Chapter 1

Color Me Into Your World




„Are you comfortable?”

„Are you really asking?”

The brown-haired girl in the flower-printed dress smiled as she pierced a handful fabric with a pin and fastened to the man’s side.

“Though the opinion of those who will valuate this suit matter, your opinion doesn’t matter any less. You’re going to wear this suit. If you don’t like it, what’s the point?”

Kris eyed his figure in the mirror for a second. Then his eyes were slowly skipping to the reflection of the kneeling figure next to him. She was focused on smoothing the fabric down, her slender fingers pulling at the edges with intent. Her eyes were following the movement. Her lips were red and pursed in concentration.

“Kris, don’t make me ask again.”

“It feels good on my skin. I can’t say I like the colors though.” He fiddled with the garment around his neck with distaste. “Especially on the necktie. Why is it striped? It makes me look like a clown.”

The girl stood up and turned towards the mirror too.

“Red means passion, danger and power. It gives strength to your appearance.” She pointed a finger at the tie without looking away from the mirror. “Blue on the other hand symbolizes peace, harmony and cold. It prevents you from coming off fierce or raw. These two colors balance each other out. Putting them together in this necktie, which on its own is the symbol of authority and confidence, is the perfect choice. They highlight your perfect features and make you look flawless.”

Kris couldn’t help but glance at her again. She was still looking in the mirror but she was more occupied with the piece of fabric so she didn’t notice him staring. She really knows how to speak, just what to say, he thought.

Do you want to showcase pitiful excuse of clothes on nameless stages for the rest of your life? You don’t have a future there, Kris. Think ahead and make the right choice, his head comes up with words from another woman.

Whatever way he decides, he can’t procrastinate any longer. Time is ticking and people are on the line. But when will the right time come?

“Usually when I compliment you, you have the tendency to tell me off. Are you finally accepting the fact that you look good?”

Kris lifted an eyebrow at the female’s comment.

“Hana, stop. Please.”

She smiled again while fastening the tie around his neck. When she looked up, into his eyes, Kris’s heart has leaped in his chest.

“You’ll never change, will you? Always so decent. Always so modest.”

“Should I say thank you or yes, I know?” He smirked, feigning confidence. “I might look good but I’ll never look good enough. There’s no use in boasting either.”

With that the try-on had ended. Kris shed the jacket piece by piece. Hana gathered them all and laid them down on the nearby table.

“Do you need a ride home?”

“Nuh, I’ll have a meeting by six with the directorate. But thanks.” She answered, putting lastly the necktie on top of bunch. “Maybe next time.”

Next time… as always.

Kris put on his own jacket and held out hers for her to get into. Hana rewarded the kind action with a grin.

“Do you have a date tonight?”

He was so caught off guard he could do nothing but gasp at first.

“Um… no?”

“Too bad. Anybody would fall in love with you, if you pulled a stunt like this on them.” Hana joked then became serious. “Have more confidence in yourself, Kris. You’re a good guy. With or without fancy clothes. Inside and out… I’ll make sure the world knows that. Just watch me.”

They switched the lights off and left the room. While Hana was closing the door, Kris stood on the side upset.

No decisions are easy. But why this is the hardest one?




* * * * *



It was raining so hard on Thursday morning that Hana had to take the bus, instead of walking to the company as she usually does.

There were a lot of people thinking the same way. She had to stand at the very back of the vehicle, desperately holding onto the handle above her head, in fear of falling over thanks to the force the businessman on the left being squished into her. It was uncomfortable to say the least and he had only got off one stop earlier than Hana did. After she got off, she stretched out her arms and relished in the sound her popping joints has made.

At the company, most of the employees were sorting out documents and answering phone calls. As Hana passed by them, they all bowed their heads regardless what they were doing at the moment. She nodded curtly and quickened her steps towards her office.

Junmyeon was already there, waiting for her with two cups of coffee.

“Latte macchiato?”

“Certo.” He said and after taking off the lid, gave the drink out. “Where is your umbrella?”

“I took the bus instead. On a second thought, I shouldn’t have. The traffic was crazy and there were way too many people.”

“You should have just called for a car.”

Hana took off her coat and dropped it on the peg in the corner of the room. When she turned around, distaste was written on her face.

“Over my dead body.”

Junmyeon drank a bit of his own coffee with a smirk.

“There are situations regarding to which it’s better to throw away your pride.”

“It’s not about pride. It’s about control and I can’t let them think for a second they can have control over me.”

She sat down into the armchair situated in front of her desk and took a sip of her latte. Just thinking about the knowing smirks on all the directors’ faces made her tremble with anger.

“Alright. I’m not here to ruin your day.” Junmyeon shrugged then pointed to the folder he had placed on the desk before she arrived. “These are the reports from last month’s sale.”

Hana reached for the documents instantly and quickly skimmed through them. When she was finished, her mood has undeniably risen.

“There’s an increase.”

“Yes, compared to the previous month there is. It’s nothing really big but it definitely helps us in moving forward.” Junmyeon cleared his throat before asking. “How did it go yesterday with the board?”

“Why you do ask? You obviously know.”

Junmyeon has been part of the board but unlike the old men who have hated Hana to the guts, he was on the girl’s side, keeping a friendship next the business one. If Junmyeon wasn’t, Hana would have been dropped out already.

The man sighed.

“I want to hear it from you, Hana.”


“To sum it up, they were against anything I have said once again.” She responded nonchalantly, fingers skipping through the organized tables in the folder. “I opened my mouth and one of the Director Lees miraculously has already had something in mind to say.”

“You’re sarcastic.”

“It doesn’t change on the fact that they’re doing this. They’re trying to break me down. To corner me and leave me with no choice but giving up.”

Hana slightly turned her chair towards the full glass windows behind her back. The rain was still going strong, wetting the other tall buildings around and making the atmosphere dark and gloomy.

“Are you afraid?”

Junmyeon’s voice was coming from close and sounded concerned.

“I’m not. I’m just stressed. And a lot more disappointed.”

“They want the best for the company.”

“They don’t know what the best for the company is.”

Next there was a soothing hand on her shoulder. Hana exhaled loudly.

“Don’t be too tense… Be a more open-minded, please.”

Now this was funny. She lightly chuckled and got hold of the hand trying to calm her down.

“Are you sure? They say the problem with me is that I’m too open-minded.”

Junmyeon shared her joy with a faint smile but didn’t let go of the topic.

“Use that skill of yours to dismiss this tension between you and the board. It can’t go on forever like this.”

“Yeah. One of us has to go.”

The older man sighed again and closed his eyes for a second.

“Hana, that’s not what I’ve meant.”

“I know… but at the moment, there is no other option.” She explained and turned back to her desk. “Anyway, the company has bigger problems right now. We have to solve those first. That’s why I advise to finish this conversation and let’s move onto the tasks of the day.”

Junmyeon nodded in agreement.

“Okay. If you sign this report, I’ll pass it on.”




* * * * *


Hana knocked twice before entering.

The room was as messy as it could be. Fabrics were thrown over mannequins and pins were scattered across the long table. She was careful not to step on everything as she approached the man working above a big piece of paper.

“Hi. Do I disturb you?”

“No, I think I can take a break.” Kyungsoo answered and putting the pencil down, he took off his glasses to rub tiredness out of his eyes. “What brings you here?”

He’s been one of the few employees Hana has been close to, not just on a professional level. Kyungsoo has been part of her life as long as she can remember and has always stood by her side, whether those times were happy or sad. He has the support Hana can’t be in lack of, he is the one source she gains strength from and the last person on Earth she wants to disappoint. His importance can’t be measured.

“I’ve wanted to check on you.”

“You don’t think I can cope?”

“Don’t be mean. I brought you lunch too.” She rolled her eyes before taking a seat. She gave the lunchbox to the man on her left and looked at the fixed paper on the desk. “This is your plan for the winter season?”

“A rough sketch of what I’m thinking, yes.” Kyungsoo approved after taking a bite of the chicken sandwich. “The center will be gainsboro, the sleeves dark blue.”

“Won’t the contrast be too big?”

“If we add black buttons and a slight line of silver they’ll fit.”

“Good idea.” She hummed as she was following the lines and forms drawn with her eyes. “Let’s make the pants all blue.”

“No, the pants will be gainsboro. Too much blue is not good.”

Hana turned her attention to the male next to her with narrowed eyes.

“Too much gainsboro isn’t good either. It’ll look boring.”

“Well, too much blue would look colorful.” Kyungsoo pierced back before wiping his mouth with a napkin from the box. “Men can’t walk around wintertime looking like a Van Gogh painting.”

“Why not? I love Van Gogh.”

“Yeah. And you’re a woman.”

“Yeah? Then you.”

Kyungsoo chuckled in the middle of putting his glasses back, seeing Hana pouting.

“Okay, I’ll take that back. That was ist and unfair.”

“You better do… I know you didn’t mean it in a bad sense though.” She looked back at the sketch with unreadable eyes. “You wouldn’t.”

Kyungsoo had sensed something was off when Hana entered but wasn’t sure it’s okay to ask. Now he’s convinced she needs some talk. Unfortunately it’s already half past twelve, they can’t be in two any longer.

“Ya, ‘Soo, sorry for being late there was an issue with- Hey, flower, you here?”

Baekhyun was seemingly delighted with finding Hana in the room as well. He closed the door and practically ran to her for a hug.

“How are you, dear?”

“I’m fine. You?”

“It’s lonely without you around. If Jongdae wasn’t there, I’d be bored out of my mind.”

“Don’t speak nonsense.”

The girl hugged him back with the same enthusiasm but didn’t forget about the earlier part of his sentence so she continued on a different note.

“What issue were you mentioning?”

“Ah, that. It’s nothing important. You know, just one of the usual banters.” Baekhyun waves it off then turns to the other man around. “Hey ‘Soo.”

“Thanks for taking note of my presence.”

“I’ve noticed you! But then I saw Hana and –“

“Cut the crap.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “Did you bring the photos I’d asked of Jongdae?”

“Yes, they’re here.”

As the two men were flipping through the pages, Hana felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. It wasn’t such a long time ago when she was the same as them. When she was a part of their team, spending fifteen hours together out of twenty-four. Now things have changed. She has an office on the top floor, away from them and the work she has loved so much to do.

She’s still doing something which is important to her and wants to manage. But it comes with neglecting something she truly loves and has always had in mind to do and it makes her feeling left out sometimes.

“Jongdae likes this one the best.” Baekhyun pointed at one of the picture in the album. “He kept ranting about last night how magnificent it is.”

Kyungsoo nodded.

“It’s great. Can you leave it here? I want to examine all the photos.”

“Yes, of course… Hana.”

Hearing her name called, the girl snapped out of thinking and looked up.

“What is it?”

“I’ve changed my mind. Could you come with me for a while?” Baekhyun asked. “I think I’ll need your help.”

“Yeah, why not?”

Junmyeon doesn’t like her wondering around instead of sitting in her office as she’s supposed to but Hana coudln’t say no to that request. She might be away from them but she’s still with them in heart and wants to help them as much as she can with her position.

Baekhyun smiled thankfully and went to the door. Hana gathered her stuff too and stood up.

“Thanks for stopping by.” Kyungsoo said, handling the lunchbox back.

The girl shook her head lightly.

“Just keep it. I’m thankful you’ve made time for me.”

“I hope next time we’ll have more time talk... If you need something, an advice or just someone to listen to you, I’m here, okay? Don’t hesitate to look for me if you feel like.”


Hana followed Baekhyun out.

Kyungsoo watched as she walked through the room. Something is definitely troubling her. But what it could be? The same old problem with the board? Or something else?

He picked up the pencil left on the table and continued working out details. When he leaned a little over the right, his elbow collided with the now empty lunchbox.

Kyungsoo packed it away into his bag with a smile.

* * * * *




“Originally I didn’t want this to concern you but… It might be serious. Get ready, this is going to be loud and stupid.”


Hana didn’t understand what Baekhyun was referring to. All he has told her was that she’s needed in the models’ meeting. Now she was intrigued to say the least.

Upon opening the door, shouting reached her ears.

“… and you, Huang Zitao, are a shameless liar! You knew this is going to happen but haven’t said anything.”

“Don’t blame it on me.”

“Who else should I blame?! The one who is responsible for this is nowhere to be seen.”

Hana carried her gaze around the meeting room. All the people were sitting quietly, saved for two tall, blonde men looking at each other in fury.

A dark-haired one next to one of them has noticed the added presence and gripped the other’s shirt to get his attention.

“Quit it guys, Hana is here.”

All heads turned to her as Hana stepped ahead with Baekhyun. The two arguing men shut up and sat down with remorse.

“Care someone telling me what’s going on?”

A petite woman at the end of the table stood up with an apologetic smile. She was Tiffany, one of the coordinators.

“We were about to start the meeting but an issue has come up.”

Interesting, Baekhyun was naming it as an issue earlier too. Hana looked at one of the blondes.

“Sehun, why were you yelling with Tao?”

Sehun ran his fingers through his bleached strands with a huff. His nostrils were flaring with anger. Hana has known him as a boy with a laid-back, seemingly uncaring personality. Something big must have happened to see him in a state like this.

“Ask lovely Tao over there. He has to eat what they’ve cooked.”

The other blonde, Tao, snorted.

“Stop being a child, Sehunnie. This is not time to get your revenge. You know damn well I have nothing to do with this, you just –“

“I don’t care how you two are standing. I want to know why the meeting is halted.” Hana interrupted impatiently. “Is there somebody else who can enlighten me what the is going on?”

Tiffany bit her lip at the tone. Baekhyun exchanged looks with Jongdae sitting next to the woman but none of them has said anything.

It was the same dark-haired man from before, another model, Jongin, who has gathered enough courage to speak.

“Kris hasn’t come to work today.”

Instantly Hana looked around. The models were all familiar but one from missing. Kris.

“Has anyone tried to call him?”

“We all did.” Baekhyun told. “He’s not picking up.”

“Have you tried reaching Victoria?”

She’s been Kris manager ever since the latter’s career has picked up. She was a trustworthy and kind woman, always thankful to Hana for taking up Kris and helping him paving a way in the industry.

“She can’t reach him either. She’s on the way here.” Tiffany informed them after checking her phone.

Hana took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. This is just a joke. An accident. Kris is slumbering in his apartment, his phone forgotten in his jacket or he went to jog and left his phone at home but it can’t be what they all assume it is.

“I’ll look for him.” Hana announced and turned to Baekhyun on her right. “You all figure out where he could be with Victoria after she arrives. If you’ve found anything, I have my phone with me.”

Before Baekhyun or anyone else could utter a word, Hana had already closed a door and was running up the stairs for her coat and Junmyeon’s car key.





Author's Note
... so this is how the 1st chapter turned out. What do you think about it? Are you curious what happens next? If you are, subscribe and if you have even more time, please, write a comment and tell me your first impressions. Thank you if you're willing to!

I'm trying to bring the next chapter as soon as I can. Until then, take care!





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170823 After pretty much forever, Chapter 17 is out and with it, I am back to writing as well. Sorry for the long wait <3


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Chapter 19: Welcome back! As expected you delivered a good chapter!
Hana finally figured out her feeling for Chanyeol! Ugh I love the way she admitted it right away, no beating around the bush. Kyungsoo could see it too, I'm curious what'd he do afterward.
About Jessica, I can sense something really bad will happen during her show, perhaps about the clothes?

Congratulations for reaching half way! Can't wait to see your next update!
And also a big thank to mizusora, the design is really adorable >~<
Chapter 18: If there is a like button for each chapter I'd press it without hesitation. I'm getting super excited after all the unsolved questions appeared in this chapter. I have a feeling that Hana will soon face a lot of difficulties. Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next xD

Your writing is really good, as always. Keep up the awesome work!

P.s: I really like Twenty four in EXO's latest winter album. Jongin's sweet voice in the chorus kills me ; ;
hcanarda #3
Chapter 18: The silent treatment we autora get is the worst most of the times so I decided to comply and just tell you I've been reading this well! It's a lovely sorry
awww the description sounds so cute~ i especially love the title! wishing you the best of luck with this ^^ im sure itll be great <3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad that you came back. I really enjoyed it and always hoped to see your upcoming chapters.

your story line is not rushing, it seems peaceful and fierce at the same time. not to mention the way you characterised your characters , that's what attracted me a lot.

thanks so much for continuing this.
Chapter 8: I love f(x), especially their most recent promotions. The second I heard 4 walls I was obsessed - seriously. I thought the flowers and jewelry was from Kris, but since it seemed that you suggested that they're from different people the flowers might be from Jessica or Luhan. The jewelry may be from Kris, for old times sake or something like that. Lol I kind of got mad when Hana got an assistant she didn't ask for, like do they not think she can handle things herself? I mean, she probably can't exactly from what she told Channie but they should've asked her first yo. Good chapter as always, thank you for writing this (:
Chapter 6: Damn. I'm enjoying this story. wahhhhhh xD can't wait for the next update. teheee~
Chapter 5: I enjoyed reading this very much, I'm glad Channie seems to start believing in his good looks. There were some parts in the chapter that I found funny like the auntie wanting to oggle Yeol at a closer distance and reading this just brings a smile to my face, thank you. But I was wondering if you're interested in fashion, taking classes, in a design club, or something? Personally, this stuff really interests me and I was thinking of designing my own things.