Forbidden by the gods

I love you forever (one shots)

I change the myth of the minotaur to use in this story and you have to think of the mythical beast as people with special power and strenght, like in supernatural the dragons aren't really dragons they look like people but with special powers



In a time of gods, nymphs, magic beings and Heroes lived where Art was at its peak, love and peace. The Greek empire was rising thanks for the love of their gods and sacrifices where offered. On the green vales of Greece nymphs walked around in their light white robes that easily where lifted with the soft warm summer breeze while they played around and singing careless of the surrounding someone was watching, enchanted with their beauty and melodic voice. Each day he was there watching them, more specific one of them, one of the youngest nymphs of the art, she was beautiful with a bright smile, pink lips, big brown eyes, long straight dark brown hair, clear skin and “S” shaped body. Every time he wanted to get close to her but couldn’t, it was forbidden and above all what could a beast that rise from since could give something as perfect as her, he only could watch dreaming that one day she’ll be his.

One night walking around the forest he heard screams, screams from help has he got close to that voice he thought that he recognized it, getting there he saw it, it was her caught on the embrace of a centaur, she was scared and crying trying to get away from that beast that kept her between him and a big tree holding her tiny hands above her head with only one hand and his free hand was traveling above her thigh slowly revealing her body. Full of rage he jumped pushing the centaur away from you, the centaur got up seeing who pushed him smiling cocky after.

-What do you want? – The centaur asked in a loud voice.

- Leave her alone! – He said looking back to her that was scared on the ground looking to them.

- Or what? You can’t do anything, you’re inferior! – The centaur toke a small dagger from his belt running to him to end that there as quickly as possible.

A battle of beast begin and the nymph couldn’t find the strength to move from that spot, she watched those two beautiful monsters fight full of fury and hate, knowing that it only end when one was dead and she was scared if actually the centaur won what would happen and if the other won? She doesn’t even know what would happen. Soon a loud noise comes to her ears something heavy fell looking straight she saw the centaurs on the ground lifeless and the other? Full of blood and wounds, quickly she ran to him.

-Are you ok? – She asked but he didn’t said anything holding his dagger on his bloody hand he looked at her still not aware of what he did. – Come with me let me take care of your wounds. – She pulled him to a cave sitting him there so she could get some herbs, when she got back he was still there as she got in he looked at her. – Are you feeling better? – She asked softly laying the herbs near him as she knell.

- Did he hurt you?

- No, thanks to you – She said preparing the herbs.

- Aren’t you scared?

- Should I be? – She looked at him and started treating his wounds on his arms; he just looked to his hands that still have blood. – I need you to take your shirt so I can take care of that wound.

- I don’t know if I … - Without a word she started taking his shirt touching him softly on the sides making him bite his lower lip, his shirt was of and she saw it the mark he was doom to carry, the minotaur symbol pedant on his neck revealing what he was.

- I didn’t knew but that explains your strength, in part … - The symbol wasn’t the only thing she saw, at that moment she couldn’t care less, she saw his body his well sculpted body from his chest to abs he was just perfect and above all taking the wound on the right side of his chest there was no marks, no scars meaning that he was peaceful at least until a moment ago.

- Why are you being so nice to me? Shouldn’t the nymphs stay away from beasts like me? – He asked looking hurt in his eyes but with a strong expression on his face.

- You saved me, at least let me take care of you now – She smiled at him – And even though you’re a Minotaur I don’t think that you’re a beast.

After taking care of him they parted, each went their way with a soft goodbye. The next day he went to see her as always, thinking of her touch, her soft voice and her warm smile. She spent the day thinking about him to, he was different from what the others told her about the Minotaur’s, h had a beautiful face, pink lips, aqua-green eyes, tanned skin and perfect body, his voice was manly but warm, she wonder how would he look if he smiled. Lost in her day dream she went to drink some water from a near fountain, lost in the touch of the water in her hands she saw a reflection by her side looking back she saw him.

-It’s you… - She got up.

- Sorry if I scared you, wanted to know if you were ok after yesterday.

- Yes, thanks for worrying, are the wounds better? – She looked at his arms but there wasn’t anything there.

- All healed…

- I’m Saki by the way.

- I know – He whispered so she wouldn’t listen – I’m Youngbae.

- Nice to know my hero name.

- I’m not a hero I’m a beast.

- Beasts don’t save nymphs heroes do, and you saved me – She smiled at him making him smile back. He smiled and it was beautiful as him, at that moment he was going to leave but she holds him back. – Can’t you stay a little longer?

He opened his aqua-blue eyes shocked at her request and even though he knew it was forbidden he stayed as she wanted he couldn’t refuse a request from those big brown eyes. They stud there talking all day until the moon was big on the sky, taking her to the nymphs vale they said their goodbyes, for his surprise she gave him a small kiss on a cheek. They ended doing this every day getting close each time. One day when the moon started to rise their lips meet each other surprising her for his action still he was the one that was more surprised wend he saw her smile after that kiss, another kiss a passionate one making them get lost in touches, kisses and sweet words, his touch was like fire to her he was so intense feeling his strong arms around her she felt so safe and wanted. On her hold he felt that he was more than just a beast doom by the gods, he felted loved he was trying to take it slow she seemed so fragile under his big body. Lost on each other arms, on a movement of love they showed own they loved each other without regrets. The next morning they wake up next to each other smiling like nothing could ruin their happiness.

Both got dress and he toke her to the nymphs’ vale saying goodbye with a warm kiss. Her touch was marked on his skin, a touch that he would never forget and his scent, his warm was on her something that would be with her forever. Later that night she was taken by the other nymphs to the presence of the gods as she got there she saw him tied with chains around his neck knelled looking down but the moment she entered he knew she was there, he felt her, he could feel her scent getting near. The gods knew what happen between them someone saw it and told them and know was time to pay for it, a beast can never get involved with a nymph.

-You two know why you are here – Zeus started – It’s time for your punishment.

- But… - She tried to talk, while he still looked down.

- But nothing this beast broke the rules! – He screamed. – He must be punished!

- You can’t do that he did nothing wrong.

- He took you on his embrace, knowing that he shouldn’t even talk to you.

- I was the one that pulled him to me, it wasn’t his fault. – She was trying to save him be lying.

- That’s a lie! She didn’t do anything – He got up and screamed surprising her. – I did wrong I disserve to be punished. – He didn’t look at her and Zeus didn’t let anyone talk.

- SILENCE! You both are going to be punished!

And they were, they were both doom to search for each other on Minus underground labyrinth on Crete, doom to hear each other voice but never be close to see each other, to remember each other touch but never actually touch each other. Each time they were getting near one another the labyrinth would create more walls to separate each other. They would never see each other, Youngbae is doom to hear the woman he love cry for his name while she looks for him…

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lyndzmf #1
Chapter 5: I love your short stories
Chapter 3: G R E A T J O B !
writing this fanfic!
_queengnayoung_ #3
Thanks for the story/fanfics it's perfect! I had fun time reading this! [;
PERFECT! I love it thx for the storyy!
Chapter 16: Hahahahahaha Lol OMG It's like u wrote this about me xD .. I WANNA KISS YB <3<3:P hahaha I LAUGHED SO HARD ON DRUNK xD
In case you couldn't tell, I liked this.
gemmaflame #7
Chapter 16: Imao GD jealous?
Chapter 16: LMAO Ji's last line at the end hahahaha
Chapter 16: OMG...haha
The one shot on Monster is simply fabulous ...