Now Kyungsoo Knows


Kyungsoo’s in his car, probably sweating as he drives faster because he doesn’t want to make Haera wait. It’s not really a far drive from Jin’s Diners to the bus stop but Kyungsoo feels like it is.

He wants to see Haera and tell her he likes her and act like he’s not even bothered with Kai but damn, he’s sweating like hell and he’s ing nervous about facing her and it’s not good.

But Kyungsoo doesn’t want to talk about Kai right now.

He promised to Suho and Yuri that he wouldn’t freak out when he meets Haera after they told him about who Kai actually is. Heck, maybe it isn’t about the promise itself; Kyungsoo honestly thinks his fondness of Haera outweighs everything else.

They met at the campus when Haera’s still in class, Kyungsoo kind of nervous that the couple suddenly wants to see him, afraid if he did anything that has hurt Haera without him realising.

“What we’re about to tell you isn’t something that everyone takes so well, so please, I hope you’ll listen through,” Yuri spoke, voice so low,  sounding almost like she’s begging.

So Do Kyungsoo nodded, hesitantly because he didn't know what he’s about to hear.

“So you’ve heard about Kai, right?” Yuri asked and Kyungsoo didn't know why gulping his saliva seemed to be the most fascinating thing to do at the moment. Suho looked at him and gave a small smile when Kyungsoo finally gives a small nod.

Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel as if he’s being interrogated by the police.

“My girlfriend’s not gonna eat you, you know?” Suho chuckled out, eyeing him and Kyungsoo tried to hide in embarrassment. He’s not usually the type to shy out or be nervous for no reason but damn, he didn't know what got to him.

Haera’s a miracle. And he’s not planning to lose he’s newly found muse. Never.

“Kai’s not real.”

Kyungsoo's head shot up, eyebrows furrowing.

“He’s just...He’s Haera’s imagination,”Suho said and Kyungsoo could sense the reluctance in his voice.

Kyungsoo’s speechless. He had no words to say. Kai’s not real? Are they trying to say that the said guy he went to buy presents for with Haera doesn’t exist?

“We know it’s too much to take but Kyungsoo, Haera’s... she’s not crazy, she’s just... she’s troubled.”

Yuri’s in the verge of crying and he’s relieved that Suho’s here with them to cool her down.

“I’m not... I’m kinda.. I mean, I’m okay,” Kyungsoo blurted out and grabbed the couple’s attention.

“You mean.. you’re okay? You’re not.. not weirded out?”

Kyungsoo just stared Yuri and tries to find words to answer her question but didn't find any.

He’s not freaked out. Okay, maybe he was because usually, imaginary friends are actually the term you would usually hear from moms talking about their children playing with some Alice the princess from Andalusia.

But a grown up....? Kyungsoo isn’t really sure. Damn, he knew it was a great idea to take the psychology class and not follow Baekhyun for philosophy instead.

“I’m just.. surprised, that’s all.”

He can see the glint of relief in Yuri’s eyes and Suho gives him a quick nod and he knows his hyung is saying thank you to him.

“We’re glad you’re not already running, Kyungsoo. Haera has had a tough time in her past,” Suho says and Yuri turns to look at her boyfriend, and Kyungsoo can make out the words- ‘tell him’.

“Haera used to have this one best friend, his name is Jongin.”

Kyungsoo kept quiet, motioning his hyung to continue.

“They’ve been friends since diapers,  the inseparable pair, people would say. But then when they were fifteen, Jongin got hit by a car when he tried to save the lost puppies on the road, or that’s what she tries to believe,” Suho shrugged at the last part and Kyungsoo’s confused.

“What do you mean?” he questioned.

“Jongin... he’s a troubled kid. Well, we’ve never met him or anything but this is what Haera’s parents told me. He’s the perfect kid in front of everyone else because he couldn’t be perfect with his family,” Yuri answered. “His parents always wished for a duaghter, never a son and they made it clear with Jongin. That’s why Jongin is so close with Haera- he knows his parents love Haera like she’s their flesh and blood, so he lets them. He never complained. Haera gets everything he’s supposed to get as a child; love, presents, hugs, kisses, attention- everything.”

Yuri paused, eyes watery as Suho kissed on top of her head.

“They went out to the park one day, Jongin, Haera and their moms. But then suddenly Mrs Im heard Jongin’s mom say to him, ‘Go to the road, Jongin-ah’ and Mrs Im felt like something bad was going to happen. All of a sudden, all Mrs Im could see was Jongin already walking and Haera trying to stop him but Jongin walked too fast- the car hit him,”

Now Yuri’s sobbing, Suho shushing her, hugging her tight while Kyungsoo’s baffled.

What kind of mother is that? He tries to decipher every word he heard and thinks about Haera. She must have been through a lot...

“Haera didn’t want to accept that Jongin’s mother would do such a thing because Jongin’s mother was always very sweet towards her and the police just closed the case, couldn’t charge his mother for anything even when Mrs Im told them about what she heard because there wasn’t any proof. Some of their schoolmates who were there spread rumours that it was suicide because they said Jongin smiled at them as he crossed the road and the car wasn’t even driven that fast to begin with. But that made Haera mad. Jongin was a sweet boy, the only person she’s ever shared anything with, so hearing such rumours made her fume with anger. That’s how she came up with the story of Jongin trying to save the ‘puppies’ on the road,”

Suho’s the one who continued Yuri’s words, air quoting the word ‘puppies’  and Kyungsoo could just stay quiet.

Tragic. That’s all Kyungsoo could think of.

“The kids at her school just kept their mouths shut as Mrs Im went to her school personally, asking for the kids to just act normally and since Haera and Jongin are the kind of kids who everyone else were fond of, they decided to agree with Mrs Im’s wish. She didn’t go to school for months and was always found on the rooftop of some old building she and Jongin used to go together when she ran away from home,” Yuri explained, tears streaming down her face.

Kyungsoo felt a bit guilty seeing Yuri cry. She must have felt as surprised like he was at the moment when she was first revealed with such a news.

“That’s when.. that’s when Kai appeared. Her psychologist says that grief over the lost of loved ones can lead to this.. this imaginary thing. Haera’s parents tried to tell her that Kai isn’t real but they didn’t have the heart to do so. Their daughter was starting to become her old self again, they didn’t want to lose that.”

The atmosphere was engulfed with sadness, so sad Kyungsoo feels his eyes burning.

“What about... Jongin’s mother?” he asked, reluctant.

“Died. With her husband. They got into an accident. Well, I guess what goes around, comes around, right?”

There was a silent agreement to Suho’s statement.

“But... why Kai, though? I mean.. the name..?” Kyungsoo wanted to know. “We never asked her that but maybe if you’re lucky enough to surpass Kai’s grip on her, you can know more and maybe, you can be the one to slowly get her to crawl back to reality..”

Kyungsoo didn't know why but his lips curve into a small smile at the thought.



And yeah, he’s in love. He’s sure of it. He’s going to help Haera and he’s determined.

Kyungsoo stops at the bus stop and smiles when he sees Haera waiting there, playing with her feet. All his worries about Kai washes away right that moment and all he can focus on is Haera.

Now that he sees her, he’s not nervous anymore.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Haera,” he says as he rolls down the window, chuckling when he sees Haera completely surprised.

This is the girl Kyungsoo wants to make memories with. And so I will, he promises himself.





Hope you liked the chapter! <3 Shower meh with your love in the comments below ehehhehehehe love u lots, xo

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Chapter 8: That was emotional! So jongin mom is crazy, crazy to the point of practically killing him. Wow! Well soo is up for the challenge. He got one to untangle, love is powerful. I can't wait to see if it can undo this. :)
Chapter 7: So Kai made his escape before he could be reveal. I feel bad for Hae, because in reality she have friends and handsome Soo who's interested. Looking forward to next update. :)
Chapter 6: Awee...that's so sad. Tesr drop for Hae and Jongin. I just know that was going to be her future husband. Family knew and loved Jongin. Yeah thats a bad blow. But my girl needs a reality check. Kai is going to run all the real boys away. Until she lets him rest in peace. I can't wait to read some more. This was really good! :D
Chapter 5: Wait a minute!! Got me all twisted. Is Jongin real? Or is he a mind thing to.... Girl do she need someone real to talk to? I take that back because she's been talking to suho and yuri and yuri it seems to be encouraging her to stay in lala land. But it is kai second thought, lets lalalala along. Hehehehe!
Chapter 4: Okay girl. Baby girl got a wild imagination. Kai is her inner lover. Kyungsoo is going to want her all to himself. He's not going to share. Well let me keep going. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my is she nuts!!! I knew having a good looking friend like Kai was to much. Girl I would'nt be Kai friend. I would be trying to make him my man. Lol
Chapter 2: What cute friendships! She had Kai as a friend that's way to tempting. But I love Soo too. Xuimin and Soo are hilarious. Got to go and see what happens. :D
Chapter 1: So I see soo and baek are at it again. Soo is attracted but is holding back. Let me keep going. This good. :)
Chapter 6: I am in tears :'( . I have to say tho it's a well developed story!
Chapter 5: new reader here! i love the story line , very interesting!