

Summer’s eyes squinted in concentration as she read the block of text that took up two of the six pages she held in her hand and she was surprised to find the other one was still managing to move along the mirror in circular motions.  Friday had come along and she longed for a weekend where her job was the only thing she had to worry about, but there would be no chance of that now with upcoming holidays being overshadowed.


That day her class had received notification of where they were allocated for work placement and Summer had been handed the details of a company that dealt with pamphlets highlighting a guided tour of historic Seoul.  The placement wouldn’t start for several weeks and stretch over the winter break, but she was already dreading it.  It meant that once her regular university work was done, she would spend two days a week at the company, helping them to redesign everything and conduct tours, as well as work at YG.


She was far too engrossed in reading about the Amsa-Dong Prehistoric Settlement to look up when the door opened, realising too late that even if it was Heejin - which would have made sense given she still had fifteen minutes left - she was sure to receive a chiding for not concentrating on her work.  The voice that appeared from behind her was even worse though.  “I’ve been looking for you.”


Lowering the paper slowly she turned around to face Junhoe, trying to rearrange her expression into something at least half pleasant for show.  “Cool, I love a good game of hide and seek.  I’ll count to a hundred while you go hide.”


“Funny.  I’ve got a bone to pick with you,” he announced and this caught her attention.  Immediately she grew apprehensive, wondering what it could possibly be about.  He stood across the room from her, his sullen gaze studying her carefully and she tried to stop herself from fidgeting nervously.  “Are you a ssaesang fan?  How did you weasel your way in here?”


“What?  Are you kidding me?” she scoffed, actually letting out a laugh at the situation.  For a second Summer had honestly thought he was going to bring up something serious.  This however, was just ridiculous.


“You realise you’ll be in huge trouble if you break that contract I know all the staff have to sign.  I know you’re one of Jiwon’s stalkers.”


“Oh yeah?  And how did you possibly come up with that?” she quizzed, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for his answer.  Junhoe’s chin stabbed the air with the words and he strode over to the bench where her phone was sitting, pressing a button and holding it up to show a screen adorned with a picture of the shirtless idol.  Instead of being embarrassed or ashamed Summer’s anger only grew and she marched towards the boy.  “Excuse me.  That is my property, let go of it.  And how did you know what my background was anyway?”


As she closed in on him he only raised the phone higher, his eyes narrowing dangerously.  “I saw it the other night when you left it in here.  What about his shirt?  I know you were trying to steal it.  So answer the question, are you a ssaesang?”


“What kind of a person would admit to that?  Even a ssaesang would deny being one,” Summer pointed out, dropping the cloth she held and reaching up on her tiptoes to snatch her phone back from the boy.  “And I wasn’t trying to steal it you pabo, I was returning it.  He leant it to me because unlike your rude self he actually helped me when I was standing in the middle of the room dripping an entire lake onto the floor.”


This seemed to get him and Junhoe simply stood there silently, the anger clearly boiling up within him - though Summer presumed it was directed at himself this time.  She chose to ignore it, shoving her phone into her pocket and bending down to pick up the cloth from the floor instead.  Then moving back to the mirror she continued from where she left off, rubbing away the numerous smudges that had appeared throughout the day.


“Yeah?  Well what about Donghyuk’s hoodie then?  Care to explain that one?” he pushed and the girl paused in her work, glancing at him through the mirror.  If it wasn’t such a stupid situation she probably would have laughed at the way a vein in his neck was bulging.  Instead she threw him a puzzled look.


“I honestly have no idea.  The only time I touch your clothes is when they’re in the way and then I fold them and put them on the bench there.”


“You know, all it would take is me reporting you and you would be out of here,” Junhoe said and she spun around once more, her eyes widening with the threat.  “So you may as well just admit it.”


“I am not a ssaesang fan,” she retorted through clenched teeth, torn between the urge to throttle the boy and knowing she was walking on cracking egg shells.  “I swear.  Please don’t report lies to your superior, I really need this job.  Do you really think I choose to work and attend university full time?  I mean hell, if I was really one of your psychotic fans I wouldn’t be doing either, I’d be skipping class to go break into your dorm room or something.”


Summer hoped that this logic would be enough for Junhoe to see reason.  It seemed to do the trick, at least enough for him to stop accusing her.  His eyes still stayed narrowed at her however and the next moment he pointed a finger at her.


“Fine, but I’ll be watching you cleaning girl,” he warned, turning on his heel and marching over to the door.  Summer let out a huff at his words, scrunching the cloth up in her hand.


“Would it kill you to stop being so rude?  And I have a name you know, it’s Summer!” she called out to him, but the only reply she received was the slamming of the door.

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Chapter 25: Thank you so much for this wonderful story! (I'd love a sequel btw...
Chapter 24: gaaaaaaah i've been waiting for an update since this came out. i really hope this isn't the end. but i hope you're doing alright, authornim, since you didn't update for a while now. and great job so far! <3
honeii #3
Chapter 24: Omg ..... they're getting closer .. ♡♡♡
honeii #4
Chapter 20: Aww finally .. the cold war is over !!
Chapter 18: I miss Junhoe too. And I also miss the expectation my parents, teachers and peers set for me because I'm on aff reading incredible stories like these to satisfy my fangirly thirstiness. I miss a lot of things, including my birthday lol
Chapter 17: The feelz are killllliiinnngg meeeh!!! This shiet is so intense I cant handle it. Someone hold me
honeii #7
Chapter 17: That was short.. but the tension is so lit.. ♡♡♡
Chapter 9: wah! i like where the story's going to far! hope you continue! <3