-nim closes the door behind him. I can't believe I've already moved to Korea. 
   I unpack the bags I have with me and I finish in no time. I've never been to Seoul before so I decided to check out some of the places PD-nim told me about. I take a walk around to a nearby outlet. Ooh! Nature Republic! Maybe I'll go and explore a little bit more. 
   I spend about two hours and ₩120,000 but it's Nature Republic so, of course, it was worth it. I do a little more exploring and I wind up at a bookstore. I walk around each section and each books is as interesting as the next. I spend almost an hour reading the whole manga section. 
   When I finish, I skim through the other sections. The fiction, nonfiction, history, and finally the romance section. One of the books caught my eye but as I reached out my hand, I touched another. The hand was soft but it startled me. I pull my hand away but at the same time I accidentally knock the book off the shelf. "어머! 죄송합니다! 죄송합니다!" I say as I bow over and over again to the stranger whose hand I touched. My voice fades out as I back away and pick up the book. Our hands meet again and I jump back again. I cover my hands with my sleeves and stare at the ground. "괜찮아, 괜찮아," the stranger reassures me. His voice is soothing. I slowly look up. A pretty boy-like guy with long brown hair. He flashes me a sparkly smile to reassure me that everything is okay. "Are you alright, miss?" he asks.
   "Yes, I'm fine. I was just a little startled," I tell him. Good looking and good manners, I'm impressed so far. But what really counts in a guy is, his personality. 
   He reaches out his hand for me to shake it. "Hi, my name is Jeonghan. What's your name, miss?"
   "My name is Alayna, Alayna Choi."
   "Ah, foreigner. What brings you hear to Korea, Miss Choi?"
   "I'm here for personal reasons. I'm looking for a job to support my family back in America."
   "Ah, I see."
   "Jeonghan, come on let's go," says a black haired boy. 
   "I'm sorry but I have to go now. I hope I'll see you again. Until then," He asks for my phone and he inserts his contact information. "In case you ever need to see me again. Bye." Jeonghan waves goodbye and leaves with his friend. "Coming, Seungcheol," he says. I wave goodbye and continue with my skimming. I bite my lip. He's really cute.
   I get tired of walking around so I take the bus home. I sit at the bus stop benche is across from the BBQ PD-nim and I ate at. I quickly look up bus times and stops so I know which bus to get on. I wait for my bus to come and pick me up. I feel creepy and scared like someone has been watching me. I try to ignore it and play a few games on my phone. A few minutes passes and I still feel like someone is watching me. I soon here the distant sound of a bus engine. When I look up from my phone, a boy eating at the restaurant had been staring at me. Our eyes meet for a split second.

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salmgirl01 #1
Please update, i'm dying to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 3: I like this fanfic! Keep on going! This is some good stuff.
seungri69 #4
Chapter 2: Omg you just started and I love it so much already!