

Bip. Bip. Bip.

Haera turns off her alarm clock with a click as she lies still on her bed.

It’s weekend and Haera’s grateful that the course she takes don’t have classes on weekends- which meant that she’s free for two days.

Yes, two full days to herself and she knows exactly what to do.

Despite being the professional sleeper she is, she has two things she has in mind to do today. First which involves quality time with Kai and another is to confront Kyungsoo.

Poor Kyungsoo. Haera left him with questions and she owes him for it.

He’s been calling, waiting her after classes – not too obvious for people to start rumours but enough for her to know that she’s the one he’s actually waiting for.

And she feels guilty. Really, really guilty.

It’s not that she doesn’t like Kyungsoo because oh God she does but it won’t work out. Until Kai finds his other half, she’s going to remain single.

And just for your information, Kai is very, very picky.

Haera’s not exactly mad at Kai for intruding the first decent conversation she had with Kyungsoo the other day because hey, they’re best friends and it’s what best friends do, right?

Best friends help each other. Best friends stick with each other.

So that’s what Haera’s going to do.

True, it’s not the first time this ever happened. Last year when Joon asked her out, Kai drifted away from her. Literally.

He didn’t wait for her after classes, he didn’t walk back with her and he didn’t even look at her. Imagine how frustrating it was for Haera.

At first she thought it was because he wanted her to spend more time with Joon but then after two weeks of her being ignored like that made her realise that it wasn’t just about Joon.

It was about Kai himself.

Haera still remembers the first time they met- on the rooftop where she and Jongin used to go.


Jongin is, well, he’s Haera’s best friend.

The gorgeous, perfect, gentleman Jongin is Haera’s best friend, yes.

Or was.

He died when they were 15, hit by a car when he tried to save a little puppy that looked lost on the road.

It was the most heart breaking day ever for Haera. They’ve been friends since they were in pampers, so when he died, Haera just couldn’t take it so well.

Months and months of depression, months and months of her not going to school, months and months of her running away from home, only to be found on top of the roof top, crying and crying.

People around her were worried, of course. Haera and Jongin used to be the inseperable pair, the duo that everyone loved and adored.

They tried everything. Visits to the psychologist, the therapist, the psychiatrist- everything.

But Haera didn’t get better.

Not even a bit.

But when people were about to give up, things changed.

Haera became better.

Haera smiled. Haera laughed. Haera talked.

And everything became normal again for the Im family.

Everyone was surprised but they didn’t complain. It was the Haera they were waiting for all the time and when she was back, they were more than happy.

And so they accepted Kai like he was real.

Kai became family.

Because if Kai didn’t show up at the roof top that day, Haera would never get better.

Kai, the imaginary, is real to Haera.











Hehe but i wanted to update :3 oh and welcome to the new subscribers and thanks so much for commenting! it means a lot <3

So how's the story so far? A yay or nay? hehe subscribe and comment pretty pleaseeee lol

xo, love you lots!

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Chapter 8: That was emotional! So jongin mom is crazy, crazy to the point of practically killing him. Wow! Well soo is up for the challenge. He got one to untangle, love is powerful. I can't wait to see if it can undo this. :)
Chapter 7: So Kai made his escape before he could be reveal. I feel bad for Hae, because in reality she have friends and handsome Soo who's interested. Looking forward to next update. :)
Chapter 6: Awee...that's so sad. Tesr drop for Hae and Jongin. I just know that was going to be her future husband. Family knew and loved Jongin. Yeah thats a bad blow. But my girl needs a reality check. Kai is going to run all the real boys away. Until she lets him rest in peace. I can't wait to read some more. This was really good! :D
Chapter 5: Wait a minute!! Got me all twisted. Is Jongin real? Or is he a mind thing to.... Girl do she need someone real to talk to? I take that back because she's been talking to suho and yuri and yuri it seems to be encouraging her to stay in lala land. But it is kai second thought, lets lalalala along. Hehehehe!
Chapter 4: Okay girl. Baby girl got a wild imagination. Kai is her inner lover. Kyungsoo is going to want her all to himself. He's not going to share. Well let me keep going. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my is she nuts!!! I knew having a good looking friend like Kai was to much. Girl I would'nt be Kai friend. I would be trying to make him my man. Lol
Chapter 2: What cute friendships! She had Kai as a friend that's way to tempting. But I love Soo too. Xuimin and Soo are hilarious. Got to go and see what happens. :D
Chapter 1: So I see soo and baek are at it again. Soo is attracted but is holding back. Let me keep going. This good. :)
Chapter 6: I am in tears :'( . I have to say tho it's a well developed story!
Chapter 5: new reader here! i love the story line , very interesting!