Chapter 5

Remember Me?

~ Alayna's POV ~

   I walk inside and I lean against the door. I sigh, slowly sink to the ground, and I think to myself. Did that really just happen? I giggle and bite my lip while holing my hands up to my face. I feel my phone buzz. It's Jeonghan. "Hey," he texts, "How have you been?" 
   "Wonderful," I text back.
   "Want to get bubble tea tomorrow?"
   "Sure! Just text me the address and I'll meet you there."
   "Great! See you tomorrow!"
   "See you!" I turn off my phone and I still sit here, thinking of that kiss. Then I suddenly realize, oh no! I already have plans with Mingyu! I was so captured in the moment that when Jeonghan texted, I didn't even realize that I already had plans. Oh my God! What do I do now? Maybe I'll just cancel both of my plans for tomorrow and just sleep in to get rid of this jet lag. I feel bad for doing this but I text Dino anyway, "Hey, Dino! Mingyu and I had plans for tomorrow but something came up, can you tell him I'll take a rain check? Thanks dude!" Next I text Jeonghan. A few minutes after I text Jeonghan, he gives me a call. 
   "여보세요?" He asks.
   "Hey, Jeonghan!"
   "Hey, Alayna. So your busy tomorrow?"
   "Yeah, the CEO wants me to spend some time with the other trainees so we can bond more." I feel bad for lying but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I chose one over the other. 
   "Can you spend some time now? I really want to get to know you better, if that's okay."
   "Oh, okay. That's fine!"
   "Great! How about for now we each ask each other three questions. Do you want to go first?"
   "Uh, no, it's okay you can go first. It's your idea."

~ Jeonghan's POV ~

   I think of what to ask Alayna. Maybe I'll start simple. "Okay then, uh...when's your birthday?" I ask.
   "January 21, 1997," she says. "Um...when's your birthday?"
   "October 4, 1995," What should I ask next? This game is becoming a little awkward. "Uh..." I think of what to ask next. "Where are you from?" 
   "San Diego, California." She takes a second to think of a question. "What's your favorite color?"
   "Blue! Okay, last question, um..." It takes me a while to come up with another question. I finally think of one but I don't know if it'll be awkward or not. Should I seriously ask her this? What if she says no? Should I dare to do it? Why am I even resulting to this? There are plenty of other questions to ask. But, this one sticks in my head. I really want to ask, but I'm to shy to do so. This is so frustrating! I decide to ask anyway, "D-do you--" Vernon walks into the practice room with Mingyu following. This is so hard. I cover up what I tried ask her by using an excuse. "Hey, Alayna? I gotta go now, Mingyu just got back from wherever he ran off too." 
   "Okay, I'll see you soon then, Jeonghan, bye!" 
   "Bye!" I should have asked her if she likes me. Maybe I'll text her later. Mingyu starts talking to a few of the others about where he went. I'm not really interested because he's left before. He probably left because some restaurant announced that its their grand opening and they're handing out free samples. "I went to go see, Alayna." Wait, did he just say Alayna? I was just talking to her. Actually, first of all, how does he know her? Why did he go and see her? I start to fire up with anger and boil with jealousy. "Alayna?" I ask while gritting my teeth.

~ Reader's POV ~

   A few days later, Alayna and the other trainees are in the practice room. Jordan stands front and center and the other girls stand in a V-shape formation behind her while the guys watch from the sides. You Think by Girls' Generation starts to play, "And a five, six, seven, eight!" Jordan counts. The five girls all move in-sync. After a while it's the boys turn and the music starts to blend into Bang Bang Bang by BIGBANG. The boys and girls quickly switch positions with Jinhai leading. After a few moments, the two songs mash-up and the girls join in with the guys. The trainees have a Boys vs. Girls Dance-Off. A woman sneaks into the practice room through the back. The song ends and she congratulates the members, "Bravo! I tell you guys have been practicing really hard!" 
   Jinhai sits down and takes a drink of water. "Thanks, Hyelim noona. You taught us well!" 
   Hyelim smiles then says, "Mr. Han was thinking. He wants to associate your elders a little more while your building your musical career. He thinks that it would be best if we had one of them come in and replace me for a few days." 
   A blonde haired boy walks out behind Hyelim. "안녕하세요, 저는 Hoshi입니다."

~ Hoshi's POV ~

   I introduce myself and Hyelim noona  instructs the trainees to do so as well. I remember a few of them from my tour group and I'm guessing the others were in the other tour group. Luke, Alexis, Jinhai, and...Alayna? Wait, is she that girl that Jeonghan likes but Mingyu kissed? Well, now I see why. 
   "One, and two, and three, and four, fix, six, and seven, and eight," I counted. The trainees are learning the Mansae dance pretty fast. I can tell they're going to be amazing idols. "Noona, can you please start the music over? Starting from the chorus? Okay, ready? Five, six, seven, eight." I start off with them but then I slowly stop to let them off by themselves. They catch on pretty fast. As I watch them, my eyes glue to Alayna. Stop it Hoshi! Do you want to end up like Jeonghan? He's been really quiet these days. He hasn't been showing up to practice or recording lately. He kind of isolated himself off from everyone. He's been so quiet it feels like he doesn't even stay at the dorm anymore. The music stops. "Great work everyone! You can have a break. Be back in 10!" 
   "네!" They shout. 
   The door opens and Lee Chan walks in. "Lee Chan! What are you doing here?"
   "Mr. CEO sent me," Lee Chan responds. He looks behind me. "Noona!"

~ Alayna's POV ~

   I've been wanting to text Jeonghan but he hasn't been responding since that first day I met him. I've been texting Dino about him but he says that he doesn't know what happened to Jeonghan. Dino told me that Jeonghan hasn't been his normal self and he hasn't shown up at practice. 
   "Noona!" I hear a familiar voice call. 
   I turn around to see who it is. "Lee Chan!" I call back. He runs towards me and gives me a hug. "What are you doing here?" 
   "Mr. CEO sent me."
   "Oh! Did he send you for the same reason as he sent Hoshi?" 
   "Yeah, I thought so."
   "So has Hyung been treating you guys alright? If not, tell me so I can punish him!"
   I start to laugh. His innocence is so adorable. "Yes, Lee Chan, Hoshi has been treating us fine." 
   "Okay...but I still need to know if he ever does." I laugh again. 
   "Hey, Noona?"Dino asks.
   "Mmh hmm?" 
   "So did you really," Lee Chan starts to whisper, "kiss Mingyu hyung?" 
   I start to feel my face turn red. I nod, "Yeah..."
   "Oh..." Lee Chan looks away. His feelings look hurt.
   "Why do you ask?" 
   ", the reason why Jeonghan has been acting weird lately is...because..." 

~ Hoshi's POV ~

   "Okay! Time's up! Back to practice everyone!" I look at Dino to tell him that he shouldn't tell Alayna the truth. I'm afraid her feelings will get hurt too. He nods and watches us from the back of the room but I invite him to help teach the dance. He smiles brightly and rushes up front with me. "Five, six, seven, eight."


   "Hey guys?" Mingxia asks while we start to get ready to leave, "Do you guys wanna go grab some FroYo? I'll pay!" 
   "Sure, Mingxia, I'll go." Jordan joins in.
   "I could use a break. Thanks, Mingxia!" Alayna and Honghui say.
   Lee Chan looks excited that Alayna is going so he decides to join too.
   "I'll join. Yeah, me too. I'll tag along," Jinhai, Luke, and Alexis join too.
   "Lihua? Are you coming?"  Mingxia asks.
   Lihua looked up from her phone. "Hmm? Oh yeah, sure I'll come. Sorry, I was just texting a friend." 
   "Hoshi oppa, wanna come?"
   I think about her invitation before I say anything. I guess I could use a little break too. "Sure! I'll join but only if you let me pay." I offer.
   "Hmm..." Mingxia thinks for a second. "Well, let's go then!"
   I really like the trainees. They never brag or boast to anyone that they've become trainees. The company staff loves them. They're always smiling and working hard. When one makes a mistake, they all take the blame. They've grown so close in the past few days. They'll become great idols someday. I'd hate to see any drama happen between them.
   "Come on, hyung! Walk faster! You're holding the group back!" Lee Chan reminds me. 
   "Okay, okay! I'll hurry." Lee Chan smiles at me. He's really close to the trainees. He's always with them when ever he gets the chance. Maybe because they're all close to his age. When he was a trainee, we were all older than him. He never really had someone his age. Well, he did have Samuel, until he left. They didn't seem that close anyway, Samuel spoke mostly English. I'm glad he found some new friends! "We're here." Luke announces. He hold the doors open for everyone. 
   "Thanks, Luke, but I got this." I tell him.
   "Hey, thanks man!" 
   I hold the door open for him and Dino. "Thanks, hyung!" Dino says. He's always smiling, that kid.
   "No problem, Lee Chan."
   All the trainees go back to their dorms and apartments after we get FroYo. Soon, it's just me and Lee Chan. We start walking back to our dorm then Dino asks, "Why didn't you want me to tell Alayna what happened to Jeonghan? She deserves to know doesn't she?"
   "Well, yeah, but I just didn't want her to feel bad. Like it was her fault. I didn't want her to end up like Jeonghan." I answer.
   "Oh, but she's going to find out sooner or later."
   "I'd rather have her find out later. Right now, she's having an amazing time in Korea. She's laughing and smiling. She's making friends. I'd hate to see that all turned around. I don't want her experience here to be remembered as a bad one."
   "Okay...I understand..."
   "Hey, cheer up! I'll race you to the dorm! Ready? Go!" I sprint off towards home, laughing.
   "Hey! Wait up, hyung! Hyung? HYuNG!" Lee Chan chases after me.

~ Jeonghan's POV ~

   Where am I? My eyes burn. My hands have cuts from punching the walls and throwing stuff. My heart, even worse. It hurts so much that I can't feel anything. I haven't seen daylight in days. Why...why do I feel this way? Am I overreacting? What am I doing? I'm always here. Always. Sitting in the dark. Thinking. About her. I miss her. I...Who am I? This isn't me. I should be with the others. But it hurts, to be happy. It hurts to do anything. When will it end? The hurts. But...I can't stop. her. But she doesn't love me. I can feel hot tears stream down my face. It burns. All I hear are the sounds of me sobbing, all the time. It feels like I've been here, forever. It feels like I've loved her, forever. You need to face the world I tell myself. But how? I can't handle it. 
   I take my first step and open the window. The sunlight shines through. It stings a little. Something sweet lingers in the air. Fresh air. I open the window a little more. I look out at the city below. Behind all the buildings, there's a pink sunset glow. Pink. The color of her checks when she blushes. I start crying again. I close the curtains but I keep the window open. The smell of the fresh air calms me down. I take one last look outside. I look down at the people walking. Two little girls are playing jump rope. A group of little boys are riding their bicycles. A family, walking their dog. A group of teenagers walk by. No...

~ Alayna's (left) and Jeonghan's (right) POV ~

I notice one of the girls look down at her phone. She starts to text someone. 

I hope Jeonghan is okay. I try to text him again, "Hey, Jeonghan, are you okay?" 

My phone vibrates again. How many messages have I received? The most recent text is from Alayna. Should I answer?

He still isn't answering. What's wrong with him? Did he get lost some where? Did he lose his phone?

She texts again. I want to tell her everything. She still cares about me. 

Why won't he talk to me? He doesn't seem like the person to ignore someone texting them. Especially if it's been a few days. 

That's it. I'm giving in. It's going to bother me if I keep ignoring her. "Alayna?" I text back.

I'm surprised that he actually texts back. What should I say? "Are you okay?" 

What should I say? Yes or no? "I don't know."

I don't know? How can he not know if he's okay or now? "How?" 

She's making this hard and harder. A breeze blows lightly blows on the curtains. Something floats in. It lands on my hand. It's a cherry blossom.

He's not answering. Oh no, am I losing him? "Jeonghan? Are you still there?" 

"Yes. I am." It hurts to know that she cares this much about me.

Good. He's still there. But he still won't answer my question. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No. I'm not." 

He's not? Well, at least he's being honest now. "Why?! What happened?!"

Does she really care about me? "It's nothing."

No! He's lying again. "Jeonghan, it's okay. You can tell me anything. It'll make you feel better." 

Will it really? Or will the pain only spread to you? "Really, it's nothing."

"If it's nothing then why are you not okay?" Why won't he tell me anything?

I want her closer to me. But by saying these things I push her father away. If I tell the truth, that won't help either. It'll still push her farther away. "I don't want to talk about it."

Well if he doesn't want to talk about it, I'll leave him alone until he's ready to tell me. "Okay. I understand. If you ever want to talk about it, just tell me. I'll listen." 

Why does she care so much? Doesn't she only care for Mingyu now? "Bye."

I guess he's really hurt. "Bye."

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salmgirl01 #1
Please update, i'm dying to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 3: I like this fanfic! Keep on going! This is some good stuff.
seungri69 #4
Chapter 2: Omg you just started and I love it so much already!