Chapter 8

Deja Vu demon in the night.


"Yah, Miyeon-ssi, are you okay?" 

Miyeon looked up and saw a familiar face. It was unexpectedly.... Jinyoung.

"O-oh, it's you." she said, clearing and wiping her tears away.

"What are you doing here?"

They both asked each other at the same time coincidentally. 



There they went again, both voices ringing together.

"You go first," Jinyoung said.

"I was just on my way home,"

"O-oh.... I'm just here to bring my cousin out for a walk," he scratched his neck.

She looked around him but saw no one.

"Oh, she's just hanging around by herself somewhere here." he said casually.


"Sit," she scooted to the left and tapped the right spot, offering him to sit with her. "

'Well, this is awkward.' Jinyoung thought to himself.

"Can I ask you something?" Jinyoung turned and looked at Miyeon.

She nodded, looking curious.


"Why were you crying?"


She paused and bit her lip, hesitating for awhile. 

"Don't worry, I don't have such a big mouth to spread stuff in school. And if you're feeling uncomfortable, then-"


"Would you like it if a stranger shows his love for your girlfriend without knowing that you and her are dating?" she interrupted him. That was a really frank question that came out of her. Jinyoung lowered his head. Just hearing the word "girlfriend", he immediately thought of his ex-girlfriend again.


" That would hurt," he said, without looking at Miyeon. Then, he figured it out within seconds. "You mean-"

Jinyoung turned, and saw her weeping silently. He was taken aback. Jinyoung hates to see girls cry. It makes him all guilty inside, as if he's the bad guy. He leaned in slightly closer, then moved back, hesitating. He patted her shoulder and comforted her, "Stay strong. You'll get over it."


Surprisingly, she hugged him and cried on his shoulder. Jinyoung's jaw dropped. His heart beat at a crazy speed, as fast as lightning. His arms moved slowly, hugging her back hesitantly. He plucked out all his courage and her hair, comforting her. His face was flushed red, he was still in shock. Feeling like his heart was going insane, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Then he thought, 'Why am I behaving this way? I'm just acquaintances with her! What is this insanity, Jung Jinyoung? Shisus!'

She calmed down and sobbed, then let go of Jinyoung.

"I'm sorry."

Jinyoung gulped. "Uhm, it's okay. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, thanks." she smiled.


"Jinyoung oppa! Who is this? Your new girlfriend?"


Sunjin came along. She wiggled her brows adorably at Jinyoung and smirked at him. Then she turned back to Miyeon and bowed down, greeting her respectfully.

"Aish, what are you talking about kid?! Introduce yourself!" Jinyoung nudged her.

"Hello, I am Sunjin, Jinyoung's cousin," As Sunjin smiled, her teeth showed and it was cute that she was missing the two front teeth.

"Oh, hi Sunjin! You can call me Miyeon unnie, I'm Jinyoung's classmate in school," she bent down and patted Sunjin's head. 'Ah, so she's Miyeon.' Jinyoung said to himself.

Sunjin rested her chin on her hand and raised a brow. "You guys.... are only...... classmates?" she looked at both of them, squinting her eyes, trying to see if they're lying to her.

"We're not, punk!" Jinyoung smacked her lightly and Miyeon laughed.

"Sunjin ah, we're really just classmates. Your oppa was just comforting me just now. There's nothing, really," she said to Sunjin. Jinyoung shot Sunjin a death glare, preventing her from saying anything worse. Sunjin burst into laughter and nodded, "Okay, I got it!"

"Hey, it's getting boring if we're gonna just sit here and...... talk? Let's go to the playground!!" Sunjin suggested. She dragged them both and skipped to the playground happily.


They all had a whale of time at the playground, pushing Miyeon as she sat on the swing, playing blind mice and 'tag'... Miyeon seemed to have forgotten all that happened before, and Jinyoung watched as she got happier while playing around. He was glad to see her smile.

Just then, Sunjin was preparing to slide down this steep, narrow red slide. Jinyoung and Miyeon stood at the sides, getting ready to catch her before she falls. She slid down fast. Sunjin looked like she was about to drop off the narrow slide, so Miyeon and Jinyoung leaned in and supported her. When they leaned in, they accidentally bumped into each other's heads..... again.

"Ow..." Miyeon rubbed her forehead. Sunjin witnessed what happened and her contagious laughter rang in the air, afterwards causing the two careless fools to laugh together.


In the midst of all the fun the dorks were having, Miyeon wasn't aware of what was happening on the other hand....


"It's getting late, I guess I should go. I had alot of fun today thanks to both of you," she ruffled Sunjin's hair and smiled at Jinyoung. "... I hope to see you soon okay, Sunjin?" 

Sunjin nodded obediently. Jinyoung watched as them both interacted. Sunjin took her leave and bid goodbye to them. She turned around and started walking, but was then stopped. 

"Hey, M-Miyeon? Y'need a lift?" he called out.


They were in the car and Sunjin was leaning on Jinyoung's shoulder, soundly asleep.

Miyeon checked her phone.

'7 missed calls from Junhyung,'

She started feeling anxious and guilty. 'What if he thinks that I'm mad at him?'

Meanwhile, Jinyoung looked out of the window, gazing at the stars in the sky.

Then he turned and saw Miyeon, all frantic and continuously punching numbers on her phone. "... Miyeon ssi, are you... okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."


"It was nice today. I hope you feel better. See you tomorrow," Jinyoung watched her open the gate.

She stepped in and waved to him.

"H-hey...... um...." Jinyoung stopped her again.



"... may I have your number?"



A/N: So, you can tell that Jinyoung's not much of a spoilt rascal in this chapter..... he still has a nice side though :)

Just to inform you guys that the ~drama~ will be coming soon~~ Be patient! Also, remember to comment and subscribe! My comments' section has been rotting for ages.......... PLEASE REVIVE IT AND DON'T IGNORE ME T____T

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jaejoong #1
oh so jiyeon likes him? :o
@jaejoong you funny bish.
jaejoong #3
tammie omgggggggggggggg<br />
omg omg omg omg omg <br />
;;CRYING<br />
this is great bb<3
@Jubiliance LOL okay! thanks bb.
Jubiliance #5
Subscribed bb I'll read the fic later after my homework teehee :B
@jaejoong LOL thanks.
jaejoong #7
i almost choked. lmfao good job tammie :)
@jaejoong yes yes yes diana. looool i updated again.
jaejoong #9
dont judge my u/n! *blushes*<br />
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